Hmm, time to dump flickr and finally build my own website?

I think you may be right Steven. It will cost more, but at least you can do what you want with it.

I've got a 500px account too, but that's not a great host either. Might re-look at
Maybe instagram, since it's no longer just a place for badly filtered phone pics, even if it belongs to the evil empire.
Since I'm too lazy to look, does anyone know if there are there any restrictions on 500px?

Surely this is just going to get people opening multiple flickr accounts, I already have two, I don't think either is close to 1000 photos but life might actually be simpler if I had 4 or 5 accounts instead of using albums
Its a shame, what community is left will die, the vast majority of the community from my experience are non paying users, the pro offering is still too Anemic to make it worthwhile investing. this will just leave a very small subset of users on the pro package, with their priority explore benefit.
I have over 7,000 on Flickr. All my shots in posts on forums including this one are linked to Flickr. This means if people start downloading their photos and deleting them photography forums are going to be a mass of unlinked images.
May get one years pro to have time to sort something out like my own website. I already have a couple of domains with unlimitedweb hosting (very good by the way) and this may be the motivation I need to actually design a site.
Since I'm too lazy to look, does anyone know if there are there any restrictions on 500px?

Surely this is just going to get people opening multiple flickr accounts, I already have two, I don't think either is close to 1000 photos but life might actually be simpler if I had 4 or 5 accounts instead of using albums

There are limits for weekly uploads (IIRC 30 image/week on a free account).
This means if people start downloading their photos and deleting them photography forums are going to be a mass of unlinked images.

Yep, already had a taste of this with Photobucket's decision to not allow linking.
Multiple free accounts may be one way ahead - I've been wondering about splitting my local, landscape and other photographic output to give a more professional, focussed appearance in some areas, and this might motivate that.
I am just starting with a new Flickr account, will be looking for something else, cannot see the point in building the new account after this announcement.
I think I've got 700 photos on there from 10 years membership. Won't make any difference to me as long as they keep the Groups functionality which is pivotal to my courses. If they remove that, then I'll be a sad panda. I wonder if Ipernity will capitalise on this now?
A mystery to me why anyone would want 1,000 photos on Flickr. For storage? Home storage is easy and cheap. For people to look at? Surely no-one is going to scroll through 1,000 images. As a free image library? Why should that be free?

There must be ways of using Flickr that I haven't thought of. So how does each of you use Flickr?
Can see there will be a lot of blank pages here on TP as photos will get deleted most of my ones on the one I use to share here will well drop under the 1,000 mark as will start to delete off Flickr today, my private one I am not fussed about as the 4,000+ images are already stored in Google photo accounts DVDs and Memory sticks.
Where else can you get an image hosting site with all the useful facilities of Flickr? If I wasn't already a Pro member, I'd be signing up now.

In the past it's been so neglected by its owners that I've looked around for a better site to move to. Or even one just as good. Never found one.

Looks like at last it's going to start improving again.
I use it to up my own personal fav images, it's like a record of my shooting, it's probably the easiest image site to use for this purpose. I had a pro acc in the past, then they dropped all advantages of that so I went free for the past couple of years, now they want us to pay again? hmmm, I'll probably give in, the thought f re-uploading all of that again is just a PITA, a lot of my earlier images on there I don't even have elsewhere.
Where else can you get an image hosting site with all the useful facilities of Flickr? If I wasn't already a Pro member, I'd be signing up now.

In the past it's been so neglected by its owners that I've looked around for a better site to move to. Or even one just as good. Never found one.

Looks like at last it's going to start improving again.

I'm tending toward that view too ... .75p a week and less for the first year,
What is so useful? The only thing I can see is the automatic resizing which is a +/- kind of thing...

Depends what you use it for I guess, linking to forums, storage, new 'Pro' account also useful for some commercial use.
Other photo-specific sites seem to be more costly and although I have a website I just haven't had the inclination to keep the photos up-to-date ... Flickr is just easy to use.
If it gets better, great.
A mystery to me why anyone would want 1,000 photos on Flickr. For storage? Home storage is easy and cheap. For people to look at? Surely no-one is going to scroll through 1,000 images. As a free image library? Why should that be free?

There must be ways of using Flickr that I haven't thought of. So how does each of you use Flickr?

I use it for file sharing, both here and for local stuff/friends/family. That's why having multiple accounts might be better, so I can split off family pictures, local stuff etc from the more serious landscape work.
I use it for file sharing, both here and for local stuff/friends/family. That's why having multiple accounts might be better, so I can split off family pictures, local stuff etc from the more serious landscape work.
Thanks, Toni. And that sounds like a good scheme - unless they manaage to make multiple accounts 'illegal' ...

And it looks as if Ipernity is a similar price ...

It used to be free, and modelled on Flickr it seemed - a similar format.
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Thanks, Toni. And that sounds like a good scheme - unless they manaage to make multiple accounts 'illegal' ...

Can't believe they won't have thought of that :)
A bit more background on Ipernity (it's French) (from Wikipedia) ...

"At the end of 2016, the former operating company Ipernity S.A. informed users to have to discontinue the service ... for economic reasons. Dedicated users then took the initiative to continue the website on their own. They negotiated a moratorium with Ipernity S.A. in order to consider various options ...

On January 10, 2017, the idea was born to found a non-profit organization - the Ipernity Members Association (ima) - in order to continue to operate the website ... This idea was communicated to users on January 26, 2017. At the same time, a survey was conducted to determine to what extent users would support such an operator model financially. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Within 15 days, 117% of the planned funds ($25,000) that were necessary for the continued operation of the website were collected via crowdfunding.

After the founding of the IMA on February 20, 2017, an asset deal was negotiated with Ipernity S.A. and fixed contractually in May 2017. Since September 1, 2017, the website has been operated independently by the community. The last liabilities from the asset deal were repaid at the end of January 2018. At the same time, an external IT service provider was commissioned to maintain the software and adapt it to new requirements. The current annual bulletin of the Ipernity Members Association reports on a stable operating and financial situation."

So seemingly a community-owned, non-profit solution. £38 for 12 months.
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Assuming you have an Adobe subscription, and the 15% discount works and is for every year, rather than an introductory offer, then it substantially reduces the £40 a year.

I think my last Adobe sub was about £120 so that would bring the Flickr sub down to about £28 a year. Then again, if you have an Adobe sub, you already have a free web site available to host your photographs.