How to get rid / Draw away from a bad Background?

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When you're in a situation where it is literally "take the shot as is or not at all" what can you do to get rid of / detract from a bad background?

I have quite a few shots from this paticular Horse Show, Depending on the angle of where you were stood, the background varies from crowds of people, silage tanks and delapidated machinery, none of which make very appealing backgrounds.

EDIT: Obviousley this problem could have been sorted by using a wider aperture on the day, But I want to know what to do with back catalogue images like this, where the damage is already done.
What are people's methods for detracting from a bad background, for a picture in the foreground that you like?

The only 3 methods I can think of is...

1. Desaturation / Monochromation of the BG so it doesn't draw the eye

2. A lot of cloning

3. Complete removal of the foreground subject, and placing it onto a plain background, or other image.

Here is an example.


I like the horse and rider pic, and I especially like the way the dust is kicked up and gives a sense of movement.... but how do I detract from the background??
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I'd use a wider aperture to blur out the BG as much as possible, then clone anything out that needs it. The best way obviously is to get it right in camera as much as poss.
I'd use a wider aperture to blur out the BG as much as possible, then clone anything out that needs it. The best way obviously is to get it right in camera as much as poss.

Nowadays that is what I'd do, but really I'm talking about images like this, where the damage has been done, hence why I posted in PP rather than general photography discussion

This was a very quick edit so the edges of the horse aren't very good, but is this the sort of thing you are after?

This was done by creating a duplicate layer, applying a gaussian blur to it, creating a layer mask and painting with black to reveal the original.
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I agree with the previous posters and I'd put a significant crop to it.

The rider is looking down to the front leg - portrait crop and get rid of the back half of the horse (crop just behind the rider) - the leg kicking up dust isn't important to the pic (IMO).

When using the Layer Mask use a soft brush and a bigger blur on the background.
Personally I'd go with something like Charlies or Christines blured background. It's just as much work to select for either cutting out and pasting or turning the BG mono, and the mono BG will put some people off and propably look pants, pasting into a new BG is more work to make it look right (shadows etc) the blured BG looks more natural and people who were there know what the BG should be, thats what they'll expect to see.

Edit, heres a quick play, I have also put a little light back into the darker areas.
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Foreground is now a little too light and I'd have kept background much darker?