Help with camera settings !

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Ok so up until now I've used my d3100 on auto or the specific settings dependant on what I was doing landscape etc but today I'm taking a few photos at my cousins wedding ( there will still be a pro there but I'm just taking a few myself )
Ok so the question is using my d3100 with my 50mm 1.8 lens what settings should I use on manual, shutter speeds aperture etc its a bright sunny day and most people will be stood still posing for the pictures.
Thanks for any help anyone can offer in advance, lee
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As above, no-one can tell you what settings to use, because we've no idea how bright it'll be or what you want to portray.

the ISO 's above will be fine, if you're using AV mode, make sure you're comfortable with what aperture will produce the results you want.
With a fast prime, the whole point is the aperture.... Set it to A priority, manually pick your aperture and let the camera do the rest.
Depends on what look you want to achieve
Sometimes a slow shutter speed will capture some nice artistic images, others will require a shallow DOF to blur the background, others will need a fast shutter to catch movement nice and sharp
No right or wrong, just what suits
Playing with manual will teach you lots if you experiment, AV is nice and quick/easy for changing light etc