Missing recovery disk


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Hi all.
Y'know that recovery disk thingy that you get when you buy a laptop?
The girl I bought my Toshiba Satellite from has lost it, and I was wondering if there's a way of getting a replacement?

I don't suppose for a second there is :(
Toshiba will probably be able to provide 1 but at a cost.
if you are lucky they will have an image on their ftp somewhere but I doubt it.
Toshiba - pain in the arse to get the disks
Speak to them direct, they may want a photocopy of the base plate of the machine to support the order. They dont rush sending them out either

Where did yu buy the laptop?
So not looking too good then :(

Bought it from a colleague at work.
She's looked, but can't find it (actually she doesn't seem to think she got one with it, but I think she's lost it!)
It may have a daft utility that enables you to create your own, also see if it has a recovery partition which most of the recent models come with :) Also see where she bought it from, if from somewhere like PC World then their tech guys carry this CDs to rebuild kit that Joe Public brings in... worth a try! I did it recently for a mate of mine with a Sony Vaio :) Hope this helps.
It may have a daft utility that enables you to create your own, also see if it has a recovery partition which most of the recent models come with :) Also see where she bought it from, if from somewhere like PC World then their tech guys carry this CDs to rebuild kit that Joe Public brings in... worth a try! I did it recently for a mate of mine with a Sony Vaio :) Hope this helps.

Most toshibas dont use a recovery partition. The disk is the disk is the disk :-(
Is this pre or post Vista? How old is the machine?
Cheers guys (y)

It did have a partition when I first got it, but I deleted that and installed XP on the new single partition! :D

The machine is only 2 years old. It's a Satellite P200-143.

I understand she got it from Comet. I could fine out when and where as she says she still has the receipt!
Most new laptops or PC's including Toshibas have the utility to create a set of recovery CDs or DVDs... I have just purchased a Tosh 13" lappy and that had the util and created 2 DVDs worth of OS and other junk :) But you also get the option to purchase a copy of these discs from Tosh direct.
found this googleing the 144 version

If your notebook was delivered with Windows Vista you can use the HDD recovery feature to reinstall it. Go in the advanced menu with F8, select repair my computer and then the Toshiba recovery option. That’s all!
Windows will be reinstalled automatically.
I can make available a copy of Windows Vista Home Premium retail that will work with the license sticker on the underside of your laptop via ftp. It would be completely legal and may require a call to microsoft for activation (automated system). Any other software that came with the computer would be lost. Things such as Microsoft Works would not be on. Only the original recovery disks would have these additions installed.
Thanks again guys.

Tried the F8 button, which did bring the advanced menu, but no repair option.
Maybe because it's now an XP install, and/or because I deleted the partition??!!

Anyway, no hurry at all, and it's some of the Toshiba apps that I am in need of really.
So Euan's offer (if you find your disk!) is probably my best option.

Thanks again to you all.
Yeah, it sounds like you deleted the partition.
XP and vista both have their own back up program in there. you can create a backup of the entire installation yourself.

Failing that something like Acronis is cheaper than buying the recovery disks.
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