Edit My Images
I'm looking for some reasonable priced image edit software, using the Canon freebie and Picasa 3 at the present, looked at Gimp advertised as free to try, but at a cost, misleading, so stayed clear, I would sooner know a price and pay, don't mind paying, but only want it for hobby use, not really interested in the £2/300 software or freebies....any ideas...:thinking::thinking:

eg; took some photos at weekend up in Culross, good shots of old town, but the best shots had 50's semi's at the back, and would like to rub them out.
Depends how fancy you want your software. Tescos restyle is VERY cheap and roughly equivalent in ability, function and appearance to Photoshop 7 [ as near as damn it a copy tbh] .... it certainly will do all the basics of levels, sharpening, cloning, mono, etc and at that price is an 'investment' that might be worth it.

Tesco Photo Restyle
You can't go far wrong with Photoshop elements for hobby use, latest one is less than £50 on Amazon. All the digital photography mags give you hints and tips and lessons on DVD. 7 is the latest version but i have 6 and it is great for what i need to use it for.
dunno what joker was trying to sell GIMP, it's completely free and open source,

Theres even a plugin to make it look very similar to photoshop.

For simple adjustments, I use (also completely free), which has a good set of tools too.
Corel PaintShop Pro x2

Recently bought this, and a big thumbs up from me(y)

Great value aswell xx
Thanks for your ideas, I tried the GIMP freeby again, this time I must have got the right site, very happy with this at the present, but may go with Corel PaintShop Pro x2
impressed by SuziJ's results.