Google Analytics Not working Wordpress.

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Installed ultimate GA on wordpress and put in the user number as per instructions. Have been checking and it keeps saying 0 visits. I know this is not trues as have had a reply on my blog and checked it from several different computers to make sure it is working. It says tracking in Google Analytics and the Ultimate GA says it is fine.

I have not put the code given by google anywhere as the ultimate GA says it takes care of that.

Anyone know what I may be doing wrong, or any other way of putting google analytics on my site, or even an alternative? I just want to see what traffic i am getting, and that is pretty much it, but heard google was best.

Ideas, help etc. as always appreciated.

Cheers in advance
Just checked your source code.. Theres a space in your user code, I would've thought Google would trim the spaces but you never know

var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-18733138-1 ");

Try putting in your user code again without the space?
Have you only just completed the installation recently? If Google has verified it's receiving tracking information then you just need to sit tight for a few hours as the stats you see aren't in real time.
Indeed Will, they normally say you have to wait 24 hours to see your first set of stats, so Carl - if you've only just set it up, it will take a while to display any stats.

Also, I've never really used wordpress - but there must be an "Edit settings" section for that plugin you're using? Maybe you can modify the user id in that.

... Also, just reading here, it says
7. You can now find an Ultimate GA page under Options to set the options of the plug-in

Can you find the Ultimate GA options page and see what it's got there?
Think I have managed to delete the space, hopefully that will do it. I installed Wednesday I think, earlier in the week anyways. Hopefully the getting rid of the space might have sorted it out!

If you guys could just visit my site a cpl times over the next day or so, just to make sure I know people are going on it, I will report back with if the problem has been solved or not.

Know it;s a lot to ask, but would really be appreciated.

Failing that, just edit the footer.php of the theme you're using and manually put it in there :)

Or, header.php if you'd prefer to have it in the header :)

I tend to put anything that's not critical to the site looking right in the footer, then if it doesn't load properly, it doesn't arse up the rest of the site when it's not working properly