How to photograph old photos

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Ok so my parents have this big book which has a really old (circa. 1920's) photo of their house in it and they want me to get it reproduced as a larger print. They don't want the page torn out and because of the thickness of the book I can't scan it in.

So my next guess is to photograph it with my D7000. I work mainly in landscape photography so I know little about lighting in studio settings. How would I go about getting the best photograph? Obviously I would use my tripod, it's just the lighting which I could do with some pointers with.

I don't have any external flashes or studio lighting so what's the best way? I'm thinking place it near to a window but would I need additional light sources?

Put it near a window, on a dull day (no sunlight)
And put a reflector, which can be a sheet of white card, on the opposite side, to reflect light back onto the side furthest from the window.

Other than that, you just need to be sure to get the camera dead square to the subject
Thanks Gary, I think I have a large piece of white card somewhere. Should have plenty of dull days over the coming months!
It's just one of those awkward thick books which you can't bend back enough, and it's not their book so they don't want to damage it.