living in Devon

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It has come to my attention over the last few days that living where I do it's nigh on impossible to go for a walk without someone wanting to stop for a chat, today I only went about a mile and by the time I'd chatted to everyone who stopped me i was gone over 2 hours. Is this normal in other parts of the country ? I've had people stop there cars as they pass turn off the engine and get out for a yarn holding up other traffic, people stop mowing the lawn etc, I'm not complaining just wondereing if this is normal in other parts of the country or am I just lucky to live where I do, it's always been this way it's just I've never really noticed it before
Yeh can be, plenty people like that here (1 woman at work seems to know the entire coiunty and will spend all day chatting to them. If the loals aren't around, she;ll start befriending the tourists too). I howerver do my best to avoid all interaction with anyone from the locaity, I like being able to go out and get the hell on with it.
Normal here in Bournemouth, only if you want it to be. I always take the time to exchange greetings.
How strange is that Andrew? I deliver to Paignton Totnes and Dawlish, and I find people like to stop and talk. Last Thursday it was a Traffic Warden who issued me with a £70 ticket :eek:
Try living in London:bang: Had a couple in the downstairs flat for 5 years and never a good morning or hello. Same with both sets of neighbours- ignorant barstewards. Or maybe it's me:thinking: Unfriendly place on the whole, but at the same time I do love it:love:
Yeah, I've noticed that unless you look like trouble, people round here will chat for ages. Even when I'm at work I get stopped by a fair few people who just want a natter... keeps me out of the office :D
It has come to my attention over the last few days that living where I do it's nigh on impossible to go for a walk without someone wanting to stop for a chat, today I only went about a mile and by the time I'd chatted to everyone who stopped me i was gone over 2 hours. Is this normal in other parts of the country ? I've had people stop there cars as they pass turn off the engine and get out for a yarn holding up other traffic, people stop mowing the lawn etc, I'm not complaining just wondereing if this is normal in other parts of the country or am I just lucky to live where I do, it's always been this way it's just I've never really noticed it before

Happens up in the Chilterns too (Herts/Bucks)
Very common around here too - rural area - and a lot of people seem to know everything about everyone else! I always say hello, or whatever, but I don't really get involved. There's just too much gossip.
If I'm out walking people will say Hi & can get quite chatty if I have the dogs with me - the dogs don't say much tho'
It can be a disadvantage too. You can break wind at one end of a village and get complaints about the noise from someone at the far end of it.
The only person that does that where I live is the local nutter, poor love she's completely off her trolley.
Neighbours are very friendly but 4 or 5 doors down the road might as well be in another country.
Suits me, dont get enough free time as it is to waste on talking to strangers :)

I work in Devon and routinely say hello to everyone I pass walking from the car to work :)

The one thing I do find very strange is the woman in the local shop there who refers to you as "My luvveerrr"
I can't stand people who block the lanes having a chat!
I'm a sociable chap but for gods sake find a lay-by!!
Shame on you!
I mean its fair enough to stop and chat if no one is around, I'm guilty of that, but when other people need to get past, don't spend 15mins wrapping up the conversation :D
Nah - but I used to work in Topsham...
They do when walking on Dartmoor, but not in the centre of Plymouth.
Always found rural areas like that. Some folk where I live will even tag along for a walk. Suits me, mostly.
Happens to me all the time. I nipped down to Morrisons for a couple of bits and got back nearly 2 hours later. I stopped to chat with a friends father about photography, urbex, the general state of the economy etc.
I get it on sundays when I Vito my sailing club - last Sunday ended up talking for about 3 hours rather than sailing! Being men sec doesn't help I guess... :LOL:

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