kapawayna's 52 for 2010 Week 08/52 Machines

It looks like it was misty in 4 Wayne... the contrast is low. That's not so much of a problem I think here... I do like the shot... the issue is the sky above the church is blown out. Not sure there was much you could do with a single exposure with filters (I've no clue on those myself yet) perhaps crop off the worst of the sky, or slap it with shadows and highlights and pull down the white clout... or in fact maybe both.. Having said that, it's nicely composed, and apart from the sky I like it.

Speed... OW!!!!... that must have hurt. A really good idea, although as Richard has said the tent roofs are a bit bright and distracting. Another one for slapping with shadows and highlights, just to pull the brightness down on those tent roofs... and reduce the glary distraction.
week 4 2nd attempt i thought the sky would be less distracting in B/W

Speed darkened the tents to save our eyes from burning out
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I was just thinking I'd like to see that in B/W and as I scrolled down there it was! Definitely much better - what a lovely place.

That looks expensive! Nice to see a different take on the theme. I'm find the burnt out tents less distracting than the edit, though!

Present -
What a gorgeous watch and a lovely shot of it. I would just like to see it centred in the frame though - its off to the right too much for my taste.

Week 6...Great shot, DOF is perfect and the lighting seems good too (y)

The only thing that distracts me is the chain...looks out of place.

Maybe if it was hidden behind or brought around the left side to sit in front...

Still....I like it, good luck for next week :)
thats a great watch.. nicely lit and no distracting reflections.. agree about the chain, might have been better trailed round the the front as suggested by stephen?
Nice watch well lit. As above, either hide the chain or get it all in frame nicely arranged to the side or front.
Week 6 Present (time)

"There is this theory of the mobius - a twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop"

"You mean, whatever happens will happen again?"

Worf and Geordi :)

Nice shot!
Hi Wayne,

A couple of weeks behind with yours - but on a positve note, it gives me time to see your edits :)

Street : Lovely picturesque image. Definitely prefer B&W, you're right that it does help the sky but it also gives a timeless feel to it.
It's very nicely composed too (y)

Speed : That shot is spot on for the theme and has some real impact to it. Your edit has definitely helped with the tents.
It would have been nice if you'd been able to try some different angles - maybe get a cleaner background or focused in on one part of the car. Still an effective shot though.

Present : Brilliant watch (y)
I'm afraid that the edit isn't doing much for me - I don't like the positioning of the chain and it has a strange bluish tint.
First one is far better IMO. I can see what the others mean about the chain, but it's a minor niggle for me - and it looks better there than it does arranged in a circle around the watch.
Maybe a more natural position of the chain - just coiled at the side would be the best compromise. I kind of like it just the way it is in the first shot though :shrug:
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A great watch Wayne, and a lovely shot of it, I much prefer the first one though.
I have to admit i was happier with the first shot on the watch with the angle i had to put the watch for the second i was really struggling to get the colours to look good for some reason.
Woah.. when did week 9 come along? (hides his eyes and runs away!)

Update your thread title ;)
Oh, you meant week 8 mechanical :LOL:

In that case, whilst the helicopter looks good the background is a mess and detracts from the image. You needed to either get round the other side, or right underneath :D
People the idea works, but something seems odd around the people... I can't work it out...

I agree with the helicopter Wayne, the idea is good, and clearly mechanical... a bit messy on the background though. Either as Darren suggested, or wait till it's a bit higher, so only the trees and sky in the background.
Hi Wayne.
Well done on catching back up!

I like the idea behind both of these. Plenty to catch your eye.
For me though they could both do with a bit of a contrast boost and are both slightly let down by the backgrounds.

In "people" I think you could do with losing the ceiling furniture by cropping the top off - or maybe an even more aggressive crop to lose the foreground tables and focus in on the dancing couples.

Agree with John on the helicopter shot.