Introduction to Studio Lighting @ ISL (Leeds)

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Learn @ ISL

ISL offer a range of courses catering for both beginners and more advanced photographers alike.

Introduction to Studio Photography - 23rd May 2009

This course is designed to give photographers who have never worked in a studio/basic studio skills ranging from: working with 1 light through to 4 lights, backgrounds and methods of lighting them, lighting equipment (snoots, barn doors, gels, softboxes, reflectors, brollies etc), light metering and setting up YOUR camera.

The course consists of a 2 hour theory session, lunch, an hour in the studio being introduced to the equipment and then finally a 3 hour shoot with a model to give you some images to go away with! You'll be given printed notes and a workbook to take home with you too. Starts 10am til 5pm (1 hour lunch at 12:00). £100 per person - limited to 5 spaces.
hey guys did you get my booking for today????, sorry its off subject but heyho
cheers guys look forward to seeing you soon.
I'm interested in this opportunity too.

Do you have any dates in mind? Will you be doing more than just the one session?
Sorry guys, I thought I'd put the date in the first post - Clearly not :bonk:

It's on the 23rd May for this month, then 27th June next month (subject to confirmation though for June :))


Dammit, I'm in the Lakes on the 23rd. I'd certainly be interested in the one on June if you're running it though. :)
Excellent, if you can give me the confirmed date i'll see if i can slot it in. :)
Hi everyone

We still have a few spaces available on our intro to studio lighting course on Saturday.

Please telephone 01132 527025 or PM us on here if you'd like to book in :)


Just a big thank you to a couple of great guys, Lee & Matt from ISL.

Attended their Studio Lighting course relaxed and informal, well worth the trip to Leeds.

Came away a great deal wiser and with some superb photo's (y)

Oh, and a big thanks to Lisa, our model for the day ;)


Just a big thank you to a couple of great guys, Lee & Matt from ISL.

Attended their Studio Lighting course relaxed and informal, well worth the trip to Leeds.

Came away a great deal wiser and with some superb photo's (y)

Oh, and a big thanks to Lisa, our model for the day ;)



Thanks Ken!

Glad you found the course useful - and thanks for driving down from Durham to meet us!

Next one is scheduled for June now - and enquiries are coming in already. So book in early to avoid disappointment! We limit the course to 5 people to ensure a close approach to how you want to take your pictures and ensure that you leave with the knowlege required :)
When's the next Lightroom 101 class? I see that there was one tonight, but coming on the night of the Champions League Final meant that my attention was elsewhere today.
Hi Barney - We run the courses monthly, so it'll be around this time next month (we'll be releasing the next months events on Friday, all being well, we're just waiting for a few people to come back to us with some confirmed dates :))
Count me in for the next session! do you have a mailing list or anything like that?
Considering a trip to Leeds for this. Do we bring our own cameras or what?
Hi do you have any spaces left on the photoshop course for tomorrow? I could possibly need 2 :)

The course has been moved to Sunday at 12 o'clock (lunchtime).

ok thanks not sure I can make it Sunday looking at doing your full day course anyway :)
We've had some bookings for the next course on the 27th, so book now to avoid disappointment :)
How basic is the Lightroom 101 course? I might just pop along to one anyway but it's the other side of Leeds to me, to it's a bit of a trek for something that might be too basic.
Hi Barney - The course is aimed at those fairly new (or totally new) to Lightroom, but you might pick up a few tips... It's £35 per head :)


Thanks MAtt, any plans for a more advanced course?

Maybe I need a basic one, there are somethings which really annoy me about Lightroom for which there may be a simple answer and £35 isn't going to break the bank.
Possibly, it's difficult to know where to draw the line with basic and advanced with Lightroom though, as it all sort of merges into one!