MentalBlock's 2011 52 - Week 52 'Glass' added & 52 FINISHED

Hi, Neil, missed a few of yours...

#4, mmmmmmm fruit pastels....., good idea, composition works well, leading you down the tube. I'd like to see the front pastel in focus and an overall shallower dof so the tube blurs out.

#5, first one for me. Nice depth but I'd prefer a lower angle so all the pinston thingamajig was in the photograph.

#6, who cares is the composition is of, you got a D90...:D

#7, so how do you spell "tenuous link"? ;) You've done well with the exposure and shutter speed. Compositions's a bit off for me. Too much empty space lower right. You might want to try squatting down and getting the rock, middle left, in your lower left third??

Cheers and enjoy your new camea...:D

Thanks for the comments.
#4 - That was the best DOF I could get with my bridge. I'm happy with the front fruit pastel being OOF as I was focusing on the 'open' tube.
#7 - Yes very tenuous!! The next buy is a better tripod that can go lower and is a bit more sturdy. I'm loving the IQ in the pebbles bottom left. I knew the D90 would out perform my bridge camera, but I'm simply blown away when I enlarge parts of the images it takes.


Really love the contrast in your shot from the pin sharp still objects and the moving water... especially the gravel in the bottom left. The water blur is perfect... can I be nosey and ask what shutter speed you used... It's just im trying to get a wee pocket guide together of shutter speeds for differing situations and you have caught the moderately flowing river really well here!

Great work


I was experimenting with these shots to try and get the best effect.
This one was 2.5 seconds with f16, ISO200 and an ND4 filter, but I was taking some from 1 to 8 seconds with some nice effects. I think you have to take acount of how fast the water is flowing, which was fas here.
Another tenuous link to the theme, but not as tenuous as my week 7!

Most of you will have heard about the 'Sensitivity to initial conditions' part of the 'Chaos Theory'. What, you mean you hadn't heard of that! I am surprised at you, it's basic physics, everyone knows it :bang:.

OK then back to basics - you've heard of the the 'Butterfly Effect', so called because of the title of a paper given by Edward Lorenz in 1972 to the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C. entitled Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil set off a Tornado in Texas? - You with me now :thinking:

Well there wasn't too many butterfly's out this week, so I improvised with a bird!
This also gave me a chance to try out my new (to me anyway) Sigma 70-300 lens, which I have to say I'm pleased with.

I'd rather the heads were more in focus, but I was hand held at full reach, so overall I'm happy. Also, the green tinge is a branch I was shooting through.



#1 is my favourite

P.S. Does anyone know if we have to give credits to Wikipedia :thinking:
Great pics. No. 1 for me too. Love the motion blur of the wing and that beady eye looking back at the camera.

With a bit more sharpness that would be a truly great image. What was the shutter speed?

Great pics Neil, No1 for me, love the focus and the motion blur. Gives it a strange sort of effect, but cant describe it. Well done.
Hi Neil!

I am not sure if I can understand your theory behind the idea, but I'll think about it. ;)
I prefer the first photo. The lighting on the bird is better and the eye is visible. I agree with Patrick that it is like it's watching you. In the first photo the motion blur is just enough to represent the wing flap and also to give enough detail on the feathers. The green branch (appearing like a green blur) acts like a frame in a way, which I like.

As you said a bit more focus will be great, but hey good job for first shots with the new lenses.

Thanks for the comments everyone.
I may have to go back tomorrow, but with the tripod this time and see if I can get the image sharper.

Great pics. No. 1 for me too. Love the motion blur of the wing and that beady eye looking back at the camera.

With a bit more sharpness that would be a truly great image. What was the shutter speed?


Patrick, I was on aperture priority for ease and got a shutter time of 1/400.
The D90 (I guess most DSLR's do too!) has a great feature of Auto ISO and uses the highest ISO you set to maintain a minimum shutter speed. Looking at the EXIF, it used ISO200, so if I go back I'll dabble on manual and see if I can get things sharper. Although, the shutter speed appears to be fine and I'm happy with the DOF too, so I guess I'd only be going manual to get consistency of settings.
Week 9 - Finish

Let me present you the pub at the 'finish' point of our walk on Saturday.

I wanted to apply a finish to the image to further link to the 'finish' theme and to practice Photoshop.
I decided on an old and tired look to match our old and tired felling after the walk!


Now I know for the old picture effect to work properly, I should have cloned out the Citroen on the right, the TV aerial and the cable top left, and probably several other things, but the family are soon to arrive back in the house and I simply didn't have time.

I also wanted to share this one.

I know the fire is blown, but it was a quick shot (expecting the pub landlord to say shift them) to capture the moment - thankfully it wasn't my feet in these shoes after a 13 mile walk around the Roaches!

Thanks for looking and feel free to C&C
#1 for me, Neil, well done with the processing.

As you state loosing the modern stuff would have helped but never mind.

I wasn't sure about all the open space at the bottom and tried viewing it with a bit less but for me it would take more away than it would add.

Cheers and you need some proper walking boots...;)
#1 for me, Neil, well done with the processing.

As you state loosing the modern stuff would have helped but never mind.

I wasn't sure about all the open space at the bottom and tried viewing it with a bit less but for me it would take more away than it would add.

Cheers and you need some proper walking boots...;)

Thanks for looking Andy.

The only PP I was focusing on was the aged look rather than cropping or cloning. I ruled out cloning due to time, but cropping the botton, which would have been simple, never entered my head :bang:

As for the shoes - don't worry, they're not mine.
My feet were nice and dry in their walking boots (y)
Hi Neil!

I just love your #1 photo! The PP made definitely works with the pub! If this car wasn't there would have been better to imagine it is old photo, but hey great job! If you add a bit of burn effect around the edges might improve the old photo look! But the what you did is great!

Very good!

Hi Neil,

I like both of your photo's for 'Finish'. Really like the old style - was this a preset you used? If so, which program did you use? Looks really good! You are right about the car, aerial and cable but as you said this was not done due to time contraints so it doesn't matter :)

I like #2 because it reminds me of a Sunday afternoon (don't ask me why, especially since you took it on a Saturday!), I can feel the warmth of the fire! Like the reflections of the fire on the stone too.

Both great pics IMO (y)

Will :D.
Hiya Neil,

Just when I think I am getting up to speed with everyone's 52 I come along another that I haven't visited yet, so please accept my apologies that it has taken me 10 weeks to find yours. I will have to do a quick catch-up now:

Week 2: Yep that fits the theme well, agree with the comments posted, and have to say I prefer the second image to the first.

Week 3: Wow I really like how you composed both photos and actually am torn between the two. I like the first for the way you have positioned the shoes, but I also love the 2nd photo (and actually like the colour of the background too), and also how you have positioned the shoes to show more colour than just the red and black. Well done!

Week 4: Again another great shot. I can see you put a lot of thought into this and the way you have positioned everything for the image works well as does the lighting. :clap:

Week 5: Wow, each week I moved to I can see the progress you are making and am well impressed with the quality of photo you are taking. And this week is another of those .... WOW! Again well thought off for the them and fits it perfectly, in image and description. Can't fault them (y)

Week 6: You are a lucky lad to get such a fab gift. As for clutter, I can see where you were coming from with the idea, it is amazing how much packaging they use nowadays .... and defo cause lots of it.

Week 7: So glad you didn't damage your new camera and glad you survived the slip. Lovely shot here, with so much to look at from the gravel riverbed, moss covered rocks (which are a nice lead in line) to the relaxing hazy water that gives the whole image a certain tranquility. I think the image might have benefitted from the background, i.e., the bank on the other side being a bit OOF. But otherwise a brill shot.

Week 8: And you got that hand held, well all credit to you! (I would probably battle to get such a capture with camera mounted on a tripod :LOL:) I think both are lovely photos, but prefer the first because of the colours and the bird looks less frantic. But great use of motion blur.

Week 9: And why no surprise that you have another couple of great shots. Love the way you have processed the first image, and agree with the things you have already pointed out yourself. If it was my image I may also consider cloning out the road markings. For the second image, I can see why you took the photo. The flames do look a tad OE, but then you have captured the warmth really well and it looks quite toastie :D

I have really enjoyed looking through your project and look forward to keeping up with it, now that I have it tagged I have no excuse not to :D

Good luck with the rest of the weeks.


Dawn :)
Hi Neil!

I just love your #1 photo! The PP made definitely works with the pub! If this car wasn't there would have been better to imagine it is old photo, but hey great job! If you add a bit of burn effect around the edges might improve the old photo look! But the what you did is great!

Very good!


Rayna, I was going to give the edge a worn look, but totally forgot!

Hi Neil,

I like both of your photo's for 'Finish'. Really like the old style - was this a preset you used? If so, which program did you use? Looks really good! You are right about the car, aerial and cable but as you said this was not done due to time contraints so it doesn't matter :)

I like #2 because it reminds me of a Sunday afternoon (don't ask me why, especially since you took it on a Saturday!), I can feel the warmth of the fire! Like the reflections of the fire on the stone too.

Both great pics IMO (y)

Will :D.

Will, I use Photoshop. The process was applied by following an on line tuturial.

Hiya Neil,

Just when I think I am getting up to speed with everyone's 52 I come along another that I haven't visited yet, so please accept my apologies that it has taken me 10 weeks to find yours. I will have to do a quick catch-up now:

Week 2: ................................

..................I have really enjoyed looking through your project and look forward to keeping up with it, now that I have it tagged I have no excuse not to :D

Good luck with the rest of the weeks.


Dawn :)

Dawn, I've watched you post on loads of threads and always wondered why you wouldn't comment on mine :crying:
Only joking, I don't know where you find the time, but I do appreciate that you have - thanks.
I like finding new 52 threads, there are loads I've yet to comment on.

Thanks for the comments everyone.
Now, what am I going to do for Trio :thinking:
I've struggled with week 10 'Trio'.
I wanted to avoid taking a picture of three objects, but I never found anything through the week that said 'Trio'.
So, here is a picture of a 'Trio' of things!

There is another 'Trio' at play here, although not as obvious.
I finally got round to doing my DIY snoots with Pringle tubes - there are a 'Trio' of snoots in use here - One casting the red light on the rear wall and two lighting the bottles.
I'll have to find the tutorial on using these as I'm not sure I got the best out of them.


Thanks for looking
Your trio is certainly...different ;)

I can't decide on your red light. Maybe the subject is wrong for the colour? For me the red works for the Vodka but not the others... of course these are compositional gripes and nothing about the technicalities of using lights on a still life shot. My knowledge there is minuscule :D
Hi Neil, just seen your finish photographs, everything has really been covered critique wise. I do like them both, really like the processing with the pub. (y)

As noted in a response above, I did intend on adding a worn look to the edge.
I may get the chance now with the week 11 theme. Although, there are a couple of weeks I'd like to re-visit.

Thanks for looking

Thanks for looking Jeff.
Has your hair grown back yet?

Your trio is certainly...different ;)

I can't decide on your red light. Maybe the subject is wrong for the colour? For me the red works for the Vodka but not the others... of course these are compositional gripes and nothing about the technicalities of using lights on a still life shot. My knowledge there is minuscule :D


The red was the first gel I put my hands on that I could place over the snoot.
I'll be adding other gels soon and trying them out accordingly.

As for lighting knowldege, mine too is miniscule, but 'youtube' may shed some light on this - excuse the pun!
Hi Neil I like your trio, I've been meaning to try the whole Pringles tube thing. I think that there is slightly too much space at the bottom (maybe crop to at least the edge of the reflection of the JD label?). What did you use as a reflective 'floor'?
Hi Neil

sorry , seem to have managed to miss a few of your weeks somehow :bonk:

Delicate .... I'm envoius of people who can take this type of shot so well & that now includes you :LOL: Focus on the rocks is great & the water effect is just great (y) I have a D80 & no realy idea how to create that to share some pointers ?

Chaos....your 2nd picture is just great , the blur of the wings yet motionless body :clap:

Finish...great effect ont he 1st image , really does look like a vintage shot
Just looking at the 2nd image makes me feel warm :) Love the glow on the left wall from the flames (y)

Trio....ooooh my fave 3 drinks ! Love everything about this shot , the colors ,reflections & sharpness ,brilliant :clap:

ps , What on earth are snoots ?
Hi Neil!

I like your idea for the Trio theme! Contrary to Tina I like the red light with the whiskey bottles because I think it enhances the alcohol colour. I think that if you crop it a bit higher it will look better. Now the crop is too close to the bottle caps (on the vodka) for my liking.

Great idea and also adding reflections definitely adds to the photo. What is the surface you are using or are the reflections added in PP?

Hiya Neil,

I actually love your trio image, the red lighting works for me as does the reflection, oh yes, and I love the composition and the way you have positioned the bottles.

For me the pinkish hue gives the image a warm and sort of 'feminine' appeal, which is good as I would normally associate the JD and SC as more manly drinks (but then that is just my association with the two brands). So your image has shown them in a different light, and actually if this was an advert I would be tempted to buy them.

My only tiny critique, is that it is a bit wonky, i.e., leaning a bit to the left. Not sure if that is because you consumed half the bottle of JD and SC during the shoot :p :LOL:
Also the bit of light reflection is a teeny bit distracting ..... but not much.

Otherwise I think you have a fab image, well done :clap:


Dawn :)
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Hi Neil I like your trio, I've been meaning to try the whole Pringles tube thing. I think that there is slightly too much space at the bottom (maybe crop to at least the edge of the reflection of the JD label?). What did you use as a reflective 'floor'?

I thought about he crop myself but wondered him cropping too much reflection was a no no.
The reflective base is similar to acetate, but a bit thicker.
We use them for covers on reports at work - don't tell the boss!
They're A3 size so it worked well placed over by white model board, which is also slightly reflective.

Hi Neil

sorry , seem to have managed to miss a few of your weeks somehow :bonk:

Delicate .... I'm envoius of people who can take this type of shot so well & that now includes you :LOL: Focus on the rocks is great & the water effect is just great (y) I have a D80 & no realy idea how to create that to share some pointers ?...............

ps , What on earth are snoots ?

Hi Lynne,
Thanks for the comments, and I'm glad you like the pictures.

Milky water effect - you need an ND filter. This was taken with my ND4 and basically helps you slow down the shutter speed to blur the moving water - tripod also an essential.

A snoot is an accessory for lights/ flash. It's cone shaped and gathers the light into a beam rather than letting it spread out. These are done with pringle tubes - this link should help explain, and is what I followed to make three - £20 in materials from B&Q! I look forward to seeing you use one in future weeks (y)

Hi Neil!

I like your idea for the Trio theme! Contrary to Tina I like the red light with the whiskey bottles because I think it enhances the alcohol colour. I think that if you crop it a bit higher it will look better. Now the crop is too close to the bottle caps (on the vodka) for my liking.

Great idea and also adding reflections definitely adds to the photo. What is the surface you are using or are the reflections added in PP?


The base is as noted above - a freebee from work!
I sure I'll be using these snoots again with other gel colours - I'm itching to give the water drop thing a go!


I quite like the reflection.

Bit too much red in the Southern Comfort for me and would be nice if the flash wasn't so prominent in the bottles.


Still learning with the lights.
It proved difficult to position the Pringle snoots to illuminate the bottles but not have too much highlight - more practice needed!

Hiya Neil,

I actually love your trio image.................

My only tiny critique, is that it is a bit wonky, i.e., leaning a bit to the left. Not sure if that is because you consumed half the bottle of JD and SC during the shoot :p :LOL:
Also the bit of light reflection is a teeny bit distracting ..... but not much.

Otherwise I think you have a fab image, well done :clap:


Dawn :)

Thanks Dawn.
And I can say, no livers were harmed in the making of this image :LOL:

Thanks for looking everyone.
I'm working out of London tomorrow so hopefully I'll get to snap my 'Knowledge' theme - now no beating me to it if you've guessed what it is!
I do like your trio. Bottles are not the easiest of objects to photograph, but you've done well here.
Week 11 then!

I've decided to do the re-shoot and the new theme, so here is 'knowledge'


My 'knowledge' is the knowledge test that London taxi drivers have to take to become a taxi driver.
I wanted a group of cab drivers all stood around their taxis/ rank, but failed to find the image while on business in London this week.
The best I got was this one at the rank at Waterloo Station.

There was nothing too inspiring about the image, so I opted for selective colour to emphasise the taxi connection.
I would have liked a nice DOF putting the rear taxis OOF, but for what ever reason I couldn't get the desired effect - probably lens limitations :thinking:

The re-shoot was an easy choice as I'd already done it for a friend who wanted a re-shoot of her shoes for a canvas print.
My first commission :D After tough negotiations, we agreed on one packet of shortbread as payment for her being able to print my image - in ye face all those who said I'd never make it as a photgrapher :LOL:

Here is the original image

Feedback was mainly about the heels obscuring the words.
So the re-shoot addressed this with a more thoughtful composition.


Thanks for looking and feel free to comment.
Hi Neil

great minds n all....thats 3 of us who went with the same idea so must be fairly obvious link between Knowledge & Taxi drivers :) I've a soft spot for SC & think it works really well in this shot & love how shiny the Taxi's appear to that as they were or some other PP technique I need to learn ?
The only spoiler for me is the van at the back & the back end of the front taxi creeping in. But still a great shot (y)

I prefer your orignal shot of the shoes , the color seems more muted in the reshoot but def better with the whole word Paris in....can you combine the 2:LOL: Sorry for being awkward:bonk:
Hi Neil

Love the shoes shot. Your friend got a bargain! This is a really stiking image.
I prefer the composition of the second shot, but much prefer the colours in the original. Well done.

Excellent on-topic pic for the theme "knowledge. It's a great candid shot. The selective colour is very nicely done - it definitely adds to the image without being too dominant or garish. A polarisng filter would have helped here, but that's just me being picky.

Some great images in your 52. (y)
Hi Neil

great minds n all....thats 3 of us who went with the same idea so must be fairly obvious link between Knowledge & Taxi drivers :) I've a soft spot for SC & think it works really well in this shot & love how shiny the Taxi's appear to that as they were or some other PP technique I need to learn ?
The only spoiler for me is the van at the back & the back end of the front taxi creeping in. But still a great shot (y)

I prefer your orignal shot of the shoes , the color seems more muted in the reshoot but def better with the whole word Paris in....can you combine the 2:LOL: Sorry for being awkward:bonk:


I don't mind SC myself, but I think it only works well in some shots.
The likes of what we've done with our taxi shots I think is an excellent example.
I had a meeting to get to and was getting nervous hanging around Waterloo with a camera, don't know why.
So I couldn't wait for the likes of the van to leave, but I agree, losing the other vehicles would have been better

I took many shoe shots while trying out different compositions Click to see

Hi Neil

Love the shoes shot. Your friend got a bargain! This is a really stiking image.
I prefer the composition of the second shot, but much prefer the colours in the original. Well done.

Excellent on-topic pic for the theme "knowledge. It's a great candid shot. The selective colour is very nicely done - it definitely adds to the image without being too dominant or garish. A polarisng filter would have helped here, but that's just me being picky.

Some great images in your 52. (y)

My friend got a bargain all right. She paid for the £40 canvas which was to be a gift for her BF, the BF had bought the £300 shoes!

I didn't think about the polariser, but even if I had, I've not got one for my 28-105mm kit lens! Thankfully my old one fits my new Sigma lens, but that starts a 70-300mm and wouldn't have been a good lens for this shot.

I'm at a cross roads at the moment (although this one has many roads!); I need (or is it more want!) extra filters, a better tripod, a 35mm prime, a remote, flash unit and the list goes on; but what do I get first :bang::bang:
Hiya Neil,

You have done well on both the Knowledge and re-shoot of the shoes.

Agree with what you say about selective colouring working for certain shots and this is definitely one of those where it works well.


Dawn :)
Hiya Neil,

You have done well on both the Knowledge and re-shoot of the shoes.

Agree with what you say about selective colouring working for certain shots and this is definitely one of those where it works well.


Dawn :)

Thanks for dropping in Dawn.
The SC was easier than I though too - I found a nice tutorial on the tinternet!
I'm at a cross roads at the moment (although this one has many roads!); I need (or is it more want!) extra filters, a better tripod, a 35mm prime, a remote, flash unit and the list goes on; but what do I get first :bang::bang:

I've found that a flash has opened up my photography hugely. If you can afford an SB600 or SB800/900 it will work brilliantly with your D90
Thanks for all the comments to my last image.

It's been a busy couple of weeks, so I'm a bit behind with Week 12.
Anyway, her is my 'moderation' - They say you should drink in moderation, so here is a miniature whiskey!


I'm not overly impressed with my take on week 12.
I used my home made light box as I was struggling to control the reflections using the table top.
I would have liked the image to have been more natural too, ie on a real bar table with bar stuff in the background.
But time got the better of me; or is it I was too scared to get the camera out in a bar - not scared it would be pinched, more scared of being uncomfortable doing the shot while people were watching!

I think the shot would improve with a tighter crop, but I'm not certain. I would also have liked more definition on the condensation on the glass, but my lens options are limited.

Now, I must get to bed as I have an early start to get my Week 13 sorted!!
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After what could be my best moment of inspiration for my 52 to date, it was off to the playground at 7am this morning :wacky:



The idea hit me the other day while at the swings with my son; when I commented to myself that the swing park was empty!

A sunny morning would have been better, but considering the thunder storm which woke us at 4am (it was the dog that woke us first - she doesn't like thunder!), I was lucky that it wasn't raining.

Number one is my favourite.
I like the worn colours on the handle and the composition of the handles.

As usual, I forgot to try something. I think if I'd used the on camera flash, I may have got some more detail in the rain drops and chains of #2. Alternatively, a reflector may have helped, but I don't have one!

Thanks for looking and feel free to comment - good or bad!
And there are several more from this morning on my flickr site
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Hiya Neil,

Well done on catching up the past 2 weeks.

Moderation: I love this photo, well done :clap: For me you have got it spot on and I can't really fault it. Perhaps a little soft, but I think that adds to the image.

Empty: Now this I really like as an idea for the theme and well done to you for waking up so early to capture the shots before all the kids come out to play. As you say the weather is a tad dull, but in a way that adds to the ambiance and hence the park being empty.

#1 like the composition and how you have used the lead in through the ring of the see-saw.

#2 Another good use of focus through the swings, perhaps a bit of colour saturation to give it a bit of punch might help.

#3 Love the way you have captured the round-about in motion to give it an almost ghost-like feel. With this one I can almost hear the echoes of children laughing as they play.

An excellent set ..... and BTW you have just reminded me that I haven't yet sorted through all the photos I took at the park a few weeks ago. Got some motion shots of my son on the round-abouts, will have to see how they came out.

You are doing a fantastic job with your project and I look forward to keeping up with your progress (y)


Dawn :)
Hi Neil,

Some very inspired shots here mate.
I love the shoe shot, rich in colour & very stylish. I'm sure it does look good on canvas.

Moderation was a hard theme for me as well, thought about the empty bottle but guessed a few might take their own twist on it. It's a nice shot & well composed.

I love your idea for empty, #1 is my favourite as well. It's obviously a well used piece of equipment judging by the raindow of colours on the handle.

I do enjoy looking around to see what everyone has done for the theme, some are obvious choices but many more are inspired choices. (y)

Hiya Neil,

Well done on catching up the past 2 weeks.

Moderation: I love this photo, well done :clap: For me you have got it spot on and I can't really fault it. Perhaps a little soft, but I think that adds to the image.

Empty: Now this I really like as an idea for the theme and well done to you for waking up so early to capture the shots before all the kids come out to play. As you say the weather is a tad dull, but in a way that adds to the ambiance and hence the park being empty.

#1 like the composition and how you have used the lead in through the ring of the see-saw.

#2 Another good use of focus through the swings, perhaps a bit of colour saturation to give it a bit of punch might help.

#3 Love the way you have captured the round-about in motion to give it an almost ghost-like feel. With this one I can almost hear the echoes of children laughing as they play.

An excellent set ..... and BTW you have just reminded me that I haven't yet sorted through all the photos I took at the park a few weeks ago. Got some motion shots of my son on the round-abouts, will have to see how they came out.

You are doing a fantastic job with your project and I look forward to keeping up with your progress (y)


Dawn :)

Hi Dawn,

Thanks for looking in.
Enjoy looking sorting through the pictures of your son - it's about time you looked at some of your own photos rather than all the 52'ers!

Hi Neil,

Some very inspired shots here mate.
I love the shoe shot, rich in colour & very stylish. I'm sure it does look good on canvas.

Moderation was a hard theme for me as well, thought about the empty bottle but guessed a few might take their own twist on it. It's a nice shot & well composed.

I love your idea for empty, #1 is my favourite as well. It's obviously a well used piece of equipment judging by the raindow of colours on the handle.

I do enjoy looking around to see what everyone has done for the theme, some are obvious choices but many more are inspired choices. (y)


Hi Mick,
Thanks for looking and commenting.
I can't say I've seen your name in the 52 threads - I'll have to look you up and check it's not another 52 I've missed.

I've not had chance to check out the other 52's yet, but I bet my moderation is not an original, but I wasn't going to play a wild card.
Hi Dawn,
Thanks for looking in.
Enjoy looking sorting through the pictures of your son - it's about time you looked at some of your own photos rather than all the 52'ers!

:LOL: thanks I'll take that as me being told off, and I will spend some time tonight going through my photos :p


Dawn :)