Interesting Contemporary Photographers

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I would really like to explore the work of some interesting, thought-provoking, contemporary photographers but I've no idea where to start. My entire academic and working life has been solidly scientific, so I have absolutely no experience or contact with the artistic world and, to be honest, until now I've never had any interest. But for some reason I now find myself really wanting to learn and seeing as I have long had a sort of pragmatic, practical interest in photography; I am keen to explore some of the real thinkers, intellects and envelope-pushers out there.

Naively, I thought I might find some good stuff on the likes of 500px. But the material that ascends the ladder on that site is all much of a muchness. It's all vivid landscapes and nice-but-dull portraits. More technically good with obvious subjects than really interesting and stimulating.

So whose work should I be exploring? Please give me some suggestions and please help me get the old brain-cogs turning by telling me what it is you think is stimulating or unusual or unique about the artists you suggest. Thanks.
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try Gregory Crewdson, his lighting and composition are really very different :)
Browse the pages of the monthly BJP, usually available without subscription at WH Smiths and some other outlets - it has a certain cultural weight these days. Maybe also take a look on-line at
Here's a good starting point, The Photograph as Contemporary Art by Charlotte Cotton. That and a subscription to BJP will give you plenty of ideas to take further.

Both The Guardian and The Telegraph (direct links to the relevant sections) have quite good coverage of photography in their online editions (if you hit the page limit on The Telegraph you need to tell your browser not to accept cookies from The Telegraph website and then make sure you delete those that you've already acquired). The My Best Shot series on The Guardian is worth a look.

Crewdson is certainly worth a look, and when you see his prints at full size in an exhibition (I came across them in Berlin a few years ago) you realise all the carefully constructed details that aren't visible at smaller resolutions. But to be frank, he's a misogynist and beyond the technical prowess the stories his images are telling aren't particularly worthy.

Although for the most part it's not contemporary, I would very strongly recommend both the DVD and the book of The Genius of Photography. As a series it really sets the scene for contemporary photography by explaining how it's come to be where it is.
Thanks. I'll look into all that stuff.
Any more named recommendations with reasons would also be gratefully received.
Ben Von Wong. He fricking rocks. He goes out and *makes things happen*. Highly recommend getting involved next time he's in the UK via his facebook group, he loves strange and new opportunities!
a good thread, there's a few in here i haven't heard of so i'll be sure to check them out too :)

Gregory Crewdson was a good shout too, i remember seeing one of his images a long time back and somebody told me their name but it had completely escaped me until googling him :D
try Gregory Crewdson, his lighting and composition are really very different :)

He also blows a million dollars on each series he shoots, and closes down entire city blocks :) ...and shoots on 10x8 film. Not something most of us can aspire too!!

Joking aside though... his work is amazing.
oh.. and subscribe to the BJP magazine.

You'll get a constant stream of inspiration.
You can download all 28 magazines as pdf-files. A nice and highly recommended collection!
I looked at some of the works of some of the photographers mentioned. The thing that struck me was something I am sure we all know but many, myself included, frequently forget. Photography is all about lighting/light.

I know....this is the most obvious comment ever:facepalm:
I looked at some of the works of some of the photographers mentioned. The thing that struck me was something I am sure we all know but many, myself included, frequently forget. Photography is all about lighting/light.

I know....this is the most obvious comment ever:facepalm:
Yes, great technical photographers know how to work with light. But I really want to explore subject/theme/etc, which requires something extra.
Yes, great technical photographers know how to work with light. But I really want to explore subject/theme/etc, which requires something extra.
A subject or theme require a concept. But light's inescapable - it has to be dealt with anyway. It doesn't have to be engineered - just taken account of. We all have to do such, and that doesn't make us necessarily 'technical' - it can be done with heart.
Hi Ghoti

Have you taken a look at...

You will find a large gathering of some fabulous images and a good forum. The critique area is also well worth checking out, with good info from submitting photographers and generally excellent critique, both on the technical and the artistic.

I would really like to explore the work of some interesting, thought-provoking, contemporary photographers but I've no idea where to start. My entire academic and working life has been solidly scientific, so I have absolutely no experience or contact with the artistic world and, to be honest, until now I've never had any interest. But for some reason I now find myself really wanting to learn and seeing as I have long had a sort of pragmatic, practical interest in photography; I am keen to explore some of the real thinkers, intellects and envelope-pushers out there.

Naively, I thought I might find some good stuff on the likes of 500px. But the material that ascends the ladder on that site is all much of a muchness. It's all vivid landscapes and nice-but-dull portraits. More technically good with obvious subjects than really interesting and stimulating.

So whose work should I be exploring? Please give me some suggestions and please help me get the old brain-cogs turning by telling me what it is you think is stimulating or unusual or unique about the artists you suggest. Thanks.

500px is not really an art site (with a capital A). Try starting with The Photographers Gallery if you're interested in art photography.

Top contemporary photographers don't hang around generally on websites, they're out there working in galleries, putting out artist books and just generally being photographers.
Floating my boat right now are

Daisuke Yokota

Antoine D'agata

Stephen Shore

Paollo Pellegrin

Trent Parke

And my all time fave

Daido Moriyama
Okay, yeah, these are pretty interesting. Like stills from some David Lynch movie. Thanks.

Did you know David lynch was also a photographer? The photographers gallery in London has an exhibition of his industrial images, along with an eerie soundtrack
Did you know David lynch was also a photographer? The photographers gallery in London has an exhibition of his industrial images, along with an eerie soundtrack
No, I didn't know that; but I'm not surprised.
Floating my boat right now are

Daisuke Yokota

Antoine D'agata

Stephen Shore

Paollo Pellegrin

Trent Parke

And my all time fave

Daido Moriyama
Had a quick scan through all of these. Very similar feel across those artists but more generally this is what I'm talking about! Photos that are off the beaten track. I'll definitely explore some of these artists further.
There is a lot of good stuff out there just now. I just got the Yokota book site and it has blown me away.

Look at

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