Is It Me?

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Is it me, who hasn't been here very long, or are there some argumentative buggers on this forum?
Is it me or do some people simply look for an argument when there isn't one?
Is it me or are there some folks who disagree just for the sake of proving they can type in English?
Is it me or are there some really bad tempered arsey sods in here?
Is it me or are there some who simply refuse point blank to see anothers point of view?
Is it me or are there several members who believe that any other way is wrong and you deserve derision and being locked in the stocks and have cabbages thrown at your head?
Is it me?
Is it?

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There are indeed a few, but compared to other forums that I spend time on, this is generally a lot more positive and friendly (like me!) (y)
Never really see the point in arguing, everyone has an opinion, if it's different to someone else's then so be it, some thrive in it...whatever floats your boat I guess.
I'll grant you there are those willing to go out of their way to help and be friendly, but the few always seem to get their tuppence worth in and create bad feeling.
Never really see the point in arguing, everyone has an opinion, if it's different to someone else's then so be it, some thrive in it...whatever floats your boat I guess.
Exactly, but some here are like terriers, refuse to let go until you've seen the light.....THEIR LIGHT!
Jayd, life's too short to worry bout these things.
My nose is so long every time I go to drink a cup of coffee I scold the end. Now I either make it colder, or use a straw- use the ignore button or imagine them covered in elephant dung
The internet was invented to react it seems

Every website is currently trying to make people believe that their opinion counts and they should share it.

I've learnt on many sites to ignore and move on.

If someone keeps annoying you, you have got an ignore button, this then prevents you seeing anything they ever post. Very useful! On one forum, a person got put on a global ignore, they could keep posting, but no one could see anything they wrote. He lasted about a week before he disappeared.

I think the reason this forum is the way it is is the mix of people, you have people starting out, people who are into it as a real hobby and then you have the professional photographers who get paid for what they do. They all have their own opinion and some believe due to their equipment or the fact they are paid to do it, they know more.

It is always good advice to look at someones credentials before taking advice from people, their equipment, their photos, how they generally are and what they do with their photography.
It's not me so much, but some start arguments again and again on other threads. Simple questions end up with slanging matches. It's just not fun.
no - yes
no - yes
no - yes
no - yes
no - yes
no - yes
To all Qs - maybe! ;)
No different to most forums on the net. If you compare like for like this is one of the nicer places to be.
I'm aware I could well be considered one of those argumentative buggers on here. All I will say is that I see this as a place to discuss things. Generally, that means having 2 or more differing points of view. When I do enter in these discussions I always endeavour to remain respectful and not turn it into anything personal. At the very least, I hope that comes across in each of my posts. I would add that if anyone feels I step over the mark or drag the tone of the thread down then pull me up on it :)
Is it me, who hasn't been here very long, or are there some argumentative buggers on this forum?
Is it me or do some people simply look for an argument when there isn't one?
Is it me or are there some folks who disagree just for the sake of proving they can type in English?
Is it me or are there some really bad tempered arsey sods in here?
Is it me or are there some who simply refuse point blank to see anothers point of view?
Is it me or are there several members who believe that any other way is wrong and you deserve derision and being locked in the stocks and have cabbages thrown at your head?
Is it me?
Is it?


Common denominator.....Is it me :shrug:
JayD said:
Is it me, who hasn't been here very long, or are there some argumentative buggers on this forum?
Is it me or do some people simply look for an argument when there isn't one?
Is it me or are there some folks who disagree just for the sake of proving they can type in English?
Is it me or are there some really bad tempered arsey sods in here?
Is it me or are there some who simply refuse point blank to see anothers point of view?
Is it me or are there several members who believe that any other way is wrong and you deserve derision and being locked in the stocks and have cabbages thrown at your head?
Is it me?
Is it?


No it's not you
I am a member of a number of different forums and this one is by far the worst for all of the above
But yet it's also to most heavily moderated
Common denominator.....Is it me :shrug:

I may as well bugger off now then.
I don't argue, or troll, but I get fed up of seeing nothing but arguments in a lot of threads while I'm trying to learn something.
it can be and sometimes it's not. Pretty much same as every other community with different people in it.
Is it me, who hasn't been here very long, or are there some argumentative buggers on this forum?
Is it me or do some people simply look for an argument when there isn't one?
Is it me or are there some folks who disagree just for the sake of proving they can type in English?
Is it me or are there some really bad tempered arsey sods in here?
Is it me or are there some who simply refuse point blank to see anothers point of view?
Is it me or are there several members who believe that any other way is wrong and you deserve derision and being locked in the stocks and have cabbages thrown at your head?
Is it me?
Is it?


YEP it's you :LOL: just kidding there are some really good people on here, just make a few friends and you'll soon know who to ask for/take advice from. hth mike just don't ask me i know bugger all :D
It really is a case of sorting out the wheat from the chaff and having a thick skin and not caring too much about the negative bits. I guess it's a bit like life itself, as in what you make of it.
Is it me, who hasn't been here very long, or are there some argumentative buggers on this forum?
Is it me or do some people simply look for an argument when there isn't one?
Is it me or are there some folks who disagree just for the sake of proving they can type in English?
Is it me or are there some really bad tempered arsey sods in here?
Is it me or are there some who simply refuse point blank to see anothers point of view?
Is it me or are there several members who believe that any other way is wrong and you deserve derision and being locked in the stocks and have cabbages thrown at your head?
Is it me?
Is it?


Just like life isn't it really, just try and ignore the clowns :wave: :LOL:
This forum is no worse than many others. I was for years a member of a cycling forum. I watched it degenerate from a really friendly and helpful place into a showplace for a few know-it-alls who actually based their opinions on very little experience and even less knowledge. Because the moderation was far too light, these clowns effectively took over and substantially strangled any real quality input.

This forum is well managed and sensitively moderated IMO so the volume of the er ... "louder" members is turned down to acceptable levels.

There are always a few who grate, but isn't that life?
Is it me, who hasn't been here very long, or are there some argumentative buggers on this forum?
Is it me or do some people simply look for an argument when there isn't one?
Is it me or are there some folks who disagree just for the sake of proving they can type in English?
Is it me or are there some really bad tempered arsey sods in here?
Is it me or are there some who simply refuse point blank to see anothers point of view?
Is it me or are there several members who believe that any other way is wrong and you deserve derision and being locked in the stocks and have cabbages thrown at your head?
Is it me?
Is it?


Perhaps you need to think before typing and be be slightly more diplomatic... you will receive less flack then

I'll be honest, I've seen better results from a (good) point n shoot with on board flash than from many a 'professional'.
Jamie, I thought I was argumentative, but compared to some on here, I am a mere novice.................:D

Don`t let it bother you, it ain`t worth it.
Perhaps you need to think before typing and be be slightly more diplomatic... you will receive less flack then

I'd already agreed on the diplomatic bit, and could see Phils point he was making, a lot less arrogantly than you, why bring it up again, are you one of those that's ALWAYS knows best?
and off we go again ... :shake:
Jamie, I thought I was argumentative, but compared to some on here, I am a mere novice.................:D

Don`t let it bother you, it ain`t worth it.

I thought I was level headed(ish) but some on here make my blood boil with there holier than thou attitudes.
Nowt stranger than folk.

They're easy to spot though. Ignore 'em.

The ones that disappoint me are the ones who are clearly experienced and knowledgeable, but just happen to be dickwads.

But you meet them in all walks of life, so chill.
Is it me, who hasn't been here very long, or are there some argumentative buggers on this forum?
Is it me or do some people simply look for an argument when there isn't one?
Is it me or are there some folks who disagree just for the sake of proving they can type in English?
Is it me or are there some really bad tempered arsey sods in here?
Is it me or are there some who simply refuse point blank to see anothers point of view?
Is it me or are there several members who believe that any other way is wrong and you deserve derision and being locked in the stocks and have cabbages thrown at your head?
Is it me?
Is it?


Dunno :shrug:
But there is Joescrivens.
Hahaha, Joe ain't so bad, he can be opinionated but seems to respect that other people will think differently. Or so I've seen so far, haha.

I'd agree with that.

There's one or two who are highly opinionated but, ultimately, open minded and respectful, while not suffering fools. That's fine by me, I'm a bit that way myself.
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i thought you were showing us all your new poem that you'd penned when i read the OP.. not a bad effort i thought (y)
No, it is not just you, Jay D.

Of the (admittedly few) forums I frequent, threads on here degenerate into abuse more often than on any of the others.

However, the vast majority of folks on here are really helpful.

Hahaha, Joe ain't so bad, he can be opinionated but seems to respect that other people will think differently. Or so I've seen so far, haha.

I would like to agree with you but I cannot risk him seeing this post :nono: :cautious: Going back to your thread though, there are all those you mention and more no doubt. You just have to realise that everyone is different, and different in oh so many ways. Without all of those individual characters where would any of us be :shrug:
Without all of those individual characters where would any of us be :shrug:
Very bored I would imagine. Yeah, I was just having a rant, life is full of different people, I know that obviously, I just get wound up at arrogance and delusions of grandeur, I think I'll take a chill pill. :D
i thought you were showing us all your new poem that you'd penned when i read the OP.. not a bad effort i thought (y)
Thank you, I have been known to chuck some verse together, usually writing where my mind wanders, It's usually much darker though. :D
No, it is not just you, Jay D.

Of the (admittedly few) forums I frequent, threads on here degenerate into abuse more often than on any of the others.

However, the vast majority of folks on here are really helpful.

Totally agree with you, I suppose it's just the degenerators who get noticed a lot more.
Rule No 1 of TP: Never ever give Scrivens a compliment or even the merest sniff of one! :rules:
