Ice Hockey photography thread - 2011/2012 season - Post your shots here

Firstly a big 'Thank You' to Mark 'tredders' Tredwell for the invite to the Blaze game with access to the media gallery, and for the brave loan of his 300mm/f2.8 - top man! (y)

So here's a few from the game (more on Flickr if you want to take a look):-







Unfortunately the Blaze lost 1:3 but it was a great game to watch.

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Fortunately the Blaze lost 1:3 but it was a great game to watch.

I've amended that to read correctly for you ;)

Looks to be some very good shots there. Have you used a lot of unsharpening/smoothing on them? Some of the look like the players have their eyes closed that's all.
I've amended that to read correctly for you ;)

(Remembers to find Dean a spot in the arena with no decent light and pillars in the way, if he ever visits :LOL:)

Nice shots there, Andy. It was good to meet up with you - any time you fancy shooting another game, let me know (y)
Firstly a big 'Thank You' to Mark 'tredders' Tredwell for the invite to the Blaze game with access to the media gallery, and for the brave loan of his 300mm/f2.8 - top man! (y)


It's Tredgold :LOL: (why couldn't I have been called Smith?!?)
I've amended that to read correctly for you ;)

Looks to be some very good shots there. Have you used a lot of unsharpening/smoothing on them? Some of the look like the players have their eyes closed that's all.

Fortunately/Unfortunately - depends on your point of view I guess!!

I have used noise reduction and hence sharpening in Lightroom due to the high ISO - apart from the loan of Mark's 2.8 I'm shooting at f4 and at least 400th/sec so pushing ISO to 3200 (sometime higher!) which the 7D handles well in the main. But your comment made me look again and I've noticed that in reimporting the processed images into Lightroom before exporting to Flickr I've applied the noise reduction & sharpening again so they had a double dose! Now corrected.

BTW - his eyes ARE closed on the stick across the knee!

It's Tredgold :LOL: (why couldn't I have been called Smith?!?)

OMG - so sorry!! There goes the invite to the next game!! :bang:

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BTW - his eyes ARE closed on the stick across the knee!

Yep, could tell they were really closed with that one, it was the couple after that I noticed it more on. Whatever you've done now seems to have done the trick though, looks much better.
Hi mate, yeah thats me although some of the stats are wrong and they've missed out a team I played for too. Im impressed with your detective work mate ;)

Here's a shot of me back in the day:


Brings back memories :love:

You can tell how old this was its in black and white. ha ha
lol, dont make me feel older than I already do garreth ;). This was pulled from a program which they printed in black & white due to costs, was taking mid 90's I think.

Welcome to the forum by the way, glad you found you way here ;)
Nice pics, Matt. Very bright and sharp - have you changed anything in your workflow?

Did you have a few of our ENL boys guesting last night? I thought I read somewhere that with Tommy & a few others away with the GB u20's, you were borrowing a few of ours?
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Here's some from tonight's game against Braehead. Hard fought 4-3 OT win on the third game in three days for the Steelers.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, i've started paying more attention to my cropping to try to get more effect in the picture. Let me know what you think

Looking Good, getting some great images from the D3100 as well, light looks excellent
Looking Good, getting some great images from the D3100 as well, light looks excellent

I'm actually really pleased with how the images are coming out. No where near as crisp as a D3 or similar will get me but for an entry level body, its a great little piece of kit.

Trying to make my wife understand that while a D3 or D3S is out of my reach at the minute, a D700 is a worthy investment for me - not having much luck at the minute though !! :p
I'm actually really pleased with how the images are coming out. No where near as crisp as a D3 or similar will get me but for an entry level body, its a great little piece of kit.

Trying to make my wife understand that while a D3 or D3S is out of my reach at the minute, a D700 is a worthy investment for me - not having much luck at the minute though !! :p


What about a D7k instead, love mine to bits.

What about a D7k instead, love mine to bits.

Did think about that but if i'm going to make a jump, I want to make one as big as possible - and I think that would be the D700 for me. Had a look at the specs and the performance at high ISO is on a par with the D3 for about half the price - I was quite surprised with that.
Nice pics, Matt. Very bright and sharp - have you changed anything in your workflow?

Did you have a few of our ENL boys guesting last night? I thought I read somewhere that with Tommy & a few others away with the GB u20's, you were borrowing a few of ours?

Thanks mate, not really changed anything in my workflow to be honest but im trying harder to get things right in camera. Using a friends expodisc which has helped get a really good preset WB and making sure my exposure is bang on so all I do for post is pass them through a denoise and sharpening filter and maybe a very slight levels tweak.

If I was getting paid for the images then id probably do a fair bit more post processing on them and they'd be spot on but i just turn them round pretty quickly at a decent(ish) quality that are good enough for the web, match program and the papers should they be used.

Yeah we've had quite a few Cov lads guesting for us, we've struggled of late with numbers due tot eh GB u20;s comp and tonight was no different. Leading Peterborough 3-2 going into the 3rd only to loose 5-3...pretty poor performance all round really, here's a few shots from the game:

D7K_2502 by Matt_Giles, on Flickr

D7K_2559 by Matt_Giles, on Flickr

D7K_2647 by Matt_Giles, on Flickr

D7K_2658 by Matt_Giles, on Flickr

D7K_2799 by Matt_Giles, on Flickr
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Hoping to get to the next match in noting else to pick up some kit :D

Nice shots Matt def seen an improvement in your work of late...!!!

Hoping to get to the next match in noting else to pick up some kit :D

Nice shots Matt def seen an improvement in your work of late...!!!


Cheers matey, anyway what kit you picking up I aint got any of yours *ahem!!* :p

There's a home game on tomorrow Dave, then nothing until 8th Jan. Im up tomorrow too so if you fancy a jar in the bar afterwards let me know ;)
What time dude..!!!
Get yourself down to a Blaze game Matt. I might even buy you a beer.

Now that I cant refuse my friend :D

I think there is a Telford contingent going down on the 21st to help support the Blaze, are you togging then?? If so would it still be cool to bring my gear down and get in on the action?? If your not there then maybe the 27th?
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Now that I cant refuse my friend :D

I think there is a Telford contingent going down on the 21st to help support the Blaze, are you togging then?? If so would it still be cool to bring my gear down and get in on the action?? If your not there then maybe the 27th?

I'll be there for both of those, so whichever works for you. Bring the camera and take some shots and we can grab a beer before the game?