Mortgage Free

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Woo Hoo !! Last payment today and now mortgage free. Happy days.:clap:
You lucky lucky man!
24 years left for me.
On the bright side though we move from fixed rate to variable next year which should put a couple hundred quid back in the pocket :D
It's a great feeling isn't it, paid off mine about 10 yrs ago
Excellent work! I've got about five years left to go on what is quite a small mortgage but I'll be glad of the extra bit of pocket money when the time does come.
Congrats! Mine still has 18 years to run and is still in six figures.

Target is to clear it in six, but I'll be spending a lot on refurbishing the house, even though I'll be doing the bulk of the work myself, so may miss that.
Congrats, never had a mortgage, was lucky enough to be left some money and able to buy first house outright, great feeling not to have to pay rent or mortgage (y)
Like Ingrid, I was lucky enough to buy outright, hence the holidays, car etc. No kids either, which again seems to be a huge financial weight off our shoulders!

Enjoy the freedom from the financial yoke, Frank.
Congrats. I'm trying to get a mortgage rather than get rid of one!
Lucky so and so....7 years to go on mine.:bang:
I wish. Seeing it fall quite quickly at the moment, but just as it seems as if the end is in sight we are thinking of moving and spending more :bonk:
Would hate to be started off now but thankfully we cleared ours about 18 months ago. However, what would have gone on any mortgage repayments went into house projects for those bits and pieces would could do whilst the mortgage was running. One day we'll get to save something :LOL:

Still a wonderful feeling and the house does look nice with all job done.

Lovely feeling, congratulations :)

My last payment was £1 and it was rather fun walking into the Building Soc. saying "I'm here to pay off my mortgage", "where is the money transferring from?" they asked. "My pocket" I replied, held up a £1 coin and said "that's my house that is" :)
Join the club, its great being a member :D 4 years and counting for me.

Now what to do with all that spare money every month, personally I just paid the same amount into a savings account, never had it not going to miss it now, and boy do the savings mount up fast now.
24 years left for me.
On the bright side though we move from fixed rate to variable next year which should put a couple hundred quid back in the pocket :D
If you're manaaging now I suggest you keep paying the same. Have you done a overpaying calculator? Its a eye opener.
If you're manaaging now I suggest you keep paying the same. Have you done a overpaying calculator? Its a eye opener.

This is what we did as stated in previous post we paid the mortgage off 15 years early. We had a couple of small loans so when they ended we put that money in an isa ( we were by now paying maximum allowed in overpayments per month on the mortgage and interest rate on our isa was almost the same as our mortgage rate) it really has made a difference to our lives.