John's 2010 52, Part 2, Week 52 @ the end - Together (Jan 1st)

My first thought was a shot of my mobile phone, but then... a fair few of those might have been done already. So I decided to try and use the camera on my mobile phone... the camera works albeit not great...

And I came up with

Mobile home

However, I wasn't very happy with the resulting image and quality, so here's one taken in a car museum with my 450d instead.

All sorts of ideas came to mind when this one came up, but I wasn't able to come up with a way to implement them with multiple surfaces.. So whilst on a trip out on holiday, I spotted this... and offer a couple of choices... I know which I prefer and why... but I feel they both work..

1) Mono

2) Colour
Hi John and welcome back. I can understand why you weren't happy with the mobile home pic, but you did much better with the car. I assume it's peugeot rather than geugeot and the lion is an interesting looking character. It's a shame about the reflection on the left of the bonnet which is catching my eye a lot. Wonder how it would look in mono? :)

I really like the mono of surfaces. It's got a nice gritty feel to the conversion, particularly the diagonal black marks which are very striking. A pity the bottom of the graffiti isn't quite in frame but I like it (y)
I like the shot & I prefer the mono version - I think the depth you get in the colour version detracts from the texture of the surfaces.

Going back to mobile - the car shot is interesting, but the reflection on the lhs is distracting - I wonder if moving camera position would have eliminated this?

Hi John and welcome back. I can understand why you weren't happy with the mobile home pic, but you did much better with the car. I assume it's peugeot rather than geugeot and the lion is an interesting looking character. It's a shame about the reflection on the left of the bonnet which is catching my eye a lot. Wonder how it would look in mono? :)

I really like the mono of surfaces. It's got a nice gritty feel to the conversion, particularly the diagonal black marks which are very striking. A pity the bottom of the graffiti isn't quite in frame but I like it (y)

Thanks Darren, it is indeed Peugeot, taken at the Pug Museum. I'll look at what can be done with the image to improve it. As for Surfaces :bang: about the graffiti... damn... my only excuse, it was a grab shot as the angle I wanted came up from a moving boat :D.

I like the shot & I prefer the mono version - I think the depth you get in the colour version detracts from the texture of the surfaces.

Going back to mobile - the car shot is interesting, but the reflection on the lhs is distracting - I wonder if moving camera position would have eliminated this?


Thanks Phil. Thinking on mobile, a shift to the left would probably have eliminated the reflection, but I can't remember what that might have dragged into frame from the right (it was shot in a museum so was tightly packed in)... I'll have a look at seeing what I can do with processing, I can't go back to try again, it's a good 400 miles away ;)
:wave: Welcome back John!
I hope you had a good break.

I've slowly been catching up on everyone's transform shots. Totally missed that week with just far too much going on in life!
Brilliant idea and great execution, especially the second version with the shadow tweaked. Looks spot on to me now that you've tweaked the shadow. I'll have a look at that tutorial later, may be something I want to try one day.

Your mobile home shot isn't doing much for me, so I'm really glad that you posted an alternative.
A very interesting shot. That original lion is so much more interesting than the modern version. And personally, I really don't mind the reflection at all. I'm finding that I'm so drawn to the lion that my eye doesn't travel that much further back into the frame. My only suggestion would be a crop from the top - the light area above the lion is actually drawing my eye far more than the reflection.

Surfaces : Given the subject matter I thought I'd prefer the colour version, but the mono is actually my favourite.
It seems to really draw out the textures in the rear wall - in fact in the mono version I don't even notice that you've lost the bottom of the graffiti, whereas the colour one just seems to draw my eye to that area.
Hi John, hope you had a good holiday.

I did not even notice the reflection on the Peugeot shot until it was mentioned. My eye was drawn to the lion. Good take on the theme and I like the colours.

Looking at the 2 surface photos, I preferred the colour shot. However the textures really stand out more on the mono and make it a better interpretation of the theme. In spite of that, the colour is still my favourite. Another very interesting take on the theme.

Hi John, i like your shot of the Peugeot but i agree an alternative angle cutting out some reflections may help.
Surfaces, another fan of the mono. Its a good capture with lots of interesting contrasting surfaces on it. Did you push the contrast when you converted it as i think you have done a good job with it giving it a gritty urban feel.
Right, I've just realised that I've somehow missed your 52, which is really quite rude considering you take the time to comment on mine every week! So sorry, this is going to be a long one :D

Week 1: Love it, it's really my kind of shot! Quite minimalist, but nice and contrasty, and I like the composition! Sharp in all the right bits, but nice use of depth of field!

Week 2: I like the composition (and have a bit of a thing for mechanical things, especially watches), but not the processing so much. I get what you were trying to do with the x-ray, but I personally I'd have preferred it getting the same treatment as the previous shot! As you said though, 'marmite' :)

Scrolled down looking for week 3, and saw your astro poetry one. Wow. (y)

Week 3: I know where you're coming from about photography on a time limit! I can't decide which I prefer, I keep changing my mind each time I look at it!

Week 4: I much prefer the first shot, interesting angle and I know how irritating it can be having no manual control at all!

Week 5: Great shot, I've never been any good at bird-in-flight shots, but your panning is obviously much better than mine, and there's just the right about on blur on the wings to give a sense of speed!

Week 6: Sorry to hear you had a rough week (probably doesn’t mean much now it was so long ago, but it’s the thought that counts, right?!). I like it (even though you don’t), but I do have a bit of a thing for B&W macros as I’m sure you’ve realised by now :D

Week 7: Ooooh, I remember the fear I felt when I saw that ‘people’ had come up! It’s amazing how far my photography has come along actually thinking about it, now through my paper I’m shooting people doing various things a few times a week it doesn’t phase me at all, a bit of practice and you’ll wondering what you were worrying about! I prefer the second compositionally, and the first for the expressions. Key thing is you’ve got some lessons from it!

Week 8: Hmmmm, B&W macro mechanical goodness :love:. Love it.

Week 9: Off camera flash is something I’m going to be investigating this year, it’s always good to read about people still starting out, I’ll bear your lessons in mind for when I do get around to it. Poor monkeh...

Week 10: Wow! I have no idea what it is, but I’m guessing it’s a long way away and bright and sparkly? The triptych doesn’t do all that much for me, but I do like the processing – nice frame!

Week 11: Awww, look at it’s ears! Fits the theme nicely, and it’s a good capture! Possibly a little bit too bright, but that might be my monitor.

Week 12: I know you think the first one doesn’t work, but I really like it for it’s abstracty macro-ness. Very 3D. The moon shot is, as ever, stunning, and once again you confuse me to my core explaining how it was made. I can only assume it involved magic and fairy dust.

Week 13: Quad, these shots rock! I really like them for the simplicity and bright colours, particularly the first one as it really feels like it’s coming out of the screen!

Week 14: I can’t quite work out what’s going on in the first shot, I can’t tell what the OOF bit is! I hate it when you have an awesome idea in your head and then the camera just won’t capture it (definitely all the camera’s fault in those cases, no other alternative!!!) As for the second one, anything to do with torpedoes is fine by me!

Week 15: I LOVE those Lindt eggs! The dark chocolate ones are even better! And come in black wrappers, so you could have converted to mono and... (no, must stop with the B&W macro obsession..... :D)

Week 16: Yeah, just ‘wow’ again.

Week 17: Aww, very nice cat, and very peaceful (which I bet stopped the moment the flashes went off!). The second shot doesn’t really say ‘peace’ to me, but is beautifully lit and nice composition too.

Week 18: It would be more fitting if the glass was overflowing! But you’d probably be feeling it somewhat the next day I guess, so I’ll let you off this once!
Ooh, just got to the re-shoot of indulgence, the composition is much more interesting, very nice indeed!
Just got to the edit of the re-shoot, I like this one less than the original re-shoot, the colours were nicer before, more ‘luxurious’!

Week 19: Really nice composition, and good choice of ingredients for their colours, all very nice and natural!

Week 20: Again, sorry to hear you haven’t been well, but I like this shot for the depth of field and really vibrant sky.

Week 21: Awesome lighting, the last is my favourite, the slight de-saturation really adds to the shot. Nice composition too (and good acting skills!)

Week 22: I like the pano, there’s a slight bit of banding on the right hand side, but nothing too major. If the second shot was straightened a little, I think it’d prefer it, I love the roof at the museum, it’s awesome!
Ooops, there we go, just scrolled down to the straightened version! Much better, I see what you mean about the blue/green bit, looks like it’s just from the glass, if it really bothers you though a mono conversion should work well.

Week 23: Very nice use of DOF, shame the focus was slightly out, but given the circumstances I don’t think you’re really to blame for that one. Our friends in other countries probably have no clue what this is, but very fitting :D

Week 24
: Love the lighting again, I want to know how you guys do this where the background is completely black, and the subject just pops out! And now I’ve just read the bit above the photo where you explain how you did it, whoops!

Week 25: While I like the shot, it’s not grungy enough! I initially thought it was frost, and though it was quite pretty! I reckon if it was covered in tar or soot or something that would have been grungier, but I appreciate not everyone has extensive supplies of tar, soot, or the time/inclination to make such a mess!
The edit’s better! Much grungier!

Week 26: Ahh, saw this one for ‘peace’, still think it’s a cracking shot!

Week 27: I quite like the triptych, the second shot is fairly nice, but the pano is stunning! Awesome shades of blue, a bit of tree to give it perspective, and the sun to finish it off (or on second thoughts it might be the moon, or a streetlight?). I’d have probably preferred it to show a little bit more tree, but as that would be at the expense of those clouds, I think you did it the right way around!

Week 28: Nice shot, you’re cat is still very nice, and still pretty chilled by the looks of things!

Week 29: I can see what you were aiming for with the first shot, but the second blows it out of the water! I really like the symmetry of the composition (it’s good to stick it to the rule of thirds every now and again!), and I’d imagine balancing the light wasn’t hugely easy!

Week 30: Woah, hello there, wasn’t expecting that! I can’t decide if the addition of blood would be a bit too much, or make it an incredibly powerful shot. I don’t think I can say I ‘like’ it, but I think it’s a good shot, if that makes sense?

Week 31: Nice depth of field, and there’s something else I quite like about it, but can’t quite put my finger on!
I prefer the original to the re-shoot, the light is much softer in the first compared to the harshness of the second.
The edit of the first is my favourite of the 3, nice colours!

Week 32: Love it, that’s awesome and really different!

Week 33: Mobile home on a mobile phone, made me smile when I realised that, but it does show that as far as phone cameras have come, they still can’t compare to the real thing!

Week 34: The mono does it for me, nice and contrasty, and great textures!

Again, sorry for neglecting your 52, hopefully this’ll make up for it! Must make a mental note to check more often! (y)

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The Peugeot for me, too. I know it is difficult to get the right angle in a crowded museum so perhaps you could just clone out or tone down the reflection on the left. Lovely colours and nice to see the original lion.

Surfaces - I prefer the mono myself. It seems to grab the attention much more.
:wave: Welcome back John!
I hope you had a good break.

I've slowly been catching up on everyone's transform shots. Totally missed that week with just far too much going on in life!
Brilliant idea and great execution, especially the second version with the shadow tweaked. Looks spot on to me now that you've tweaked the shadow. I'll have a look at that tutorial later, may be something I want to try one day.

Your mobile home shot isn't doing much for me, so I'm really glad that you posted an alternative.
A very interesting shot. That original lion is so much more interesting than the modern version. And personally, I really don't mind the reflection at all. I'm finding that I'm so drawn to the lion that my eye doesn't travel that much further back into the frame. My only suggestion would be a crop from the top - the light area above the lion is actually drawing my eye far more than the reflection.

Surfaces : Given the subject matter I thought I'd prefer the colour version, but the mono is actually my favourite.
It seems to really draw out the textures in the rear wall - in fact in the mono version I don't even notice that you've lost the bottom of the graffiti, whereas the colour one just seems to draw my eye to that area.

Thanks very much Sarah, I did indeed. I did originally agree with you on the colour version of Surfaces, but you know... whilst I still like the colours, I think the Mono is growing on me. I've got an image sorted for the Lion without the reflection, I'll post it shortly.

Hi John, hope you had a good holiday.

I did not even notice the reflection on the Peugeot shot until it was mentioned. My eye was drawn to the lion. Good take on the theme and I like the colours.

Looking at the 2 surface photos, I preferred the colour shot. However the textures really stand out more on the mono and make it a better interpretation of the theme. In spite of that, the colour is still my favourite. Another very interesting take on the theme.


Thanks very much Jenny, we did. Glad you like them.

defenitly black and white on surfaces.


Thanks Ian

Hi John, i like your shot of the Peugeot but i agree an alternative angle cutting out some reflections may help.
Surfaces, another fan of the mono. Its a good capture with lots of interesting contrasting surfaces on it. Did you push the contrast when you converted it as i think you have done a good job with it giving it a gritty urban feel.

Thanks Chris, I did push the contrast and a few other settings in the conversion.

The Peugeot for me, too. I know it is difficult to get the right angle in a crowded museum so perhaps you could just clone out or tone down the reflection on the left. Lovely colours and nice to see the original lion.

Surfaces - I prefer the mono myself. It seems to grab the attention much more.

Thanks very much Tracer. I've got an alternate (slight crop) for the Pug...
Wow Chris, That must have taken you ages to go through the threads. Thanks very much for taking all that time to go through them all and comment on each image.
And here is the cropped version of the Pug Lion...


Actually, I think this is better and the loss of the extra space has helped focus the attention on the lion. Probably would have been better still, if I could have used the 55-250 and got in real close, but that was a real no no, there was no way, even with the 4 stop IS I could have used that in the lighting conditions, not without killing the shot with the popup flash anyway. It was incredibly borderline as it was... 1/15 @ ISO800 and 55mm... and the kit lens wide open, glad it's got IS ;)... now what did I do with that couple of grand for a 70-200 f/2.8 IS :thinking: :D ?
Much better - this is stunning! IS/VR is a life saver sometimes, isn'tit.
Definately the mono version on surfaces John, it really brings out the textures. An interesting take on the theme, well done. The crop version of mobile works better too. I like the colour tone in the image of what is a fantastic subject. Good job on catching up too. All round(y) from me. Iain
Thanks Tracer, it sure is, I wouldn't want to be without it now, just in case.

Thanks very much Iain.
Much prefer the crop of the lion in Mobile, John and the mono version of Surfaces stand out for me.
Thanks Paul
Not had much of an opportunity to get the camera out this week. Bit irritating really. And the weather hasn't helped achieve what I wanted... it's been sunny all week ;)....

The best I could come up with was this to show one of the odd properties of light.


It's not a rainbow, it's either an Upper Tangent Arc, or a Circum Zenithal Arc, and I can't work out which.

I'd been hoping for some Sunbeams (Crepuscular Rays) as they show up another odd property of light from our nearest star... so here's one a I prepared earlier, just for reference


Not my best, but they'll have to do (I managed to take a whole 2 photos this week, one was the UTA above).
It's not a rainbow, it's either an Upper Tangent Arc, or a Circum Zenithal Arc, and I can't work out which.

:LOL: I would have called it an upside down rainbow, so I've learnt something new today (y)
Both of these are absolutely beautiful - it's surprising how much inspiration there is just above our heads! My only complaint is that the trees and houses are not adding much for me. I'd like to see those cropped out if possible to focus in entirely on the sky. I certainly don't think that you need them there to give any context.

The cropped Pug works loads better for me too. It definitely draws more attention to the lion :clap:
Thanks very much Sarah, only glad to help out ;)... As requested, a couple of crops for you...



I'm not totally convinced on the UTA... I think zooming in more in the first place would have been a better option... It's worked a treat on the Crep clouds though (y) just a shame I didn't get any in the proper week.
Hi John, two beautiful photos here, but I prefer those without the crop. I agree that the building does not add anything but the crop loses the light shining down from the clouds. I would have been tempted to clone out the buildings and turn them into trees! They are in silhouette, so I am sure we would not have noticed.

Hi John - I hope you enoyed your holiday. :)

I've got a bit of catching up to do - but nothing like the scale of Chris's - that is one epic catch-up. He should be crowned 'Chirs, the Catch-up King' after that. :D :)

Mobile: I found this difficult too. The mobile home's a good idea - it would have been nice to see more of it, but perhaps that wasn't possible. The lion head's eyes grabbed my attention to the extent that I didn't notice the reflection, but the cropped version is definitely better, imho. :)

Surfaces: Well spotted - lots of different surfaces, colours and textures. I think the b&w version shows up the wall textures better, and that seems the cdominant feature, whereas in the colour version the graffitti and junk in the skip take centre stage with their colours. So, yes, they both work really well. (y)

Light: I love both these. I don't think I've ever seen an 'upside down rainbow' (good description, Sarah!) but I shall certainly look out for one - it's lovely. The second shot is just stunning - I love it. I prefer the uncropped versions because the trees etc give context to the spectacular skies you've captured. :clap:

Hi John, two beautiful photos here, but I prefer those without the crop. I agree that the building does not add anything but the crop loses the light shining down from the clouds. I would have been tempted to clone out the buildings and turn them into trees! They are in silhouette, so I am sure we would not have noticed.


Thanks very much Jenny. Hmm interesting idea on the building... I'll look into that later.

I love sky shots John and since taking up Photography i have learnt to appreciate them more and more. Number 2 is the better one for me as its more dramatic. Interesting idea for light and unique amongst the other 52'ers

Thanks very much Chris. There is some amazing things to see overhead, but of course when you want them to, they just won't ...

Hi John - I hope you enoyed your holiday. :)

I've got a bit of catching up to do - but nothing like the scale of Chris's - that is one epic catch-up. He should be crowned 'Chirs, the Catch-up King' after that. :D :)

Mobile: I found this difficult too. The mobile home's a good idea - it would have been nice to see more of it, but perhaps that wasn't possible. The lion head's eyes grabbed my attention to the extent that I didn't notice the reflection, but the cropped version is definitely better, imho. :)

Surfaces: Well spotted - lots of different surfaces, colours and textures. I think the b&w version shows up the wall textures better, and that seems the cdominant feature, whereas in the colour version the graffitti and junk in the skip take centre stage with their colours. So, yes, they both work really well. (y)

Light: I love both these. I don't think I've ever seen an 'upside down rainbow' (good description, Sarah!) but I shall certainly look out for one - it's lovely. The second shot is just stunning - I love it. I prefer the uncropped versions because the trees etc give context to the spectacular skies you've captured. :clap:


Thanks Jean, very much so. Do you think we could suggest to the MOD's that Chris get a new user title "Catch Up King" or something :LOL:...

Mobile, the stoopid camera on my phone is a fixed lens and focus thing, it's hard enough getting any definition anyway, further away... Nah... They had some wicked bonnet pieces on the old cars.

Thanks very much for the comments on the other shots too. The UTA and other effects around the sun, can be quite tricky to spot, it's best to get the sun behind something (a fist works well) and sunglasses to help improve contrast too. You can get effects up to a complete ring (22 degrees out and a fainter one 45 degrees out) as well as all sorts of odd rainbow effects, like the UTA, sundogs etc.
Too many long words and acronyms to get my head round this week John, but I do like your second cropped image of God appearing through the clouds. The first is a little too wispy and undefined but that second is nice and strong.
Thanks Darren, sorry for all the TLA's ;)...
I was seriously :thinking: on this one when I saw it... I'm not in the middle of a photo project (excluding the 52 that is, I did consider putting up one of the other images again :D). I couldn't think of a single thing I could use to project an image and shoot it in any way, let alone an interesting one. Well, last night, I was at an awards ceremony (I didn't win), and this year, I remembered to take my tripod, so I'm going to call this a mini project as I planned for it.


I left the laser line in, as I sort of like it, particularly with the plane climbing above it on the same line.
Really enjoying this photo and love the fact you've let the laser line in it.

I keep meaning to pop up to London to take a shot with the laser in it.
Good cityscape John, but I think I'm going to be the first to say I really don't like the laser :D Maybe if there were a few more it would have some place in the image, but as it is it looks too much like a fault on your sensor (sorry).
Really enjoying this photo and love the fact you've let the laser line in it.

I keep meaning to pop up to London to take a shot with the laser in it.

Thanks Darren

great landscape shot John, im undecided on the laser, i like it but think it distracts from a cracking shot. Its a pity the laser wasnt higher above the towers or even multiple lasers.

Thanks Chris, It's the meridian line, running from the Observatory to the dome (I think).

Good shot of the city at night John. The laser adds interest with the path of the plane above it.

Thanks Sue

Good cityscape John, but I think I'm going to be the first to say I really don't like the laser :D Maybe if there were a few more it would have some place in the image, but as it is it looks too much like a fault on your sensor (sorry).

Thanks Darren, I had a play last night, with a graphics tablet, always had issues with accuracy, trying cloning with the mouse, but this made it much easier.

Great colours. Not sure about the laser ...fence sitting !

Thanks... how about this ?


Cloning done with a tablet and pen, much easier for accuracy.
Cheers Darren (y)

Thanks Jenny (y)