88% - Passed (by the skin of my teeth).
100%......................2nd time through :D

I'm not saying what my first attempt was percentage wise but it was a fail :(
96% and one of the wrong ones depends! (A pelican crossing with an island can be 2 separate crossings when the crossing is staggered IIRC.)

WTF does DCRABC mean anyway?
84% but at least half of my mistakes were me being over cautious.

And I really need to get an up-to-date highway code.. I knew the tram signal answer but I don't think it's on my old copy of the code, and DRABC certainly isn't. Separation distance if stopped in a tunnel was a new one to me as well.
82% here too :(

Yep - DRABC caught me out too, as did the distance for stopping in a tunnel.
To be fair that's probably as much space as I'd leave anyway, but I had no idea that there was a specific rule about it!
And WTF is a "Home Zone"?

My absolute favourite question from that lot was this one though.
Come on, own up - how many of you answered with 'B' :LOL:

82% here too :(

Yep - DRABC caught me out too, as did the distance for stopping in a tunnel.
To be fair that's probably as much space as I'd leave anyway, but I had no idea that there was a specific rule about it!
And WTF is a "Home Zone"?

My absolute favourite question from that lot was this one though.
Come on, own up - how many of you answered with 'B' :LOL:


Sarah, I got that one too.
Oddly though, the answers were in a different order!
I think we all probably got the same questions - the ones above are certainly familiar! I got the red/white harness one correct, although that was a guess based on deaf/blind people's stick colours. Got the tunnel one wrong as well as the pelican mentioned above. Oddly, got the tram and homezone ones right. Then again, I'm odd, since I actually bought a copy of the up to date highway code while I was denied driving privileges a couple of years ago, mainly to make sure I was still vaguely competent!
As above, I'd heard of ABC but not the DR bit, definitely a lot of stuff there that wasn't in the highway code 12 years ago! All the important stuff got right, things that only occur in cities I never drive in have dropped straight out of my brain though. What the hell is a homezone?
As above, I'd heard of ABC but not the DR bit, definitely a lot of stuff there that wasn't in the highway code 12 years ago! All the important stuff got right, things that only occur in cities I never drive in have dropped straight out of my brain though. What the hell is a homezone?

Yep homezone is a new one on me too...

All told though don't think I did to bad though

View attachment 34783
The full DRABC thing I was taught on a first aid at work course was DRS ABCD

Danger - check no danger to self - i.e. is casualty holding onto a live wire or something...
Response - any response from the patient using AVPU - Alert, Voice, Pain, Unconscious
Shout - for help - i.e. call 999

A - Airway - obstructions?
B - Breathing - is s/he
C - Circulation / Compressions to pump blood / CPR
D - Defibrilator (should an AED be available)

(So far I've used step D for an employee of our on our tenants. His colleague was most upset that I ripped his shirt open, instead of unbuttoning it carefully. "That's a bl**dy expensive shirt you know." My reply was rather impolite to say the least. Got him back on the third shock as paramedics rocked up. )
My absolute favourite question from that lot was this one though.
Come on, own up - how many of you answered with 'B'

There used to be a similar question as part of the standard driving test but it was a person with a white stick with a red triangle attached which indicated blind and deaf.

I just scraped through a pass for hazard perception and easily passed the theory last time I did the tests. The theory test I did was for class 2 vehicles but I'm not sure if the hazard test is the same. I will be trying all the mock tests I can find before trying the real thing.

I failed by the time I got to question 24!!!! ... but in my defence, there army a lot of trams around us ...

Probably better have another go ... but just got to pop out somewhere in the car first .... oh!! ... hang on ..... :eek:
I genuinely can't be bothered to finish it. Anyone who drives round a painted roundabout on the road when there is no one else about is a looney. But some of the things like dipping your main beams in a built up area is common sense. It really doesn't matter whose benefit it is for.
I disagree with some of the answers.
1. What should you do if your car becomes trapped on a level crossing? If the vehicle is trapped, where the hell are you going to push it to?
2. How can you reduce driver fatigue during long trips? If it's your intention to drive a long trip between the hours of midnight and 06:00 am you'll likely have altered your sleep pattern before hand.
3. When can you use a hand-held mobile phone while driving? Why would you need to keep driving just because you were phoning 999 or 112?
4. You have broken down on a motorway. Where should you place your warning triangle? Why not use them on a motorway? You need to walk to the nearest emergency telephone anyway, so what's wrong with walking back along the motorway behind the Armco to put out a warning triangle.
5. You are driving through the rain and your steering becomes unresponsive. What should you do? The answer to this question depends on whether the vehicle if fwd or rwd, yet none of the options in the answers allow for this.
You have broken down on a motorway. Where should you place your warning triangle?
Up the transport managers arse?
Well it raised a giggle during my HGV training many years ago :D

I'm damned sure that it was a legal requirement a few years back to place one on the motorway too, along with not leaving your vehicle.

I broke down on the M1 many years ago, in the middle of the night, and no chance of contacting anyone
(Yeah it was a s*** firm) The motorway patrol told me to get my head down, in the cab, till morning. (!)
I got them to drop me off at the next junction and managed to get a lift home, from there.

How times have changed...
This is a great reason for proving the need for ongoing assessment and training as a driver, passing 50+ years ago and never needing a test again until you're over 70 is daft

I got bored of the test but was on for a fail I reckon

But, at 21 I was one of the youngest in the UK approved by the IAM to give Advance Driving instruction and at 26 I was the first on the BSM Driving Instructor course to ever get 100% in the final test (basically on the Highway Code). I was also a RoSPA ADA and I won a local Driver of the Year contest too, so I can drive a bit

And I have no idea about First Aid so if we crash you're likely to die (that's if I don't kill you anyway if it was your fault), and some of those questions relate to changes in the Highway Code from my day too; so I'm clearly out of touch with what a modern motorist is supposed to know

Time to bring in 10 yearly retests I reckon :)

Better yet - create an elite group of motorists allowed to carry a HUGE gun on their car to blast idiots off the road :D

Now EVERYONE would want to train for that wouldn't they - what an incentive lol

I'd got a couple wrong from the first ten, so decided to pull over and concentrate on it a bit more :rolleyes:
The only people who want retests every 10 years or so are Driving Instructors, I wonder why ?

Perhaps if they taught pupils HOW TO DRIVE & not to PASS THE TEST then standards would improve overnight.

Take a look in any supermarket car park & watch the antics of some drivers trying to park thier cars, a very simple procedure made to look almost impossible.