MWHCVT(Matt's) Challenge 365 - Completed

Thank you, it's this type of support that keeps me would have been great to have the old man and his dog I suspect he had gone in to escape the rain :LOL:

Cheers Les, It is a real challenge to maintain the standard, plus I like to ensure that the thread is updated on a daily basis I try and give myself at least half an hour each day for my 365...I'm pleased that you find interest in the thread..

Great, it should be a great day (y)


this is the sort of inspiration and commitment that will spur me onto ..maybe..doing a 365 next year ... (y)
this is the sort of inspiration and commitment that will spur me onto ..maybe..doing a 365 next year ... (y)

I'm glad to act as an inspiration, it's such fun, but it is a real commitment as I do have day's that I run dry on inspiration or that I think I cannot be bothered but then I think I would be seriously peeved at myself if I gave up and also I know that some people are enjoying looking though my 365 as much as I usually enjoy doing it :cautious: I am seriously considering continuing the challenge after the 31/12/2011 into 2012, but sorry to tell you if you do go ahead next year and do a photo a day challenge it will be an even bigger challenge than this year as it will not be a 365 but a 366 next year :naughty:

I would recommend it though as I have thus far got so much enjoyment out of the challenge that it far outweighs the odd bad day (y)

it will be an even bigger challenge than this year as it will not be a 365 but a 366 next year :naughty:


that extra day...could finish me off... :crying:
Day 204 - NSFW :D Automotive Porn

This Swiss registered Jaguar E-Type was over in England for the 50th Birthday of the type with a special even a Silverstone where over a 1,000 E Types were in attendance, obviously had I know such an even was on I would have attended the event...

204/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

I'm sure it will be. Just put 2 batterys on charge and packed my bag and then unpacked it, repacked it to make sure I have what I need lol.

Glad you have everying ready :D


that extra day...could finish me off... :crying:

It is a worry :LOL: :LOL:

1 of my fave cars! I love the pic Matt, the toning really works well! That would have been an awesome day and sight!

I know what a wonderful car, my dad had a convertible E-Type a long time ago, how I wish he still owned it :puke: I have always been in love with E-Type's it is the one one car I was trade in my Range Rover's for but then I wouldn't be able to squeeze into it so it would be rather silly, though I could spend all day looking at it :LOL: :love:

The owner of this was a really friendly guy with a D3X round his neck and he was showing me some of the photo's from the day, including a E-Type going round the track that was a tripod :D

I wish I had known the day was happening as I would have sorted out at least for me to go, but possible a TP meet, though I am confident that there were a few members there and we shall see some threads soon...I just would have loved to be there myself :dummy:

Day 205 - Flight of fancy

Well today was the day of the Talk Photography Meet at Hagley Falconry Centre, I had a great day but utterly failed at getting any bird's in flight :bonk: But I had to have something flying for my photo of the day today and here it is :D

205/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Thanks to everyone that made it such a great day and let's get ready for the August Meet (y)

I had to look close to see what was flying then lol. You should have hat a blast of my 100mm f2.8L

I will have to have a play at the next meet as it would be fun to have a play with (y) if I am totally honest this was not taken at Hagley, but at Daventry Country Park in Northamptonshire, and I was sat in the Range Rover when I took it, before geting to this evening's gig I had to stop to get somthing to eat and while I sat eating this opportunity presented itself and I had to take the opportunity to have something in flight as my POTD :naughty:

Day 206 - The Alien's have Landed

So given that early this morning the sky was perfectly clear I decided to do a star trail, I know that it was after midnight as I heard to local church bell's strike twelve while setting up my camera..

This is made up of 170 x 20 second exposures @ f/4. ISO400

It was a bit of experiment because for the first time I decided to have a go using a improvised gels on my flash to give a fun colour to the building since I was going to be lighting it up anyway :D

206/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr


It's better then any of the flight shots I attempted today.

:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I'm just resourceful :D I wouldn't worry about not doing so well with the bird's in flight, I didn't have a single usable image :shrug: I have a few static shot's to process and put up

michael23 said:
The star trail looks excellent, and I'm viewing it on my phone. Nice bit of processing there. What software did you use?

Than you, I did the stacking using (y)

duttytd said:
Drinks bottle?

Yep, little sheet of green plastic cut from a drinks bottle placed over my flash gun, and then manually firing the flash around the building to light it up (y)

duttytd said:
Tbh I didn't think ** flash would have reached so far.

It won't, you hand hold the flash, firing using the pilot button and take the flash to the subject (y) I takes a little planning on how you apply you flash but it's good fun

duttytd said:
Ah ok very nice. Might try it myself.

I would whole heartedly recommend having a go, I had great fun with just this little bit, I think it takes two people to be safe, one a the camera one painting as it would be terrible to set the camera up then then go off to paint and come back to find there had been an error, issue or worst case a nicked camera :bonk:

Day 207 - Really Wild..

This is a bit of a heavy crop, but I think that it was worth it :D this is a Wild Strawberry and it is about one centimeter wide so not very big at all

207/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

I think the shadow (bottom left) is a bit distracting.

Possibly so, it's a little bit of a heavy vignette but I really wanted for force the viewers concentration on the fruit :D I have been suffering from a lack of inspiration today :bonk:

Day 209 - Summer Luv'in

I just love being out in the countryside at this time of the year, warm summer evenings, and watching combines work for me is almost entrancing, I think it has something to do with the mechanical workings of the machine, this fit's in quite nicely into my Challenge 365 as this field is where I did a nice yellow panorama earlier this year as part of the challenge

I decided to try my hand at HDR again this evening as I am determined that I am going to learn how to create a nice HDR before this year is out :D

209/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

duttytd said:
Matt I really really like that mate. ;-)

michael23 said:
Looking pretty good Matt. I like it. (y)

Thanks Guys, I really struggle to get the right look with HDR at first I used to go in your face HDR but now I'm trying to be obvious but not kicking your door in if that makes any sense :shrug:

Day 208 - Doctor, Doctor stay away...

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, so what do two apple's keep away???

208/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr


Matt...i think freud would have something to say about what you were subconsciously thinking when you took this shot.. ;)
Day 209 - Summer Luv'in

I just love being out in the countryside at this time of the year, warm summer evenings, and watching combines work for me is almost entrancing, I think it has something to do with the mechanical workings of the machine, this fit's in quite nicely into my Challenge 365 as this field is where I did a nice yellow panorama earlier this year as part of the challenge

I decided to try my hand at HDR again this evening as I am determined that I am going to learn how to create a nice HDR before this year is out :D

209/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr


Nice enough - the sky looks a little over cooked / Noisey for my taste- but hey thats just me

Yellow pano=- must have been oilseeed rape then

Les (y)
SamuelSlade007 said:
Matt...i think freud would have something to say about what you were subconsciously thinking when you took this shot.. ;)

This has me intrigued :) I hope you elaborate :LOL:

Lez325 said:
The Doctor and his assistant maybe :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Nice shot Matt

Les (y)

Thanks Les, I hope so I had enough of doctors last year :LOL: even though I'm very grateful for all there hard work

Lez325 said:
Nice enough - the sky looks a little over cooked / Noisey for my taste- but hey thats just me

Yellow pano=- must have been oilseeed rape then

Les (y)

Thanks, I was a little annoyed at the amount of grain but other than that I quite like it and yeah it was rapeseed if you check out I think Day 124 (y)

Day 210 - Back up

I have found with this project that from a photography standpoint the phrase "Back up" has taken a whole new meaning...

...Well I was sat about waiting for a nice sunset at I wanted to try a bit of HDR processing, well this picture let's you know for me at least there was no decent sunset :( but a least I had this really nice flower to fall back on...

210/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 211 - Super Ten...

You read that correct super ten not super ted, I have extolled my love of coins in the past, just about the distances they may have travelled and the hands they have been in, if only a coin could tell a story :shrug:

211/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

This is a stack of 8 x 10p coins, on a white reflective surface to assist flash.

Camera setup 50mm f/1.8 @ f/8, ISO200, 1/200 exposure with a full set of MF Macro Extension Tubes attached.

Flash setup 430EX2 @ +1EV angled at 90 degrees to the subject at white ceiling.

Day 212 - Bridge of Light

Taken this morning in the hour before dawn, comprised of 59 and yes I know that's a funny number but I lost count of exposures, light painted with my 430EX2 and some home made gel's made from plastic drinks bottle's, light painted with the help of fellow TPer Darrell (thedodo) (y)

212/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

This has me intrigued :) I hope you elaborate :LOL:

.. well... he is quoted in saying that... "I think our police are excellent, probably because I have not done anything that has occasioned being beaten up by these good men." -

nuff said... (y)

love the bridge... great idea with the gels