Just venting about what's happened to our NHS

There are two main problems with the NHS

1) Too many people with vestied intrests, who will not accept change, ANY change.

2) It has become a happiness service not a health service.

The NHS was set-up to cure you when you were ill, it was not set up so spend millions making people happy with such things as IVF ( you are NOT ill, just cause you can't have children) and some cosmitic surgury is un-nessary.

PS, nurses are NOT low paid, the unions just try to convince us all of that, a basic nurse starting on £20K + in not a low paid worker.

Basic nurse..20k???
I'm a NHS worker and have been for over 35 years.
I stopped reading after this racism.

The whole point is that the waiting room was absolutely crammed with Pakistanis,
lofcuk said:
I stopped reading after this racism.

The whole point is that the waiting room was absolutely crammed with Pakistanis,

Why is that racist?
I stopped reading after this racism.

The whole point is that the waiting room was absolutely crammed with Pakistanis,
Not intended to be racist, just a statement of fact.

Perhaps I should have said something along the lines of
"The whole point is that the waiting room was absolutely crammed with people who dressed like Pakistanis and looked like Pakistanis"

I do in fact have quite a lot of asian friends and clients and have absolutely no problem with the ones who have integrated into our society and live in our country instead of off of it.
But the sad fact of the matter is that in my area, the English are in a minority and the majority are putting pressures on the NHS that it simply can't cope with.

Obviously all races can and do abuse the accident and emergency system and the real problem lies with the system that allows them to do so - but the problem, as explained to me by NHS staff, is that the Pakistani community has a tendency to turn up at A&E instead of visiting their own doctor, even if they are in this country legally and actually have a doctor who they can visit. And they bring young children with them so that they get bumped up the waiting list. And the NHS staff are so worried about being labelled racist that they just let them get on with it.

I see that you live in Hertfordshire. If you lived here instead you might understand the problem better and you might be less inclined to accuse me of being racist...
Not intended to be racist, just a statement of fact.

Perhaps I should have said something along the lines of
"The whole point is that the waiting room was absolutely crammed with people who dressed like Pakistanis and looked like Pakistanis"

I do in fact have quite a lot of asian friends and clients and have absolutely no problem with the ones who have integrated into our society and live in our country instead of off of it.
But the sad fact of the matter is that in my area, the English are in a minority and the majority are putting pressures on the NHS that it simply can't cope with.

Obviously all races can and do abuse the accident and emergency system and the real problem lies with the system that allows them to do so - but the problem, as explained to me by NHS staff, is that the Pakistani community has a tendency to turn up at A&E instead of visiting their own doctor, even if they are in this country legally and actually have a doctor who they can visit. And they bring young children with them so that they get bumped up the waiting list. And the NHS staff are so worried about being labelled racist that they just let them get on with it.

I see that you live in Hertfordshire. If you lived here instead you might understand the problem better and you might be less inclined to accuse me of being racist...

What race people are, or look like they are, in an NHS waiting room has nothing to do with wait times. It is the system that may be wrong, and this is where you need to point your energy. It is lazy to take a Daily Mail view, when you should be looking at the bigger and more intelligent picture.

Where I live has no bearing on how I think about the world and the way it is organised.
Basic nurse..20k???
I'm a NHS worker and have been for over 35 years.

Are you deliberately trying to mislead people Paul or are you just not in possession of the full facts (after 35 years in the service)? What you linked to was the pay scales for the whole of the NHS not just nurses and after a quick scout on the NHS jobs website acetone is about right in his statement.

The lowest paid job was around 17.5-23.5k for a 30 hour week which equates to nearly 22k for full time (37.5 hours) for a staff nurse position. The lesser paid positions are for cleaners, cooks, health care assistants and admin etc.

Union official by any chance?

To be completely accurate qualified nurses start on Band 4 which is £18,402 (not far off of 20k and not bad for someone who is newly qualified in my opinion.
I stopped reading after this racism.

The whole point is that the waiting room was absolutely crammed with Pakistanis,

Couldn't agree more and I reported the OP as having racist over tones at the time it was posted via the RTM button but the thread and comments have remained
Couldn't agree more and I reported the OP as having racist over tones at the time it was posted via the RTM button but the thread and comments have remained
Well, you're perfectly entitled to report me, that's what the button is for:LOL:

My guess is that the admin or mod who looked at the post actually read what I said, including this bit
Apparently some other hospitals have dealt with this problem by refusing to treat non-emergencies, if they insist on treatment then they have to pay £50, which gets rid of the timewasters (or all nationalities) and makes the service available for genuine cases. Why can't all hospitals with the same problem do this? I suppose they would be accused of racism.
and had the intelligence to work out that I was stating facts, not making a racist comment.
Not wanting to get involved in the Argument too deeply or dig into his past posts but Regardless of the Ethnic Group Bradford is well know to be one of the largest ethnic populations in the country. Perhaps he didn't help his case by generising however he simply stated that a large proportion (perhaps a disproportional amount to the people living in the community) are of a foreign decent.

People are far to quick to jump on the racism bandwagon and assume racism as soon as a race is mentioned in anything that could be seen in a derogatory way. Abuse of systems by minorities (regardless of the format) often gets buried by people and organisations who don't want to seem racist by investigation or report. It's important to squash racism but not be blindsinded by the cause. I would be interested in seeing what proportion of ethic backgrounds actually use the system the most (facts and figures) before you write what he says completely off as a racial slur.

Abuse of all systems (not just the NHS) by Minority Groups (and largely by everyone for that matter) does happen and in far more ways than you think.

I know a few A+E nurses and they unfortauntly can only do what the system allows them to do. A lot of nurses DO care however being a nurse (their are a far few that don't) their are a few that probably don't (or don't by the end of their shift) however the majority of the nurses I know are far from being on huge salary's. Like all public systems (and indeed a lot of private ones) everyone will have their views on the system they work for and the public usually only ever get a over sensational view when it hits the tabloids.

A&E is seen as the front line of the NHS and the people their quite often are thrown in a system of high stress with the worst type of customer (people who are sick and therefore likely to lash out) the system is difficult and everyone thinks they have a higher priority than everyone else and has more of a right to be their.

Im as guilty as the next person here for turning up at Minor Illnesses here rather than waiting days to see my GP however that's a reflection on the state of the system. A lot of the NHS is fantastic however theirs no doubt a thousand ways to fastrack the healthcare system and turning up to avoid GP queues and bringing along kids to speed your way though is the tip of a very large iceberg. It's more visable in A&E though which is where the problem lies.
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To be completely accurate qualified nurses start on Band 4 which is £18,402 (not far off of 20k and not bad for someone who is newly qualified in my opinion.

Not quite, Newly qualified RN's start on Band 5 which is £21,176.
Band 4 is usually an Assistant Practitioner role (Not a Registered Nurse) and qualified to Foundation Degree Level

But yes, it's generally around 20k. (after the tax man has been ;))
You'd have to pay me a damn site more than £20k to do the job that nurses do. The intensity of their work, the stresses that are involved, their responsibilities and the standards expected of them are ridiculous. Anyone who can do that job has my upmost respect because I know that for the work expected of them £20k is far less than they deserve.
You'd have to pay me a damn site more than £20k to do the job that nurses do. The intensity of their work, the stresses that are involved, their responsibilities and the standards expected of them are ridiculous. Anyone who can do that job has my upmost respect because I know that for the work expected of them £20k is far less than they deserve.

Unfortunately such is life, and it will never change. Yet people who sit in an office all day and push a pen around get paid 35k+. I'd love them to work a day in our shoes and see how they cope!
Remember that we're talking about a starting point here for someone who is qualified but inexperienced. With every year in the NHS you go up a level within your pay band and every year the pay scale is reviewed and adjusted for cost of living (unless that has been frozen as can happen in exceptional circumstances). When you get to the top of your pay band you stay there or you look for a job in a higher pay band. Add to that the non-financial rewards such as increased holiday entitlement the longer you stay with them plus a pension which isn't to be sniffed at.

As with most jobs in life, career progression brings more money, but everyone has to start somewhere.
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Add to that the non-financial rewards such as increased holiday entitlement the longer you stay with them plus a pension which isn't to be sniffed at..

I would hardly call them "Rewards".....A whole two days extra after 5 years and four after 10....woo, lucky me! Definitely makes up for all those Bank Holidays and unsociable hours i've worked.
I would hardly call them "Rewards".....A whole two days extra after 5 years and four after 10....woo, lucky me! Definitely makes up for all those Bank Holidays and unsociable hours i've worked.

Rewards might be a bit strong bit it's still better than a kick in the gonads;)
I have to say I love the NHS but not for the reasons above, Rules are a bitch and take some getting past, and if you play the system it will work for you.

I have been treated and made better(never say cured as it could come back) after leukimia 20 years ago and I owe alot to the cause.

I now live here in Guernsey and the syrstem they have over here is great, go see a doctor, thats £35 please.
Go to A&E and its £65 ,call an ambulance and its £110, ok all of the above is covered with medical insurance and ambulance cover.

BUT the beauty is, you phone the doctor for an appointment and you useually get one that day OR first thing the next, go to A&E and you will be seen withing 1/2 hour or so max. There is no one at the doctors with a sniffle or other very minor complaints and A&E is just that, accidents and emergencies.

Maybe this is the answer I do not know, but I know one thing, it works over here.
