Ipad3 event (New Apple stuff)

looks like trolling to me. Ive read the thread twice, and its looking like a troll to me too.

doesnt help your cause.
Sarcasm isn't trolling.... Whether you appreciate the humour or not is another matter.........
Does Wiki have any info about troll identification....wait, don't need it, just found one.
Sarcasm isn't trolling.... Whether you appreciate the humour or not is another matter.........

sarcasm and me, we're good buddies, but you're just stirring the pot and you know exactly what you're doing.
Ooh! I like the sound of the ipad. But wish they made it smaller by a bit. not lighter just smaller. But then again, maybe it's perfect size? I'm not sure really.

now, time to find some money.
Babybanana said:
Ooh! I like the sound of the ipad. But wish they made it smaller by a bit. not lighter just smaller. But then again, maybe it's perfect size? I'm not sure really.

now, time to find some money.

Isn't that called the iPhone? :p
My lappy is getting pretty old now and the iPad3 has come just at the right time. It looks amazing and I'm deff gonna get one. I will now be able to use Snapseed from Nik which is superb. I have it on my iPhone but it is easier to use on the iPad.

Roll on pay day!
sarcasm and me, we're good buddies, but you're just stirring the pot and you know exactly what you're doing.
Ahh... the power of the all seeing moderator.

I reply to your post with what I consider as something funny, and I risk moderation as it may not pass your sense of humour.

Whatever you may think, I am not trolling. I can actually troll (in the true sense) really well, because people never accuse me of doing it when I do...

All this would have been FAR clearer if this forum had the :rolleyes: smiley.
arad85 said:
Ahh... the power of the all seeing moderator.

I reply to your post with what I consider as something funny, and I risk moderation as it may not pass your sense of humour.

Whatever you may think, I am not trolling. I can actually troll (in the true sense) really well, because people never accuse me of doing it when I do...

All this would have been FAR clearer if this forum had the :rolleyes: smiley.

God forbid no!
Ahh... the power of the all seeing moderator.

I reply to your post with what I consider as something funny, and I risk moderation as it may not pass your sense of humour.

Whatever you may think, I am not trolling. I can actually troll (in the true sense) really well, because people never accuse me of doing it when I do...

All this would have been FAR clearer if this forum had the :rolleyes: smiley.

Give it a rest andy.
Give it a rest andy.
???? Joe. I let you have the last word in our last tiff... now please be so kind as to let me have the last word in this one. Fairs fair and all that....
arad85 said:
???? Joe. I let you have the last word in our last tiff... now please be so kind as to let me have the last word in this one. Fairs fair and all that....

If only
Ahh... the power of the all seeing moderator.

I reply to your post with what I consider as something funny, and I risk moderation as it may not pass your sense of humour.

Whatever you may think, I am not trolling. I can actually troll (in the true sense) really well, because people never accuse me of doing it when I do...

All this would have been FAR clearer if this forum had the :rolleyes: smiley.

well there is the thing, it isnt just me who thinks youve been trolling this thread, and maybe you're just not funny this time? :shrug:

i would suggest that perhaps now you've had your last word and its time to enjoy other areas of the forum?

we dont have a rolleyes smilie as its not the attitude that we wish to encourage.

im going to clean the thread and remove the bickering.
I'm still quite happy with my 1st gen iPad, to be honest I don't feel the need to upgrade at the moment!

Although my opinion may change once I see the screen, I only upgraded my iPhone 3GS for the 4S a few months ago and the difference in screen sharpness is awesome!
Back on topic.

I am really glad that they keep the same form factor. I have a Twelve Twelve Book case for the iPad that is still in its bag for the reason that due to the curve of iPad one, it warp the leather case! Luckily this new one keeps the same flat back as the last one with the same dimension! I can final use my case again!

Not sure it adds anything for an amateur photographer with an iPad 2.

Perhaps a pro might appreciate the better screen to show case work, and maybe the extra cpu power for pp or tethered shooting, but I'll be saving my money for future versions.
joescrivens said:
Or a Samsung galaxy, one of those lame android things - not quite a phone, not quite a tablet

Wow. Just wow. which phone got phone of the year? Could of swore it was Samsung. Hate to derail the thread but can't help but scratch my head on this one
I agree. My next MBP must have a proper display for the price they cost!

Back to topic. The ipad does look tempting, but before parting with cash I will carefully evaluate if it can offer anything ground-braking in my workflow

Any ideas if it can print or has any level of weather proofing for use outdoors?
And the big question - wifi or 4G?

Yes Airprint supported and not sure about weatherproofing - probably not otherwise it should have been in the keynote.

Yes both WiFi and 4G but isn't the UK going to be without 4G for ages yet?

I've never had an Apple product (I do like them though), so was hoping the announcement of the new iPad would persuade me to get one, but I'm not sure I'd use it enough to be honest. Trying to think about my requirements for computing now and in the next few years and not really sure what to go with. Might just have to test one out in the Apple store next friday :shrug:
I've owned two MacBook Air devices and neither had a HDMI port.

Still... the air has nothing to do with features that should be on the iPad.

It never ceases to amaze me how Apple fans will actually try to justify features NOT being in a product... Like its actually a good thing for there to be limited connectivity options!
I must say I like the look of the iPhoto app, I wonder whether you can sync it back to Aperture :)
5 pages and hardly anything about the iPad3???

I think I will get one as my wife seems to have nicked my original one and doesn't use her blackbook anymore. The iPhoto app looks very interesting, I hope it can sync/link with Aperture including the non-destructive history of the edits.

And as I had two original apple tv's, I will treat myself to a nice upgrade for the full 1080p.

Nice updates...
Digitalize said:
Ordered Black 16Gb model, planning to use it more as a consumption device, got a 32Gb 4S with all my music on so might not put any on this, unsure.

You don't use iCloud?
I'm still quite happy with my 1st gen iPad, to be honest I don't feel the need to upgrade at the moment!

Although my opinion may change once I see the screen, I only upgraded my iPhone 3GS for the 4S a few months ago and the difference in screen sharpness is awesome!

I've upgraded for the screen and the faster chip. There are apps that frequently crashes on iPad 1 due to its lack of Ram. But with the extra screen size is the need for extra storage, all my photos now needs 4x more pixels than I did on iPad 1 and I was 3/4 into 32G there, so I've gone for 64G this time.
I'm definitely going to get one it would increase work flow not just for amateur photographers but also for professionals. Just think with iPhoto you could go out on a shoot then as soon as its over meet up with the clients and start comparing photos and picking out the best or you could meet back at the studio and connect it to the big screen and decide there! Either way works, but as for the screen resolution I think all of us on here that have a smart phone can say that at one point or another we have used them to show others our work and that goes for the iPad as well. So I say the better the screen the better your photos will look to clients. ;) unless you can't take very good photos than your on your own lol :wink:
Wow. Just wow. which phone got phone of the year? Could of swore it was Samsung. Hate to derail the thread but can't help but scratch my head on this one

phne of the year? you ever tried one? pile of poop - but then I think android OS is complete tosh, so its probably not the phones fault
It never ceases to amaze me how Apple fans will actually try to justify features NOT being in a product... Like its actually a good thing for there to be limited connectivity options!

its because we understand that for something to do most things great, it has to not have all things. Otherwise you end up with a device that does everything not very well - which is where all other tablets are at right now.
well didnt this turn into a big ol' cluster frick.. gotta love the fanboy elite jumping on the defensive high horse..

for the record andys points were relevent to the comebacks he received, it just snowballed a bit with the defensive come backs. oh and again for the record there is a lot of pot calling the kettle black with some of the trolling accusations, i see no mods warning them in other threads that often end up in bickering..

anyway going back to my pricing question earlier, i make that £100 more for the ipad3 in the same type (wifi 32gb). not worth it for me personally.

dont want to make new thread, but does Apple TV play mkv and all other sort of video files ?

"Video Formats

* H.264 video up to 1080p, 30 frames per second, High or Main Profile level 4.0 or lower, Baseline profile level 3.0 or lower with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats
* MPEG-4 video up to 2.5 Mbps, 640x480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats
* Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280x720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format"

still the WDTV a better option, albeit not airplay (i think, couldnt see it on the specs). and its cheaper

that said id still (as mentioned previously) CAT5 any streaming device for full fat HD rips. wireless HD content to the ipad2 just doesnt play nice for example.

wonder if you can still break them and run XBMC, although kinda pointless.

Yeah...the iPad is design on the go, not get bogged down with cables.

my ibasso LOD, fiio e11 and 1.5m heaphone cable just got sad :( :D

phne of the year? you ever tried one? pile of poop - but then I think android OS is complete tosh, so its probably not the phones fault

heaven forbid someone can come into a thread with opposing views and then get totally flamed yet in the same thread we can sit and slag off other products eh joe :D #justsayin :p
phne of the year? you ever tried one? pile of poop - but then I think android OS is complete tosh, so its probably not the phones fault

As an Apple fan (I'm writing this on my MacBook Pro, I have an iPhone 4S, an iPod Touch and an iPod Classic) I can't disagree with you more. The Samsung Galaxy SII is a great phone. I wish my iPhone was the same size. Your comment does smack of blind fanboyism. I don't like seeing people slag Apple stuff just for the sake of it, and I don't like seeing Apple users slag other brands just for the sake of it. It's all very childish.
still the WDTV a better option, albeit not airplay (i think, couldnt see it on the specs). and its cheaper

No AirPlay?

In that case it's not a better option. For me at least, AirPlay and screen mirroring make the product so much better, can you play your iPhone/iPad games through the we? Real racing with the device as a steering wheel through the tv is superb
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I don't like seeing people slag Apple stuff just for the sake of it, and I don't like seeing Apple users slag other brands just for the sake of it. It's all very childish.

I'm not slagging th phone off for the sake of it. I'm saying how poor the os is in my opinion and I have plenty of reasons why I think that. But I'll not go into it as it will take the thread off course again
No AirPlay?

In that case it's not a better option. For me at least, AirPlay and screen mirroring make the product so much better, can you play your iPhone/iPad games through the we? Real racing with the device as a steering wheel through the tv is superb

better in that it supports more formats, doesnt rely on itunes home sharing running on a computer, has more online services, gigabit lan, DTS, USB storage..

so yeah better :D

but then like you say "better" is subjective to user requirements.
better in that it supports more formats, doesnt rely on itunes home sharing running on a computer, has more online services, gigabit lan, DTS, USB storage..

so yeah better :D

but then like you say "better" is subjective to user requirements.

i never really understood the whole desire to support all formats thing? How many formats do you need? Like where are people getting the video from that they want to watch on the WD?

Anything of the online services on the device support whatever format the device needs right? so on AppleTV i get netflix, itunes, youtube etc - the format I never even see.

So it's about support of user's own video. Now my own video comes from three places - my Canon 5d Mark 2, my iPhone and anything I rip from a dvd.

When I rip a dvd I choose the output - same as you would for any device right? So I just rip it for appleTv. No different than ripping it to any other format the WD might support.

The content on my 5d I have to edit first, becuase it's all over the place little clips - then when it comes to rendering I make a choice - rip for appleTV - it gives me a m4v - works on all my devices and computers and TV - can upload the same file to facebook or youtube etc - plays in quicktime so works cross platform.

Same with anything from my iphone.

So, whats the scoop - is it because your phones and cameras record in formats that arent supported and you don't do any editing?
I've got 6TB of movies that are currently serving my two AppleTV's, iPad's, PS3, iPhones, Android Phones and WebOS, and computers and even sync to in car screens. All served via iTunes and no jail breaking. I don't get this 'hungupness' about formats either. It just works, and all with beautiful meta data intact.

A spec sheet is interesting and nice for the play ground but lets not make the mistake of taking it as gospel.

No doubt the fanboy and defensiveness card gets played again :god: