klc_001's 52 for 2010 Part 1 - Weeks 10 & 11 - Chemistry (post 77) & Candid (post 79)

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Evening All! :wave:

Well, I'm a little late to the join the party, but better late than never I guess!

Week 1 - Curved

Here's my shot at 'Curved' - would be curious to know what you guys and gals think?

To be honest, I've be doing a 365 project since June last year, and am loving doing it, but it isn't challenging me to improve my photography as much as I thought it would. It's much more about tracking a year in our lives. So I was looking for a new challenge to do when that's finished, when I saw this, and decided to throw all my eggs in one basket (sorry - couldn't resist :coat:) and try to do both at once for a few months!

In theory, I'd like to be able to say that I'm going to take new pics week on week, but I'm adding a disclaimer that it depends on the theme, and the social life of my 5 year old! :LOL:

I'll try and add comments to as many as possible too - have been browsing some of the many threads today and am VERY impressed so far :clap:

So, here's to an interesting year! :banana:

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I love this image, definitely gives you the feeling of curves!
Well done you for setting yourself a new challenge for the new year!
I'll be keeping a close eye on this one!
Good Luck!
Hi Kristy,

I'm not sure whether this is easier or harder than a 365.
Different I'd say.
It really does make you focus on getting just one shot and trying to make it a good one.

And this is a very good start to your 52. It's definitely curved and there's a nice use of DOF to give it a sense of perspective.

I know that this is being incredibly picky, but I do have a niggle with it. That egg on the RHS is really irritating me. It appears to be a different colour and texture to the others and keeps drawing my eye away from looking at the rest of the image. (sorry - and I know that it's a petty complaint ;) )
Thanks ladies - it's certainly a challenge I'm looking forward to!

I know what you mean about that egg Sarah - but I didn't want to mess with the box and hey, that's the beauty of free-range I guess!! :LOL:
Week 2 - Poetry

So, here we are at week 2 - and I'm glad that I only started a week late so I didn't have much catching up to do :LOL:

This is one of my favourite poems, that always makes me think of my Grandad, so when I knew the theme, this was my instinctive choice, and the one I couldn't get out of my head. I also wanted to incorporate the weather conditions that we've had this past week, so this picture was actually taken last week (hope that's allowed!). Not sure I'm 100% with the pic, but would be interested in your feedback please!!

Do not stand at my grave and weep by Mary Elizabeth Frye

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

That's an emotional photo there, certainly a poem to stir up memories. I like your curved photo more as a photograph, but for added emotional impact the second wins by a mile.
Hello Kirsty,

this is my first 52 so can't really comment on comparisons but it certaintly gets the brain ticking. Good luck. :)

week 1 - "Eggs", very curvy and a nice idea, RHS egg mentioned by Sarah,
I wonder if it was placed on the 2nd row but centred, just a thought.

week 2 - This is a very moving poem. It is a nice image too but, IMO maybe
a shot of a solitary tombstone.

Hey Kristy..

Love the image for your poem, definately v.emotional. Yet pretty and calming at the same time. Looking forward to next week!!
Lovely piccy for Curved love it simple clean good lines very imaginative.


I just love that poem :crying: but if that was me I would have had 1 single tombstone.

Thats just me but lovely all the same look forward to the rest. (y)
Love the second one -choice of poem and the photo work perfectly. Now kicking myself, as to why I didn't come up with that.
Oh my god, I also had this poem in mind as it's one of my wife's fav poems. Scarily enough, I also had the exact image in mind too but being a bit of a wimp, I decided that going for a walk round a cemetry in -3* wasn't really my cup of tea so I stayed in-doors. I think you've really done justice to this poem so well done.

However, some would argue that this poem isn't necessarily about death - it's about living and life, so I wonder what other images could represent this poem........
Right then!
No one, the eggs. I did not comment when I first saw it, but like others it would seem, that right egg catches the eye. Not saying that is bad, just that it catches my eye.

The poem is very moving & I think the picture does work with it.
Maybe the pic needs lightened a wee bit?
Evening All
Thanks for the comments - exactly what I need to keep me learning through this adventure! I know what you mean about the shots, and tbh my preference would also have been for a single tombstone, but didn't connect the poem and the pic at the point that I took it, and we haven't had such a nice day since so it's one for the future ideas bank I think!

Sawman - I did try lightening it up a bit, but somehow still seems too dark and was worried about going any lighted as I thought it would blow the sky out too much - do you have any handy hints please??? :thinking:

Again - thanks all - your comments are much appreciated. :love: Hope your journey's are all going well!
Hi Kirsty,

I hope you don't mind, your box is ticked...what do you think? - I do hope this is ok with you.

I can remove it if you want me to.

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Hi Graham
Thanks for having a go at brightening it up for me - I do appreciate it, and I hope you won't take any offence if I say that I'm not completely sure about it. I'm sure it's my untrained eye, but it looks a little unreal - am I'm not sure why?
Thanks for your interest though - it really helps my learning to get comments and suggestions !
I like the eggs - certainly lots of curves there

not so sure about week 2 though

TBH it looks like you just used the camera auto-expose and that's why the snow is grey
it does need brightening a stop or 2

composition is fine though! (y)
I really like the eggs idea and you've got a good shot there.

Not so sure about the poetry one though so I hope you don't mind me explaining why...It fits the poem you've chosen but I think there are a couple of things you could do to improve it. Firstly it's a little underexposed, although I know there's an issue with such a bright sky that you would have totally blown the sky to get the ground exposed properly. Compositionally I think it's just a little too busy and as others have said just concentrating on one grave would have given the picture more of a focal point. It would also have given you the option of not including the sky. I also think the nearest head-stone is a bit too close to the edge of the frame and needs a bit of room below it. The last thing I was going to say, and I feel a little picky here, is I don't really like the tree going out the top of the frame in the middle as it seems to cut the frame in two when it 'connects' to the gravestones at the bottom.

I hope that doesn't sound too critical, it wasn't meant to, just trying to give you some pointers about what I would do to change the shot.
No offence taken Kirsty...looking forward to week 3

Thanks Graham! Like I said - I do appreciate your offer to help, and it's definately my untrained eye that's to blame - that and the base photo itself.

I've taken the hint from most of the comments that Week 2's not the been the best for me :(

Trying to keep positive for next week's theme, or this could be a very short project :LOL:
always makes me think of my Grandad

Me too. I was going to say 'what's the shot gotta do with the poem', but then I spotted it was gravestones. I'm not convinced... for me, that poem isn't about a cemetry in the snow. Soz.
Me too. I was going to say 'what's the shot gotta do with the poem', but then I spotted it was gravestones. I'm not convinced... for me, that poem isn't about a cemetry in the snow. Soz.

Thanks for the comment, and for looking at my thread though - it's appreciated. :)

I think one of the problems with a theme like this is that the interpretation of a poem can be completely personal. This particular poem is one I read a lot when my gorgeous Grandad died, and my favourite line is the "I am the diamond glints on snow", so a shot of snow in a cemetary is apt to me.

But hey, life would be so boring if we all had the same interpretation of everything wouldn't it??!! :LOL:
Thanks Graham! Like I said - I do appreciate your offer to help, and it's definately my untrained eye that's to blame - that and the base photo itself.

I've taken the hint from most of the comments that Week 2's not the been the best for me :(

Trying to keep positive for next week's theme, or this could be a very short project :LOL:

I went back to the poem after reading all your responses and can totally see why you picked this image Kristy. It's going to boil down to what it means to you at the end of the day. Its you're 52 and its your interpretation, others will choose to do it differently as we all have a different perspective and viewpoint. I re-read the poem and it talks about standing by a grave and being a diamond glint in the snow so what more could you ask for.

This is week 2. Plently more to come. Do what comes from your heart, its a great image. Keep it up. I'll be back to see week 3.
Kristy, Curved is good and works well, nice fit to the theme. Poem, a very emotional poem, and a good image to fit it too, the mood of the one you posted works well for me.
Kristy, Curved is good and works well, nice fit to the theme. Poem, a very emotional poem, and a good image to fit it too, the mood of the one you posted works well for me.

Thanks John! :)
Week 3 - Chopped

O.M.G. Did I struggle with this theme or what??? :LOL:

Really didn't want to go down the completely obvious route, but spent all week looking for opportunities, and all of a sudden it's Sunday and I'm panic-struck! So, earlier today I was preparing my daughter's lunch, and decided that it was "now or never" so here we go........

C&C welcome as always!
Cool image Kirsty, different in the face that a knife isnt in the image as with many (including mine)

Would have like to see the very top of the stalk being the focus point but apart from that its a nice clean image which fits the theme well.

Indeed a top down view on this would keep it very abstract, but it's nicely lit and sharp in the right places.

And I want one of them :)
Thanks guys - that's what I love about this project - you're giving me insight and ideas that I wouldn't have thought of!!

Thanks for your comments - I appreciate you looking.

Oh, and Darren - if you're on about the gadget - it's good old Ikea!!!
Wk1 - The eggs look spot on

Wk2 - Snoooow - ( nicley done btw )

Wk3 - Top down sounds like a good idea although I wouldnt have thought of that my self.


Thanks Terran! :)
I like it, it works well, is clearly chopped. The chopper has kept the pieces nicely in position and that's helped a lot.
Thanks guys!

Bit worried about this weeks tbh - not sure which way to tackle it - apart from I've decided that it'll take WAY too long to build a mini 'street' out of Lego :LOL:
Hi Kirsty,

This is my first visit to your 52, so it's been interesting reading the debate on week 2. For what it's worth, here's my (very tardy) comments:

Week 1: Eggs-ellent!! (Sorry - I always go for the cheap pun!) I'm in two minds about the right hand egg - on balance I think it adds more than it detracts. So that's week 1 cracked! (y):)

Week 2: My first impression was 'it's a little dark' but then I thought about the poem and remembered just how dark it was during some of those snowy days and it seemed fitting. I think you made a good choice for the theme and the photo reflects important elements of the poem. :)

Week 3: First of all - I want one of those gadgets (although whether I can face a day in Ikea to get one - not sure :shrug:). It's a really good idea and well executed. It's also nice to see a Chopped shot without a lethal chopper. It would be interesting to try looking down on the apple, but I think you may just end up preferring this view. :)

I'm sure you'll get there with Week 4 - I haven't shot mine yet either! :)

Week 4 - Street

Am almost embarassed to actually submit this after seeing some of the amazing shots from other 52'ers this week, but I'm off on holiday tomorrow, and have spent all day packing for the 3 of us, so didn't get the opportunity to get out and get the shot that I wanted (note to self - save it for the 'joker' which I WILL need at some point). And the idea was my Hubbie's, so quite frankly I can blame him! It's a 'quality' street shot !! :LOL:

Anyway - C&C welcome as always!

I very nearly almost decided to shoot exactly the same thing Kristy :) I assume this is a one way quality street as the yellow car and bus are on the wrong side of the road. The DoF is a little too shallow I think and someone has eaten all the strawberry creams!

Have a great holiday.