Is Panamoz "back"?

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How does that work then
non vat registered
cost 100 + vat = 120 + 50 profit= 170 retail

Vat registered business 120 cost -20 vat =100 + 50 profit + vat = 180 retail
how does the retailer customer win and where is this profit margin hit you mention for the non vat registered business

You are right but a fairer comparison would be in the sales the customer is paying is the same (customer wont care if business is VAT registered or not). Non VAT registered could in theory charge same price but doesn't have to charge VAT

Non vat registered

Cost= £120 (inc Vat)
Sales=£180 (no VAT)
=£60 profit

Vat registered
Cost=£100 (exc VAT)
Sales=£180 (but £30 is VAT)
=£50 profit

This is even worse - non VAT registered earns more profit
the only real winner in both circumstance is society, as public services are paid for by tax ( I really don't get this 'Taxman' as bogey man mentality - don't people want schools, hospitals, infrastructure, fire, police , services etc to be well funded ? )

something I found posted on facebook
Semi relevant at best (and not at all relevant to the OPs post) - people by their nature have leaders and leaders get more - its been the same since.. well since there were gatherings of people.
and the people who write those posts can't do maths - cutting all of those to zero would fund may be 1 battalion of soldiers.

meanwhile tax evasion costs around £13.2 billion according to HMRC figures !
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Semi relevant at best (and not at all relevant to the OPs post) - people by their nature have leaders and leaders get more - its been the same since.. well since there were gatherings of people.

have you read the OP's first post recently
unfortunately the topic has been changed to tax evasion by certain members
all starts going wrong on post 37 and it's all down hill from there
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Okay, you're just plain confusing - no I hadn't, now I have - the topic has been changed but not by them, you're right though it did go wrong from 37/38 - thats why at 40 I attempted to get it back on track, then again at 63 (after getting dragged in for a bit like I am now) - and obvious failed.

BTW you're great at sidestepping whats been said, I guess you;re not in politics but you could be :)
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I avoid politics at all costs, this thread is now in danger of going political and that will get it locked
I didn't see any where that you tried to get the topic back on track
maybe I missed that post
and this isn't at all political :shake:

There's no politics in this thread at all - apart from things like the above which seem to be an attempt to justify tax evasion :shrug:
surely you get what the facebook message is about
If your struggling let me know and I'll explain it for you :LOL:
surely you get what the facebook message is about
If your struggling let me know and I'll explain it for you :LOL:

Maybe you either don't understand the discussion in the thread, or choosing not too, or more likely you're just on a wind-up, but let me explain it for you ;)

re your pic in the previous post, It actually seems to be comparing wages/living standards.......NOT illegalities. :rules: (y)

btw, could you let the originator of that message, on that highly recognised site of learning, know that the word should be, where. :bonk:
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I didn't see any where that you tried to get the topic back on track
maybe I missed that post

Maybe the post numbers were a clue, nevermind you're obviously just doing this as a wind up now.
surely you get what the facebook message is about
If your struggling let me know and I'll explain it for you :LOL:

of course I get what it was about - you were saying that because politicians sometimes waste money you feel entitled to evade tax.

Personally I think that's a totally fallacious argument , rather like saying I saw someone driving dangerously so its okay for me to use my phone while driving.

However my point was that you are the only person in this thread posting anything that might be interpreted as political... therefore saying you avoid politics like the plague is more than a little hypocritical
I've bought a few items from Panamoz a while back before their prices shot up. The first time I bought from them was a Sigma 150-500 OS and it arrived in due course with a customs label saying camera accessory and had the full valuation on it.

The last time I bought from them was a Sigma Ringflash EM-140DG and that arrived with the customs label saying camera accessory and had the full valuation (actually said £287 and missed the .99p off but it was near enough for me). I can't say what any other of the labels said as I didn't look at them closely enough or keep the boxes, but I'm sure none of them said 'Toy' and had a very low valuation.

It seems to me that this thread is destined to become a copy of the last big thread on Panamoz, with many people saying how they got a great price and great service from them, and a few people who keep on going over the tax evasion thing. I very much doubt those few will sway many who want to get the best price for a camera or whatever to go and buy it in the UK for a lot more. Panamoz have clearly stated on their website that there are 'NO HIDDEN EXTRAS & NO VAT' and if any charges do get applied to the delivery then they will reimburse you.

When the UK gave up ownership of HK there was a trade agreement made (I can't remember the name) and this may have something to do with the way they do their business. Why not just keep buying from Panamoz and it wont really matter if there's any extra's to pay as you will get your money back.
To answer the thread title: yes. My 70D arrived earlier today and over £100 cheaper than DigitalRev.
with or without import tax and vat being paid ?
with or without import tax and vat being paid ?

Standard Panamoz terms.

I'm at a loss to know why you (and a small group of others) think it necessary to make the same comments/ask the same questions almost every time someone makes reference to a purchase from a Hong Kong connected retailer.
Standard Panamoz terms.

I'm at a loss to know why you (and a small group of others) think it necessary to make the same comments/ask the same questions almost every time someone makes reference to a purchase from a Hong Kong connected retailer.

You're right of course but what I guess hes asking is was it marked up as toy parts or as the full list price.

BTW gratz on the 70D, hopefully one day I'll get one as my crop body.
The question isn't difficult.

No-one is boasting.

There is no need for you, and a couple of others, to constantly harass posters by asking the same questions time after time. You have made your point repeatedly so why not give it a rest?
I agree wholeheartedly.
Agreed - Dave at least for now let the guy enjoy his new camera without spoiling it for him.
Agreed - Dave at least for now let the guy enjoy his new camera without spoiling it for him.

I have no problem with him enjoying his camera, I've always had the opinion that if a person wants to take the chance, good for them.

But to make a big issue, and boast (and yes, he is boasting) is a bit much.

To answer the thread title: yes. My 70D arrived earlier today and over £100 cheaper than DigitalRev.

Just be happy you got through customs unscathed, but there is no need to trumpet the fact over the forum when you know a lot of people don't agree with tax evasion.

It's almost like trolling just for a reaction :shrug:.
Its not trolling for a reaction at all - although I could suggest that was but I would have to look up the term to be sure - but in a thread about if Panamoz is back and if they're as good as they were it is pertinent, and apart from anything else who doesn't like to say when they've found a good deal (if you're not sure check out - great site by the way)
and apart from anything else who doesn't like to say when they've found a good deal (if you're not sure check out - great site by the way)

This is the problem though, (and has been mentioned many times), I think Pete made this point recently in his "illegal activities" thread.

It's only a good deal if you break the law, if you were to declare the camera to HMRC it wouldn't be all that much cheaper than the cheapest UK suppliers.

If I was to rob the local post office I wouldn't be posting on the forum about how much cash I'd managed to get.

If a person doesn't have the morals to think tax evasion is a bad thing, all well and good, order the camera and be happy about your new camera, but posting about how much their crime has netted them is trolling, and will always get a reaction, so it is trolling.
what's ordering an item from a web site from the comfort of your arm chair got to do with going into your local post office and robbing it.
what's ordering an item from a web site from the comfort of your arm chair got to do with going into your local post office and robbing it.

Don't play with words, everyone who orders from them who has done any research (or has read this forum) knows that the retailer is in Hong Kong and the law is clear on tax evasion.

It's a crime, just like stealing, and ignorance of the law is not a defence.

I suppose the people who do it like to sugarcoat the whole matter to assuage their own consciences.

And to add, your supercilious comment falls flat, it's actually
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Dave I call on you to do your duty. If you think a crime has been committed you must report it to the proper authority.
Dave I call on you to do your duty. If you think a crime has been committed you must report it to the proper authority.

No, I couldn't give a proverbial.

Anyone who wants to do it is welcome to take the chance, if they get away with it, good luck to them.

All I ask is like any other crime, they don't go out in public afterwards and boast to all and sundry about how well they've done.
Sorry Dave it doesn't work that way, if you suspect a crime has been committed and do not report it, you too are guilty of a crime. That would make you at least as bad as anyone shopping with Panamoz by your book.
But to make a big issue, and boast (and yes, he is boasting) is a bit much.

I have made a big issue out of nothing. It is you who constantly makes big issues out of others' posts.

Neither was I boasting, I was simply reporting the big difference between Panamoz's price and DigitalRev's bearing in mind the wide following DR has and their reputation for low prices.

It's almost like trolling just for a reaction

Not trolling at all, just posting information which answers the thread's title and which others might find helpful.

Your posts in this and similar threads could more easily be described as trolling as they are not on topic and simply devised to provoke a reaction. It would appear that you have no intention of buying from any retailer with a Hong Kong connection so it's difficult to understand why you would want to spend so much time posting in threads related to just that unless it was as a troll.
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