Mundane Randoms-a thread for anything mundane/random to outright bizarre...

Nice going so far! As it's my weekly regular Tuesday night out tonight, I'm not expecting to find inspiration at the bottom of a glass! Oh hang on...maybe...nah...hmm....... :)
Well ........found this one hard ! Could have 'bean' easy to put a pair of specs on my dog but he would have 'pegged' it out of the door !

I know I'm allowed one entry .....BUT I was naffed off with this one cos of the reflections otherwise this was the one I was going for !!

I was thinking along similar lines to that, Julie! I snoozed, I loose'd lol. If I can't make it work differently enough, I'll have a re-think :)
Wow a great start to the new theme.. i have no problem seeing out-takes and other choices either.. gives everyone inspiration too:D(y)
Here is a photo I took a few months ago for someone who wanted a picture of one of their wine glasses:


Although it looks like a reflection it is actually one wine glass on top of another , and so is technically 'glasses' (not a singular glass) and so meets the ToR of 'Glasses'.

I followed guidance at

In the video Phillip McCordall shows how to get the shot without any professional equipment.

The main criticism I have of the picture is that the actual glass is pretty boring - but as I say - it was done at the specific request of someone else.

NB just in case I am misunderstanding this thread........ I am interpreting it to be a challenge to get a 'pleasing' etc picture using a 'mundane' object. So it doesn't have to be creative as in unusual/funky/etc (whatever the word is these days - I'm getting on a bit so not up to date with current street etc terms.) It could be off-beam - and some really good ones have been posted already in this thread - just seems to me that it doesn't have to be. Hope that is ok
Anything you like Chris is fine given the weeks theme.. no hard and fast rules here at all..(y)

Nice shot with the glass too:D
??didn't think there was any limit on entries??

Not specifically, more often than not with these things it is one shot.. but as i said if there is another that didn't quite work or you couldn't choose between the 2 etc then its all fine:D
On the assumption that there isn't any limit on entries , here's another one of 'glasses' that I also took a few months ago

(posted before I read CG girl reply)


I got the basic idea off a picture on the internet. If I were to do it again I would get the black/white border level or maybe have a totally black background. Or maybe I would paint in some black in PSE 11 to get it level:)

Again - no professional equipment used - I think I actually took the picture on my Panasonic compact.
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As i said Chris it's fine honest!!:D

i quite like the concept of that one
As i said Chris it's fine honest!!:D


Thanks for that - I just expect that some weeks I will be really struggling to get anything half decent and other times I may already have a few that meet the theme or (more unlikely) be able to dream up more than one picture that meets the theme.
Wow a great start to the new theme.. i have no problem seeing out-takes and other choices either.. gives everyone inspiration too:D(y)

Now come on, evn with everything up in the air, I BET you have a glass of some sort to hand... PHOTO!! :D

Chris, loving that second one, very nice indeed :clap:

Here is one I did, sharing specifically because it was taken on a TP London meet last year, but will produce a new image for this too.

Shades by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr
Now come on, evn with everything up in the air, I BET you have a glass of some sort to hand... PHOTO!! :D

Chris, loving that second one, very nice indeed :clap:

Here is one I did, sharing specifically because it was taken on a TP London meet last year, but will produce a new image for this too.

Shades by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr

I love this ......I was going to raid an opticians today but forgot my camera , it would have looked funny doing my shopping with a camera ...
That's cool Yv and love those reflections too!...(y)

I do have the choice of an exceptionally large wine glass not packed or the glasses on my face so yes i shall be doing this one:D
Where do you guys get the lego figures from? :thinking:

Here's mine. Missed last week's so combined the two:

<photo snip>
There are gangs of slavers who raid Legoland and sell the li'l guys on ebay, where toggers buy 'em and put 'em to work. ;)

I think your combination works well. (y)
:LOL: If looks could kill Yv.
A fun take on the theme and how sophisticated reading The Times ;)
this was taken a few month back when i was messing in pp, ok i know its a stretch for the theme but it is my favourite glass :LOL:

Rats. Missed last weeks. I was waiting for a cow to hang their face over the fence. But none did...
Really glad today's theme is not yet up......... that means I am not so late with this one!

I'm running late so will update new theme once I get to the laptop!... :)
You guys get better and better. (y)

So this weeks theme, and apologies for being a bit late in the day with this, it is................. ZIP(S)

Good luck and as usual have fun :D
You guys get better and better. (y)

So this weeks theme, and apologies for being a bit late in the day with this, it is................. ZIP(S)

Good luck and as usual have fun :D

*makes note to self not to do the first thing that came into my head*

but i'll be playing this time
*makes note to self not to do the first thing that came into my head*

but i'll be playing this time
I'm also off to wash my brain out with soap and water :D

I'll try to make this weeks. Last week work was just overwhelming, when one of a team of two is absent and no cover is available, I got landed with his shifts :(
The range of ideas is what gets me - they often seem obvious when they've been done, but I've never thought of them before hand!
This gives me a chance to try out something I saw ages ago, but I'm not sure I'll get the chance before next Monday. :(
Hey, number #1 is really creative. :)
Thanks. I originally spotted the red/pinky zips and then saw the green one. Immediately that thought came to mind. The hardest bit was trying to keep the zips in a tight curl. Later realised I should have used a pin to fasten them. :LOL: