Growing Chillis

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I have grown my own for a few years, love just popping outside in summer and picking them. I have used this place the last 2 years so though I would pass on a copy of the email with the discount code in - some real hot ones on their site, but have to admit to really liking the weak cherry bombs - lovely flavour. The ship in April as small plug plants, or you can buy seeds.

You are receiving this email because you have previously bought chilli plants or products from us, or have signed up to our mailing list.

I hope that you had a great growing season last year and to get you on your way for this year, I’m pleased to let you know that this year’s collection of usual and not so usual chillies are now available for pre-order, for shipping in April.

As an added incentive to get growing again, if you order your plants from us before the 4th April, we’re pleased to offer you 15% off on all plant orders. This discount is available on all plants, from our delicious Cherry Bombs and Jalapeños, to the deadly Naga and Bhut Jolokia, or Ghost Chilli.

All you have to do is enter the code AVCPROMO at our checkout. Feel free to use this as many times as you like, and pass on to your friends!

We’re also offering chilli seeds (although you may be too late for this year!) and our range of delectable chilli products. These include our award winning Diablo and Inferno sauces, as well as the unique fruity tastes of our Bay Boy and Little Rascal sweet chilli sauces, and the sticky sweetness of our Little Devil chilli jelly.

Keep watching this space, as over the summer we’ll be revealing a new range of products, including a smoky chilli BBQ sauce, and fiery North African Harissa paste.

Have a look now at
Thanks Simon.

I have grown a few varieties from seed but I find it a bit hit and miss.

Starting from plants looks much more likely to be successful.

(y) thanks for the link, reminded me to get some this year.
Just what I was planning to add to my vegetable garden this year....Thanks for the link
I'm only buying one plant this year. I've had multiple plants and lost track of what's what.
Thanks Simon.

I have grown a few varieties from seed but I find it a bit hit and miss.

Starting from plants looks much more likely to be successful.


Pretty much idiot proof. I keep them indoors in pots till May, and only put out on nice days, always bring them in on cold nights, then leave out from late May onwards.
nothing like 2 mins from plant to pan.....
Young healthy plants from 'anna valley' arrived this week, well packed and in very good condition - now planted in pots and the waiting begins :)
Oh, nice reminder, we did well last year growing our own but need fresh seedlings, wifey can get busy tomorrow.
Thanks for the link, although looks like the voucher code has now expired I've ordered a couple of plants and we'll see how I get on :) thanks!! (y)
Prompt delivery (next Day), well packaged and VERY healthy looking plants.

(y) here, thanks for posting the link, even if I was slow to find it :LOL:
First chilli from the crop eaten yesterday and very nice too.
Although one plant got damaged (knocked over and stem snapped!) most plants are producing well with some very large and healthy fruit, (despite getting quite dry a couple of times whilst away).
The Scotch Bonnet plants have been slow to fruit but are now producing well - definitely a good decision to buy these plants.
I got one Japones and one jalepeno plant and the Japones is showing a LOT of fruit, not yet tried but looking great, the Jalepeno is currently only showing 2 fruits but both very big and looking great. Like Gramps mine got dry a couple of times which I was afraid may have had adverse effects but so far looking good. Both have plenty more flowers and small fruits forming.
Grew a lot of Chillies from seed, had a few no goes but lots of fruit and flowers at the moment on Hungarian hot wax, Hungarian Blacks and habanero's.

Ment to have a Cayenne but it's not so god know what it's going to be. Short fat fruit which goes from green to yellow.

jalapeño has grown well but last week most of the leaves shriveled and died. pruned well back and started to grow some new leaves, but think the fruit may have been affected (not much growth past few weeks.)

Had loads of peppers growing as well which have been utilised in kitchen already. Banana and ingrid - very tasty

Home grown always taste better!
is there such a thing as a 'jaffa' in the world of chilli plants!?
Ive grown them quite a few times - always successfully with good crops (dried the leftovers and they last for years...) This year i have two plants on the go but they just seem to be growing and growing, higher and higher - not really bushing out and very few chilis forming...

As others - i was tempted with the Nagas, but with a little one in the house it would mean sterilising all surfaces and handling them with plastic gloves!
Chillies didn't last over winter. Not sure what it was but one by one they wilted and died.

Just planted a new batch of naga jololkia, jalapeño & Tokyo hot

Also have some Trinidad Moruga Scorpion & white habanero seeds coming from the states.

Summer cooking looks better this year!
cheers for that - as i normally grow my own...... home ones i tend to go for milder as no greenhouse and we don't get the heat for the mega ones!
I was given a 'Grow your own chillis kit' for Christmas. I planted the seeds (three varieties) and about one third have recently germinated. Naturally I have thrown away the box with the instructions, so what do I do next? I have three small pots, each with three or four seedlings.

How big will the plants grow assuming I don't kill them?
I was given a 'Grow your own chillis kit' for Christmas. I planted the seeds (three varieties) and about one third have recently germinated. Naturally I have thrown away the box with the instructions, so what do I do next? I have three small pots, each with three or four seedlings.

How big will the plants grow assuming I don't kill them?

me too, although I've now seprated them into small individual pots. They range from 1-2 inch high, how quick do they grow? it seems to have taken around 6 weeks to get to that size!

They are kept on the windowsill indoors at the moment
I was given a 'Grow your own chillis kit' for Christmas. I planted the seeds (three varieties) and about one third have recently germinated. Naturally I have thrown away the box with the instructions, so what do I do next? I have three small pots, each with three or four seedlings.

How big will the plants grow assuming I don't kill them?

I had one of them grow your own chili kits once, only 1 of the 3 plants germinated from it. Once my plants have germinated I separate into 3" pots and again to 7-9" pots a few months later.


This was last years habanero after 5 months in it's 7" pot ready for larger. Very bushy and kept in window (only communal garden at flat - so can't plant out doors)
Our chilli plants didn't make it through the winter either. I might try again, but the results were very disappointing last year - not enough heat/sun to bring on the fruit properly.
It sounds like mine should live in the south facing conservatory. I'll pick the best two seedlings from each variety (Fresno, Habanero and Apache) and pot them on, then see what happens.
Just got an email on Saturday informing me that (if I was ready for them) that my chilli plants I ordered in February will be shipped today or Tomorrow.

Looking forward to hopefully another bumper crop this year. :)
Grew the nagas last year the plants which survived the pests, ended up bearing quite a few fruit by. Had some prairie fire hybrids I picked up from the Eden project which haven't been doing too bad either.

And what do you mean they didn't last over winter? I thought they were annual plants which died after bearing fruit once? So no amount of tlc will keep them alive through the winter!
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And what do you mean they didn't last over winter? I thought they were annual plants which died after bearing fruit once? So no amount of tlc will keep them alive through the winter!

Had plants that have lasted for a few years and fruited twice. Brother-in-Law had a plant that lasted over winter and is already flowering! Lot of chili plants can and do last more than one season.
The plants have arrived this morning, well packaged (as last year) and will be potted up this evening. Opted for a couple of milder variations this year along with the Japones which proved very successful last year
mine arrived yest and all potted up too. Also got some of there hot sweet chilli sauce :D
My Nagas survived over the winter and have always enjoyed life in our large bathroom, (humidity perhaps?), granted, some of the leaves have seen better days, but it's still producing devilishly hot chillies, these were planted from seed and grown (out of season) from June last year.

New batch of super hot ones arrived from World of Chillies a couple of weeks ago and these are doing well on kitchen windowsill.

Gonna be a very hot year!