Critique Hare - MK II


Challenge Owner
Edit My Images
Hi all

Sorry to post this again, I normally post images that match how I saw/remember them, I decided to have a go at tweaking an image to try and add a little 'life' to it.

Happy to hear any C&C

Thank you for looking.

Hare - Re-edit
by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr

The Original
Sitting too close by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr
Very nice wildlife style capture Gav, I personally prefer the re-edited version with the slightly more saturated colours & the appearance of a bit more contrast.
cheating??? Ahh mate made me chuckle explain that?

Naughty step here...they only do life sentances Gav :LOL:

Personally I fight with hare images like a B Gav to me the edit is better but I'll probably never trust me
cheating??? Ahh mate made me chuckle explain that?
I've always felt I need to match the image to what I'd seen, adding warmth and light or colour feels like I'm altering the truth ... Probably my OCD :confused:
Naughty step here...they only do life sentances Gav :LOL:
Bugger .. I best get comfy :LOL:
Personally I fight with hare images like a B Gav to me the edit is better but I'll probably never trust me
Cheers, looks like I've got a lot of edits to do again :LOL:
I always enjoy your images of Hares Gav, and I like the edit on this one.

I never think of editing as cheating, I think of it as part of the process to try and present what I saw as accurately as I can with the finished picture.
I always enjoy your images of Hares Gav, and I like the edit on this one.
Thank you, Keith

I never think of editing as cheating, I think of it as part of the process to try and present what I saw as accurately as I can with the finished picture.
That's the thing, what I saw was the flat poor light original, the edit is how I wished it looked.. well sort of :LOL:
Thank you, Keith

That's the thing, what I saw was the flat poor light original, the edit is how I wished it looked.. well sort of :LOL:
was the original that blue? Is that what your eyes saw?

Gav this is and has always been my struggle my camera is not my eyes bud.. coupled with how well do I really remember........................that's why I'm asking Q's not giving answers

PS alot of cushions help(y):LOL:
was the original that blue? Is that what your eyes saw?

Gav this is and has always been my struggle my camera is not my eyes bud.. coupled with how well do I really remember........................that's why I'm asking Q's not giving answers

PS alot of cushions help(y):LOL:
Light was cr**, I have light/colour sensitive blue eyes, I'm starting to wonder if that has an impact on my edits and how I see the wild I'm trying to capture.

It's funny the amount me and Em disagree on colour :LOL:

I'll get the cushions :LOL:
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Thank you, Keith

That's the thing, what I saw was the flat poor light original, the edit is how I wished it looked.. well sort of :LOL:
Fair enough, I think people need to do what feels right for them, there's no right or wrong, just what's right for you.

I guess I edit a lot because as a beginner, my settings are not always right, so I try my best to present what the subject looked like if I make the error, which quite often I do ! I'm getting better though, slowly.
Fair enough, I think people need to do what feels right for them, there's no right or wrong, just what's right for you.

I guess I edit a lot because as a beginner, my settings are not always right, so I try my best to present what the subject looked like if I make the error, which quite often I do ! I'm getting better though, slowly.
Cheers Keith, you're doing good mate (y)
IMO the edit is more color correct. I took the original and just did basic color correction by setting the WP/BP in PS. This removes the "haze" a lot of raw images seem to have, it also removes any color cast the lighting may have added. I didn't adjust the exposure/curve which would have made it even more similar to your edit. I wouldn't consider it "cheating" by any means... even the most stringent competitions allow color corrections like this. But it is subjective...

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Your 1st shot is by far the strongest. Editing is part of the process, shooting a RAW file always needs processing, WB tweaks are almost always required as cameras are guessing at the WB. You as the artist have to decide what is right and pleasing to your eye.

I find the original too cool and the contrast in Stevens edit is overdone for my liking.

IMO the edit is more color correct. I took the original and just did basic color correction by setting the WP/BP in PS. This removes the "haze" a lot of raw images seem to have, it also removes any color cast the lighting may have added. I didn't adjust the exposure/curve which would have made it even more similar to your edit. I wouldn't consider it "cheating" by any means... even the most stringent competitions allow color corrections like this. But it is subjective...

View attachment 382143
Thank you, Steven, feedback is appreciated, thank you for taking the time for an edit too :)
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Your 1st shot is by far the strongest. Editing is part of the process, shooting a RAW file always needs processing, WB tweaks are almost always required as cameras are guessing at the WB. You as the artist have to decide what is right and pleasing to your eye.

I find the original too cool and the contrast in Stevens edit is overdone for my liking.

Thank you, Mike, I don't think I've really thought about the photographer as an artist, I will need to rethink my working, thank you for the feedback, it's much appreciated (y)
I find the original too cool and the contrast in Stevens edit is overdone for my liking.
I too would have adjusted the exposure/gamma (midtones); but I only wanted to show what "correct colors" would be without any other influence. This is with both color and gamma and looks very much like Gav's edit (only a touch less red/magenta).


Thank you, Mike, I don't think I've really thought about the photographer as an artist, I will need to rethink my working, thank you for the feedback, it's much appreciated (y)
I often do heavy edits to my photographs; wildlife images are no exception... I'm creating images I want to print/sell/share; not entering contest that don't allow advanced editing.
IMHO they are both good images, the 1st shows the natural images as seen when shot, whereas the edited version is more 'punchy' with a better light balance. Personally I prefer the edited version. I do not think editing is 'cheating' unless you are adding/removing things or 'over' editing but its a personal choice.
Cheers Chris, sorry for littering my images everywhere again
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Gav, the only people that should be apologising about images,
is those that never post them.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Gav, the only people that should be apologising about images,
is those that never post them.
That's a great point, then again I suppose some people like to talk Photography and equipment more than post/look at photos.
I like to post on here, even pictures that are not the best overall quality, and I think that should always have a place in any photography forum, and after all, the enjoyment of taking pictures is no all about achieving perfect results ?

If @Gav-canon had only posted the original I would still have been impressed. Personally I have edited images and gone to bed very happy, only to look at them again the next day and change my mind, and scrap the edit. I find it can be a minefield at times, but I do think that RAW files are created by the camera as files that are supposed to be edited, at least that's how I understand it.
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If @Gav-canon had only posted the original I would still have been impressed.
I did :LOL:
Personally I have edited images and gone to bed very happy, only to look at them again the next day and change my mind
This is one of those times the original is an edit, the RAW was flat due to lack of light and shooting around ISO 8000+, done the first edits a few days ago, but decided they needed something more ;)
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IMHO they are both good images, the 1st shows the natural images as seen when shot, whereas the edited version is more 'punchy' with a better light balance. Personally I prefer the edited version. I do not think editing is 'cheating' unless you are adding/removing things or 'over' editing but its a personal choice.
Thank you (y)
I too would have adjusted the exposure/gamma (midtones); but I only wanted to show what "correct colors" would be without any other influence. This is with both color and gamma and looks very much like Gav's edit (only a touch less red/magenta).

View attachment 382144

I often do heavy edits to my photographs; wildlife images are no exception... I'm creating images I want to print/sell/share; not entering contest that don't allow advanced editing.
Cheers Steven, thank you again for taking the time to do an edit (y) I'll take another look at mine regarding the tint.
First off I don't think you need to be saying sorry, this is a photography forum and you are sharing the skill you have of taking images of these beautiful animals so please carry on. On the re-edit I think you have nailed it, as the colour and contrast are bang on to me so yet another great Hare image from you Gav and please keep posting them.
First off I don't think you need to be saying sorry, this is a photography forum and you are sharing the skill you have of taking images of these beautiful animals so please carry on. On the re-edit I think you have nailed it, as the colour and contrast are bang on to me so yet another great Hare image from you Gav and please keep posting them.
Thank you, Dave, much appreciated :) (y)
That's a great point, then again I suppose some people like to talk Photography and equipment more than post/look at photos.
And they are more than welcome to do that, as it generally produces great resources for the experienced, and not so experienced.
However my sarcasm was aimed at those that have never posted an image, and never leave the Hot Topics or lounge forums.
And of course they will never see this as its a photo thread ;)

I like to post on here, even pictures that are not the best overall quality,
And I fully support you and others to keep doing it.
Some people have come a very long way, over the years by posting "not so good images" and have received a lot of help to help them improve.
In general most take notice, a minuscule amount get offended though, which is a shame.

In fact Gav got a mention in the yearly review for the most improve during last year
I mostly like to help others with their photography when I can.
And there is nothing wrong with that either.
A quick run through your posting history tells me that you post helpful advice, as when.
The name "Talkphotography" is a bit of a misnomer, when it was set up by Marcel, Brian & Matt, initially it was meant as a photo sharing site.
When they split from another site ( who's name escapes me for now) the idea was to directly compete with it, hence the name being similar iirc.

But as above, those that help others offer suggestions and generally chat about photography, are as much of part of the site as anyone else.
(Apart from those that never post images, and never want to talk about it, but prefer to haunt the irrelevant "Other forums" )
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I think this thread is also good as in the past I have told Gav that since he has been a member, his photography has come a long way for the better, he asks for CC and most of all excepts all help and advice he asks. I have known members to ask for advice and CC and then gone off in a huff. Most members here really are great and will bend over backwards to help others if they show willing and take on advice and to me, that is just what Gav does.
I think this thread is also good as in the past I have told Gav that since he has been a member, his photography has come a long way for the better, he asks for CC and most of all excepts all help and advice he asks. I have known members to ask for advice and CC and then gone off in a huff. Most members here really are great and will bend over backwards to help others if they show willing and take on advice and to me, that is just what Gav does.
Cheers Dave ... I guess I've got my work cut out this year :LOL:
I have told Gav that since he has been a member, his photography has come a long way
As above, he got a mention in the yearly review, for the most improved member in 2022, it wasn't posted lightly. All 3 admin agreed.