Hifi advice: look back or head forwards?

ahhh I thought linear was turntables with the strobey thing so you can adjust speed/pitch type thingymajig.

That would be 'direct drive' turntables - although there's really not much that says a belt-drive turntable can't have a variable speed drive other than direct drive is usually more 'accurate' wrt speed, and putting that kind of complexity into a belt-drive system wouldn't make much economical sense.
The arm is part of the lid which has to be closed (obviously) to play the record and yes it is direct drive

It can be programmed to play up to ten selected tracks utilising a light sensor which detects the gaps between tracks. Works well apart from those tracks that run into the next one, strangely enough like the last two on Argus

I couldn't decide whether to keep this one or a Project that came with a recent s/hand outfit I bought, think I wilĺ stick with the Technics now though.
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The arm is part of the lid which has to be closed (obviously) to play the record and yes it is direct drive

It can be programmed to play up to ten selected tracks utilising a light sensor which detects the gaps between tracks. Works well apart from those tracks that run into the next one, strangely enough like the last two on Argus

I couldn't decide whether to keep this one or a Project that came with a recent s/hand outfit I bought, think I wilĺ stick with the Technics now though.

Have you compared with the Project? Whatever you prefer it's likely worth holding on to the Technics as it's a strong retro model likely to increase in value while the vinyl love-in continues.
The Project is one of the basic models and to be honest I can't tell much difference between the two.

Most of my listening especially vinyl is heavy metal or heavy rock, grew up with Deep Purple, Sabbath etc so no subtle sounds to discern

For the sake of storage space think I will sell the Project, trying to clear out all the stuff I have kept that I could maybe use one day

Only thinking this morning about selling a like new Canon 5D MKI, have been keeping it for posterity, haven't used it for years and only got Fuji gear now
Yes, I'm in a similar situation. I've got lots of 'stuff' acquired but no longer used and all with a value, but am too busy/lazy to sell it and too tight to just give away or bin :) I got a great book from a Japanese house clearing/clutter guru and it all makes sense but I have yet to be inspired into action!

I love the 5D. It's one of my favourite all time bodies along with the Nikon D700. I have also switched to Fuji now, at least for my street shooting.
how easy is it to change a cartridge over? In my utter clumsiness i took delivery of a project essential 2 today and broke the needle off! So ive got a replacement on order. It just mentioned in the manual that it might be better to let a professional do it and i cant find one nearby (welwyn garden city).

And while im waiting for the spare to arrive, in setting it up the needle was just skidding over the record, this was before i stuffed it. It came with an anti skip weight which i put on the arm but that didn't do anything. I had the whole turntable balanced with a spirit level so i dont think that was the issue. Im not sure what i need to do to get it running right.
It should be simple to change the stylus/needle. Normally, it's just gently pull the plastic needle/stylus holder away from the cartridge body and replace with the new one. The arm needs to be balanced. What this does is ensure that the stylus has the correct downforce. If it's too light it'll skid across the record. Needs to be just right. The cartridge will have a recommended setting in grams. You may also have a bias weight to contend with and how you deal with that depends on how it's implemented. I guess you get instructions that are helpful, but if not try checking out YouTube or maybe some FAQ on the Project web site?!. If there isn't a specific help there for the Project arm then you should at least find something online somewhere that outlines the principles.
@condyk how the hell did you set up the A100. I managed to connect it to the network last night using the laptop. But today it didn't connect when I switched it on, and I've tried all 3 methods and it's driving me bats :mad:
I can definitely appreciate it could a royal PITA if it doesn't do exactly as it's suppose to. The only way I managed it was to download the manual and follow it to the letter. The key thing for me was the rear button press using a match or other 'slim' object and holding it until it flashes, as per the manual. Mine has retained connection with zero issues since. I dunno what I would have done had it not connected. Probably send it back! Good luck and sorry I can't make any better suggestions.
Ta. It connected again now, but only following exactly (?) what I'd done previously :)

Just hope it connects again tomorrow, I don't use the laptop often so yesterday I had to wait for 20 Windows updates.
Ha, ha ... nice, but I think you're showing off now ;-P
Yeah, not a Bose fan. I love valve amps. My last 'proper' hifi was a valve based one. So decorative, beautiful things and the good ones can be very seductive sounding. If there was a nice set of discrete 'phones that sounded awesome and worked via bluetooth or wifi then I'd consider them very seriously! I had some nice wired AKGs last year but they made me look like a muggins when I went out with them, like a grandpa wannabee DJ!! Way too big.
@Phil V what App are you using to control your music? I'm using BubbleUPnP which is good but it'll only play a single track at a time whether it's albums or playlists. I have to keep pushing the next track for an album to progress!
I've not got far with the hq streaming. I've been mostly playing CD. But I'm reading up on formats, undecided between home brewed ALAC and iTunes, or buying FLAC Not 100% sold on buying a FLAC file where I'm unsure of the source.
Fair enough. I'm streaming FLACS via the cloud using the Tidal service which is very good rather than having them stored locally. Just a problem with only playing single tracks which is very frustrating! This is some kind of App fault and the support isn't there for it.
can someone recommend some decent speakers?

At the moment ive a Project Essential2 with a NAD 3020b amp and a pair of Mission 760i speakers. The speakers just seem a little "weak", i don't know how to describe it, but i'm listening to Bat out of hell at the moment and (without hearing the original) i just expected a more meaty sound, more bass for a start. I assumed Meatloaf would be more rock and roll than what im hearing. The other albums i have sound ok but i wouldnt call them thumping rock and roll music. So i thought of getting some different speakers, they must be small bookcase style as i dont have a lot of room.
can someone recommend some decent speakers?

At the moment ive a Project Essential2 with a NAD 3020b amp and a pair of Mission 760i speakers. The speakers just seem a little "weak", i don't know how to describe it, but i'm listening to Bat out of hell at the moment and (without hearing the original) i just expected a more meaty sound, more bass for a start. I assumed Meatloaf would be more rock and roll than what im hearing. The other albums i have sound ok but i wouldnt call them thumping rock and roll music. So i thought of getting some different speakers, they must be small bookcase style as i dont have a lot of room.
It's difficult to get good bass from small speakers. You could try a small subwoofer to provide more bass. If set up properly, you'd swear the bass was coming from your speakers.
I have picked up a nice modern valve amp record player for the conservatory.. Tip top
