I can't find a CR2 file viewer that works. Heeeeeeelp!

Edit My Images
I don't generally shoot in RAW as I don't yet have Photoshop. However I accidentally shot a gig in RAW last night (I'd tried to change back to jpeg after a college studio shoot, but I must've done something wrong).

I downloaded a couple of viewers but they didn't work. I'm told by people that this is because I have a new camera (Canon 5DMKII) and the software wont support these files.

Any ideas?
Oooooh! I didn't know there was one! That'll tide me over 'till I get the full thing. I'll go locate now.

Thank you.
I don't generally shoot in RAW as I don't yet have Photoshop. However I accidentally shot a gig in RAW last night (I'd tried to change back to jpeg after a college studio shoot, but I must've done something wrong).

I downloaded a couple of viewers but they didn't work. I'm told by people that this is because I have a new camera (Canon 5DMKII) and the software wont support these files.

Any ideas?

If you in window MS do a viewer that work in windows explorer
Thank you for all the help everyone. I really appreciate it!

The Photoshop trial is being downloaded as we speak, as is google's picasa.

Thanks again.
A more permanent (and free) solution from Adobe is the DNG convertor, it will convert your .cr2s into DNG, which is an open format.

What do you normally use to do your editing?
I usually use GIMP, but now I'm at college I have to use Photoshop. I have the trial version now, but have come up to a problem, which I'll make a new thread for as it's pretty seperate. And frustrating.