klc_001's 52 for 2010 Part 1 - Weeks 10 & 11 - Chemistry (post 77) & Candid (post 79)

Candid all the way! Great shot...

But what puzzles me is the comfy chairs, in an airport!?! Why doesn't Gatwick have them it would make flying so much better

:LOL: I know! And these were in front of a TV no less !! But, it is a tiny airport, with a tiny cafe area and even smaller shop.....but on a positive note, check in from door to comfy chairs took no longer than 20 minutes - now if only Gatwick could do that too. :D

Thanks for the feedback too (y)
Catchup on yet another 52 for me... Thought I'd caught them all this week...

Anyway. I really like Play. Nice to see more than one child getting something out of a personal electronic game thingy.

I really like the angle on Chemistry. Well composed and nicely shoe-horned in to the theme. Though I can't say a word having epically failed Chemistry.

And as for Candid. Lovely shot..! You can tell it's not the UK because the remote isn't chained down. Oh... and the seats... Lovely composition with the only distraction being that cushion in the bottom right corner. Did you crop it like that, or is it straight out of the camera?

Catchup on yet another 52 for me... Thought I'd caught them all this week...

Anyway. I really like Play. Nice to see more than one child getting something out of a personal electronic game thingy.

I really like the angle on Chemistry. Well composed and nicely shoe-horned in to the theme. Though I can't say a word having epically failed Chemistry.

And as for Candid. Lovely shot..! You can tell it's not the UK because the remote isn't chained down. Oh... and the seats... Lovely composition with the only distraction being that cushion in the bottom right corner. Did you crop it like that, or is it straight out of the camera?


Thanks Ian! :) The candid shot is as I took it composure-wise, and I agree about the sofa cushion, but just couldn't work out how to crop it to get rid of it, but keep all of his legs! :thinking: :LOL:
Playing catchup again Kristy. Never enough time!

Chemistry - I like the angle here - works well.

Candid - great shot - wish the chairs were that comfy at the airport I work at - mind you probably wouldn't get any work done.
Kristy, they both work well for the themes. Good strong images each... Candid is well spotted and taken, my one attempt at candid was done in exactly the same way.. my eldest was just out of shot under the line of the camera...