light trails but not like before

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Locked myself in a cupboard whilst on my lunchbreak today and this was the result!?!?
Anyone else do this sort of thing or are my colleagues right in saying im weird?

C and C always wanted!?

Was a light toy from our sensory department at the school i work in.

Its just a fan with LED's on...
this is it flat

The other one i just tilted it during the exposure trying to create a 3d look.
You are not weird, Jpay. I, too, would like to know how you did it.


PS can I have some of your drugs please? :)
Prefer the 2nd one as it is more in focus.

Being different is what makes us who we are.
I like the first one on it's edge - over the flatter second shot. Really nice and worth some more time experimenting. :)
i really like that effect, my fav would have to be number 1 as to me it looks more like it's portraying movement,

i would like to see if you can try and get a ball effect (rotate through the y-axis as well) but would that just come out as a red ball ? who knows,

i want this fan
that's really creative. the first thought that came to my mind was ''how did he do that?''

hahah. now u said it was a fan, yeah its creative.
i would like to see if you can try and get a ball effect (rotate through the y-axis as well) but would that just come out as a red ball ? who knows,

You mean like this?


Search flickr for "light orb" this was my first one as a test in my back garden to check if the lights I'd just made would work not the best quality
Most excellent. Both great.
Problem is, just scoured all the photo mags and can't seem to find a cupboard in the accesories.:thinking:
Most excellent. Both great.
Problem is, just scoured all the photo mags and can't seem to find a cupboard in the accesories.:thinking:

Try DFS sales ;)

Nice idea and some good pics, but I have to say if I was a parent at your school I might get a little worried about a teacher who locks himself in a cupboard with the toys :LOL:
You mean like this?


Search flickr for "light orb" this was my first one as a test in my back garden to check if the lights I'd just made would work not the best quality

yes that is exactly what i meant, annoyingly my parents have put security lights over our back garden so its too bright to do myself, i'll find a way...
yes that is exactly what i meant, annoyingly my parents have put security lights over our back garden so its too bright to do myself, i'll find a way...

You don't have to use your back garden or do it when it's pitch black, this shot was only to make sure I had wired the led's the right way around and that I could make an orb, if you have a look over on flickr there are many examples of light orbs many of them stunning.
Try putting your camera on its tripod, very low to the ground looking straight up, under a ceiling light. Pull curtains and close the door, tight. Shut out all extraneous light.

Get a mimi maglite (I use an AA one) and take the lens off to leave bare bulb, hang it off the ceiling light fitting on a piece of string.

Set camera on long exposure....3 secs, 4 secs, something like that - 10 secs if you like. Experiment.

Set lens to about 28mm and f8, focus on the bulb of the torch.
Turn out the lights. Trip shutter but leave lens cap on! Turn on the torch (might mean taking the lens off now and not earlier, it is a long time since I used one!)
Swing the torch on the string and let it swing round in circles - don't interfere and leave it swinging. It will go round and round in ever decreasing circles. Take off the lens cap as it is on the swing and leave it there while the bulb burns the trails onto your "film".

If you use straight coloured gels over the lens you can change the colour of the trails as the bulb is swinging. After first swing - check and adjust as necessary. You might want a longer lens setting and less/more aperture. All depends on your film speed and how bright your torch is.

Bought the toy home today :) hahah....
anybody got any ideas...