Google has crossed the red line. Nexus 5 ad

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Ok, so we can sell our gear and stop shooting weddings. Nexus 5 is apparently bloody awesome and will take care of that

Wasn't there OFCOM or something that regulates false advertising?
I'm going to get one of those babies and undercut some of you lot.
I think your reading far too much into an advert if I'm honest...the times are changing however and the reality is that people to want more freedom to share there life more and quicker...this industry is adapting to this
I think your reading far too much into an advert if I'm honest...the times are changing however and the reality is that people to want more freedom to share there life more and quicker...this industry is adapting to this

No, they are saying the phone camera can basically replace 1DX, and I am pretty sure a number a cheapskate bridezillas's will take a very good note of that when negotiating price, or may skip wedding photographer altogether (and regret later)
No, they are saying the phone camera can basically replace 1DX, and I am pretty sure a number a cheapskate bridezillas's will take a very good note of that when negotiating price, or may skip wedding photographer altogether (and regret later)

We're we watching the same advert?
All the advert says to me is "This phone lets you take a photo without having to be completely still". And a voice activation feature.
I agree with Matt. I don't get the impression this phone is being sold as a pro-body replacement, or to threaten wedding photographers.

However, I do think making the advert revolve around weddings is odd. Odd, but not sinister.
Are you expecting them to advertise the phone camera and say it's crap :rolleyes:
It's marketing. personal moments are something people relate to. in this case being married (or desire to ;) )

Which I could understand if they related it to generic personal moments. How many weddings do we (wedding togs aside)attend each year?

Its like me making a 10 scene advert promoting a Chefs Knife, and showing it cutting 10 types of sausages; as opposed to different food stuffs.

Bizarre stuff Google.
Which I could understand if they related it to generic personal moments. How many weddings do we (wedding togs aside)attend each year?

Its like me making a 10 scene advert promoting a Chefs Knife, and showing it cutting 10 types of sausages; as opposed to different food stuffs.

Bizarre stuff Google.
Naaaah marketing psychologists will tell you that one coherent theme (in this case they picked weddings) makes it easier for people to connect to than trying to capture all potential situations you would take a photo in reality ;)
Storm in a teacup ! When digital cameras first exploded on to the market in the 80's. they said that wedding photography was over.
Just point and shoot and print it off at home !
Naaaah marketing psychologists will tell you that one coherent theme (in this case they picked weddings) makes it easier for people to connect to than trying to capture all potential situations you would take a photo in reality ;)

Well I would love to meet one and tell them why they are wrong! ;)

Slightly OT, but Apple's iPhone adverts use a whole plethora of scenarios yet still keep it slick and engaging.
Well I would love to meet one and tell them why they are wrong! ;)

Slightly OT, but Apple's iPhone adverts use a whole plethora of scenarios yet still keep it slick and engaging.
There's no right or wrong in social sciences. Just different approaches that engage in endless arguments. And no you don't want to start arguing with one of them ;)
There's no right or wrong in social sciences. Just different approaches that engage in endless arguments. And no you don't want to start arguing with one of them ;)

I was fishing for one :LOL: but ok ok I'll get back to the editing I was trying to distract myself from!

Ok, so we can sell our gear and stop shooting weddings. Nexus 5 is apparently bloody awesome and will take care of that

Wasn't there OFCOM or something that regulates false advertising?

I'm really struggling to see how you've arrived at this conclusion from this video?:shrug:
No different to David Bailey's Olympus Trip adverts from thirty years ago.

It's just an advert! Nobody would be outraged if it showed people taking gig photos or anything else. Who cares if people use their phones to take photos at a wedding?? Oh yes, precious wedding photographers :)

Ok, so we can sell our gear and stop shooting weddings. Nexus 5 is apparently bloody awesome and will take care of that

Wasn't there OFCOM or something that regulates false advertising?

Let us know how you get on with your complaint. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
No, they are saying the phone camera can basically replace 1DX, and I am pretty sure a number a cheapskate bridezillas's will take a very good note of that when negotiating price, or may skip wedding photographer altogether (and regret later)

They said that in the ad? I must have been distracted.

I think you're over reacting. Watch the ad carefully. Would a wedding photographer be jumping up and down behind all those guests trying to get a shot? No. They'd be at the front where wedding photographers normally would be. This ad is aimed at people who want to take photographs of moments such as these. People like family and friends.
The only argument that can be put forward to Ofcom is that usage of photos on the screen that do not represent the true quality of the device's in built camera. Although they are some cracking photos, may aswell sell my 1DX as it's heavier, sod it, with the range of the digital zoom on the Nexus I may aswell sell my 500mm F4 :D

I wouldn't worry about it, if there are some brides out there that go for this idea then they can stick it where the sun doesn't shine, if they want to skimp on the photography then they may aswell just get married in Macdonalds :D
This is like Nokia's Lumia 920 f***-up all over again!

[EDIT] I love the swear filtering! :D
The only argument that can be put forward to Ofcom is that usage of photos on the screen that do not represent the true quality of the device's in built camera. Although they are some cracking photos, may aswell sell my 1DX as it's heavier, sod it, with the range of the digital zoom on the Nexus I may aswell sell my 500mm F4 :D

I wouldn't worry about it, if there are some brides out there that go for this idea then they can stick it where the sun doesn't shine, if they want to skimp on the photography then they may aswell just get married in Macdonalds :D

This is my point exactly. They show some fake photos, probably taken with a very high end dSLR in very low light tracking a moving subject. This is a big ask from 5DIII right at the end of its capability limits, and google are effectively saying this is easy with their new smartphone. So it is either misleading and unethical (very much hope so) or they simply say we outed 1DX killer. This may be obvious to us, but it is not obvious to the people not skilled in the art. I personally know highly educated people who think smart phone can do it all, so how is this not contributing to that?
You're right on that front, correct me if I'm wrong but were there not two large phone companies who had to remove their adverts for the same thing? I'm sure one was the Samsung galaxy as they were showing capabilities that were not possible at the time, and I believe Sony got in trouble for the same thing! There are some gullible people out there and considering how many iPad shooters I see when I'm doing a wedding shoot it will mislead some!
Typical thread that involves weddings:

No of 'outraged' wedding photographers = 1
No of other wedding photographers not bothered = lots

No of people who feel the need to point out wedding photographers are 'precious' = 2

Way to go. Read the sticky, step back and realise who it is that creates 'those' wedding photography threads. Then go take part in discussions you know something about ;)

Personally I can see the OP's point, there's no way those pictures were taken as shown. Whether that's a deliberate attempt by Google to put wedding photographers out of business though? It's a bit of a leap.
its an advert - just like the peugot 307 doesn't really make you the sort of guy who can fight sharks, and the Gillette razor doesn't really make you more attractive to women
its an advert - just like the peugot 307 doesn't really make you the sort of guy who can fight sharks, and the Gillette razor doesn't really make you more attractive to women
There goes my Shark-Fighting career, and I've decided to keep my moustache now.
All I can do is giggle at the responses, Phil's especially, true and to the point! Pete, unfortunately there are some out there who do believe Gillette will get the women wet but for the rest of us, shaving is just a chore that you hate doing :p
If it showed a professional at a wedding chucking his DSLR kit in a bush and pulling out his phone then maybe there'd be a case to answer. As it is, it doesn't and there isn't.
yeah I realised when I stopped wearing it and was still vastly attractive to women, it wasn't the lynx effect at all, it was just my looks and charisma... I want my money back