MWHCVT(Matt's) Challenge 365 - Completed

Hiya Matt

OK as most have already spotted the ones I noticed I won't repeat here, but the biggest difference for me is the whole ceiling is at a different angle.

Good one Matt, this has been fun.


Dawn :)

I'm glad that you've enjoyed it, I have another set of photographic puzzles in the planning but I'll keep :muted: on that front until I launch the challenge :D

As for the ceiling being at a different angle, I assure you that is as a result of an optical illusion only as they are the exact same image only the second has had some selective clone work, no further cropping or levelling I promise

just seen this not read others but here are the 9 diff if you count the shadow lol
Close, very close actually, but there is one in there that's not right, I'm unsure what you mean by cornice, but there is still the real tough one missing that no one has noticed yet either here or on flickr :D

By cornic whatever it is that was in corner next to the spwaker is what I was meaning.
just seen this not read others but here are the 9 diff if you count the shadow lol

Well Done Chaz that would be all of them, and ironically you have done almost exactly what I did with what I have sat here on my hard drive a results image with the areas highlighted with red circles :LOL:

I am not counting the speaker shadow as a 9th image because if the speaker had not been there I would not have had to remove the shadow, I hope this makes sense (y)

By cornic whatever it is that was in corner next to the spwaker is what I was meaning.

I Understand what you mean now, and I can see you logic but as I have said to Chaz I'm not counting the shadow as a separate removal as it would have not been there to remove if the speaker had not been there in the first place :D

Day 190 - Macroeconomic Policy

A macro economic study, these four macro photo were shot using a set of manual macro extension tubes costing less than half the value of the note at the end of the lens, it was quite hard to use these tubes, but I think that was more to do with getting accustomed to the super shallow DoF that is a result of using these tubes...

190/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Settings were 1/200 sec. ISO200 and f/8 if memory serves me correctly which it most likly doesn't :LOL:

Thank you to everyone for the enthusiastic reception to the spot the difference challenge, both here and on flickr and facebook...much appreciated.

Day 191 - More Money than Sense...

I wish I had more money than sense but that's not going to happen till my numbers come up on Tuesday, note to others TP'ers don't bother buying any tickets I already have the winning ticket :lol

191/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 191 - More Money than Sense...

I wish I had more money than sense but that's not going to happen till my numbers come up on Tuesday, note to others TP'ers don't bother buying any tickets I already have the winning ticket :lol

191/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr


Hiya Matt,

Nice one ... I've been collecting the coins from this mint ... only missing the 50p now (but typical just can't find one :bonk:).

As for Tuesday .... hmmmm ... I think I will still have to buy a ticket ... but if you do win .... don't forget who your friends are ;);) .... I could do with a macro lens, off camera flash, extension tubes ...... etc :LOL:

Good Luck!


Dawn :)
drodd said:
Hiya Matt,

Nice one ... I've been collecting the coins from this mint ... only missing the 50p now (but typical just can't find one :bonk:).

As for Tuesday .... hmmmm ... I think I will still have to buy a ticket ... but if you do win .... don't forget who your friends are ;);) .... I could do with a macro lens, off camera flash, extension tubes ...... etc :LOL:

Good Luck!


Dawn :)

I have a nice big shopping list for Wednesday morning :D
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Day 192 - IS off...erm where the IS switch gone :bang:

I was having a play with a very old M42 Russian 300mm lens, it really hard to get used to but this was quite a pleasing result, I think it maybe slightly OOF but I'm still pleased with it especially as it was at ISO1600, this maybe the closest that I have come to a traditional SLR to day, owing to the lack of Image Stabilizer, Auto Focus and having to use full manual as the Aperture is of course Manual :D

192/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 193 - Pause for though...

This time last year I was critically ill and fighting for my life in the ICU at my local hospital, I was eventually transferred to a highly specialised ICU based at Saint Thomas' Hospital, Westminster, today was almost a year to the day that I was transferred via ambulance to London from Coventry and today I was down at St Thomas' for a check up to see that my treatment was still effective...

From my bed I has a view of the house's of parliament not many hospitals can boast such a historically important view, today I set about to capture a great view from the grounds of the hospital and I am really pleased with the photo, It would have been nice to have a great blue sky but I think that this still works really well

193/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Hiya Matt,

Just doing my routine pop-past to catch up on your thread, and wow you have some great recent pics here.

Day 193 is a fab shot .... although a very poignant image for you, I am sure. I hope you are in much better health now.

Day 194, the Hummingbird Hawk Moth is a great capture too

Day 195 ... my favourite ... because I love flowers and also yellow is one of my favourite colours ... for me this is absolutely stunning!

Well done and wow I can see the progress you are making over the year, your photos just get better every day.

BTW have you decided what you might do with all the photos come the end of the year? I think they would make a fab photo book.

You are so dedicated to your challenge, I wish I had an ounce of your passion to succeed at this ... my 365 has fallen so behind regards posting ...but then I suppose it is because my heart is more in my Photo52 at the moment. Needless to say I still try to keep up with the daily photo taking ... hopefully some time soon I will be able to catch up with posting.

Keep up the brilliant work ... I always look forward to checking on your progress.


Dawn :)
Hiya Matt,

Just doing my routine pop-past to catch up on your thread, and wow you have some great recent pics here.

Day 193 is a fab shot .... although a very poignant image for you, I am sure. I hope you are in much better health now.

Day 194, the Hummingbird Hawk Moth is a great capture too

Day 195 ... my favourite ... because I love flowers and also yellow is one of my favourite colours ... for me this is absolutely stunning!

Well done and wow I can see the progress you are making over the year, your photos just get better every day.

BTW have you decided what you might do with all the photos come the end of the year? I think they would make a fab photo book.

You are so dedicated to your challenge, I wish I had an ounce of your passion to succeed at this ... my 365 has fallen so behind regards posting ...but then I suppose it is because my heart is more in my Photo52 at the moment. Needless to say I still try to keep up with the daily photo taking ... hopefully some time soon I will be able to catch up with posting.

Keep up the brilliant work ... I always look forward to checking on your progress.


Dawn :)

Hi Dawn, your are right that 193 holds a lot of meaning to me, I am forever grateful to the hard work from both the ICU at Coventry and all the staff down at St. Thomas' Specialist ICU, they were all brilliant, and without them I would not be posting on TP...

I am confident that you will get your 365 in order, maybe try and process 2 or 3 a day for the next few weeks and you will soon be up to date (y) but you are doing so well with your 52 :D and you have done so much with the 52ers to what with the spreadsheet etc..

I'm not to sure what my plans are for my images at the end of the year but I do rather like the idea of a photobook I will have to have a look into prices for that :D

As always thanks for taking the time to come on in and spend some time with my photos :wave:

Day 196 - Delightful Dahlia

The first Dahlia of the year to bloom in our garden this year, so it has to take pride of place as my photo of the day...:D

196/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 197 - I have Thrush....

....I mean I have a Thrush that for the past week has been visiting the garden, while today when I was sat watching a bit of telly before going out I see out of the corner of my eye some movement...

...and whats there must be one of the most patient Thrush's in the whole UK, not only did it sit on the wall of our patio for a few minutes while I debated moving to get the camera fully expecting it to fly as soon as I moved, I had to go into the other room to get my long lens, I get back and it still there, I think well it bound to move as soon as I have the camera ready, but no it must have sat in this spot for a good ten minutes before having enough and flying off.

197/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

It is a shame that it didn't move as I would have liked to have the leg's in view also :bang:

Day 198 - Found it..

..Nearly 200 days into the challenge, and I have to confess to thinking occasionally that I must have a screw loose...good news, I've found the just to find where it's come from :D

Shot with a full set of three manual macro extension tubes...actual screw is about 4/5mm in length :D

198/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 199 - 3 for 2 offer

That's right tonight we have a special on offer 3 water drops for the price of 2 at the special never to be repeated introductory price of £1.99 limited supply :LOL: yes I am getting towards the end of a bottle of Rose, and listening to a bit of Diana Ross, I love you, and having lots of fun all on my own :shrug:

199/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Thanks for sticking with me this far I just cannot believe that in less than 2 hours we will be on Day 200 utter madness...

michael23 said:
Hiya Matt, those water drops are great. Love the colours. I can't believe it's day 200 tomorrow! It seems like it has flown by just doing the 52, week 29 already! You are doing brilliantly with this 365 (y) Oh and good use of the extension tubes too.

Thanks, it is madness how quick this years going :shrug: I think in need to start thinking about if I carry on into next year :thinking:

The tubes are great fun, I am starting to wish I had done a B&W conversion the more I look at it :shrug:

Day 200 - Part 2 of 3

Here is part 2 of my mini 3 part project it shows of some nice ripe tomato's but in actual fact it show tomato flowers, unripened and ripe tomato's...hopefully soon it will be time for part 3 of the project (y)

200/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

It's astonishing that we are already 200 days into 2011 this year and project is going really fast

Day 201 - Rules, what rules

Okay so I have read lots of rules on composition and then of course there the idea that rules are meant to be broken :D so with this I thought that I would have a bit of fun and try and slightly different composition, quarters, I personally think it works quite well but I would love to hear others opinions of the composition (y)

201/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Hi Matt viewing on my phone and the tomatos look a lovely colour and the lighting looks really good too. I am still waiting for mine to form.

Thanks Michael, the red's were quite wonderful, I'm impressed with the lighting myself considering it of with the in-built flash as the batteries died in my flashgun and I really didn't want to have to get and get my back up as there other normal set were on charge :bang:

Day 201 - Rules, what rules

Okay so I have read lots of rules on composition and then of course there the idea that rules are meant to be broken :D so with this I thought that I would have a bit of fun and try and slightly different composition, quarters, I personally think it works quite well but I would love to hear others opinions of the composition (y)


Lo Matt

Actually you havent broke the 3rds rule with this shot, maybe square comp but 3rds still apply :D

Think thats why it still works :LOL:


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Just Dave said:
Lo Matt

Actually you havent broke the 3rds rule with this shot, maybe square comp but 3rds still apply :D

Think thats why it still works :LOL:


Bloomin' heck your right, I guess I shouldn't have had the fourth bottle of bud :shrug: I'm glad you think it works (y) and nice to see you in this thread :)

duttytd said:
Well done Matt some great shots. Keep up the good work.


Thanks Tony, I think about maintaining the standard with every shot I take (y) I hope your looking forward to Sunday :D

Bloomin' heck your right, I guess I shouldn't have had the fourth bottle of bud :shrug: I'm glad you think it works (y) and nice to see you in this thread :)


:LOL: I have my fav togs, I watch Matt, if you want my 3rds action for CS5 pm me, and I'll email it to you (y)

Just Dave said:
:LOL: I have my fav togs, I watch Matt, if you want my 3rds action for CS5 pm me, and I'll email it to you (y)


:LOL: :LOL: I'm on :plus1: :plus1: :plus1: :plus1: :plus1: :beer:'s now so I'm taking that as a compliment :LOL:

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Day 202 - A Yellow Mission

I when on a hunt of the garden this evening on a hunt for a yellow flower, and this is the result of the hunt, Hope your feeling 100% again soon Dawn :hug2:

202/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Thank you :D

Hi Matt,

Awww thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me. It is a gorgeous yellow flower, not sure what it is, but it reminds me of one of my favourite lamps I have in my house, i.e., my fibre optic lamp :D I can spend hours looking at it changing colour.

I've had a rough night, I can't sleep and when I did I had nightmares, so I decided to get up and come and have a look at some of the photos on your thread because they always cheer me up, and I am so glad I did now.

Scrolling through the photos since my last post, I have to say you Dahlia is indeed delightful.

Had to chuckle at your Thrush title :LOL: and I think the little was just waiting to have its photo taken. Lovely capture too (y)

Your 3 for 2 shot is just perfect and I love the colour too. Not bad considering a bottle of Rose consumed in the process and listening to Diana Ross, whoohoo, one of my all time favourite Soul Diva's.

Really like your tomato project and great that you have the flowers, ripe and unripe all in one shot.

As for rules, I think Dave has pretty much summed that one up, can't argue with that :LOL:

And lastly, the Found It .... you lucky you found your loose screw ... I'm still looking for mine ... hopefully I will find it soon :LOL:

I have to say Matt, you have one of the most therapeutic threads I have seen on here and I think over the next few days I am going to start looking at the photos again from #1.

Thank you


Dawn :)
drodd said:
Hi Matt,

Awww thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me. It is a gorgeous yellow flower, not sure what it is, but it reminds me of one of my favourite lamps I have in my house, i.e., my fibre optic lamp :D I can spend hours looking at it changing colour.

I've had a rough night, I can't sleep and when I did I had nightmares, so I decided to get up and come and have a look at some of the photos on your thread because they always cheer me up, and I am so glad I did now.

Scrolling through the photos since my last post, I have to say you Dahlia is indeed delightful.

Had to chuckle at your Thrush title :LOL: and I think the little was just waiting to have its photo taken. Lovely capture too (y)

Your 3 for 2 shot is just perfect and I love the colour too. Not bad considering a bottle of Rose consumed in the process and listening to Diana Ross, whoohoo, one of my all time favourite Soul Diva's.

Really like your tomato project and great that you have the flowers, ripe and unripe all in one shot.

As for rules, I think Dave has pretty much summed that one up, can't argue with that :LOL:

And lastly, the Found It .... you lucky you found your loose screw ... I'm still looking for mine ... hopefully I will find it soon :LOL:

I have to say Matt, you have one of the most therapeutic threads I have seen on here and I think over the next few days I am going to start looking at the photos again from #1.

Thank you


Dawn :)

I'm pleased you liked the flower I have a mad memory and remembered your love of yellow :)

3 for 2 was a real lucky one since I was starting to feel tipsy, I've also realised how bad it looks that I have two nights in one week where I mention indulging in alcohol :shrug: I don't drink that often so I'm just going to say I've had a let the hair down week

Your right that Dave caught me out with my broken rules there was me thinking I was being a rebel :LOL:

I'm not having the best of sleep myself currently my sleep mask has developed a fault and is not working optimally I'm waiting for a replacement :bang:

Thanks for your continued support

Day 203 - Slow Pay Lane.

Many of us will have seen and used the fast pay lanes as petrol stations to save time, when I couldn't find the fast pay slot on this pump, I guess the canal network really is a slower pace of lift (y)

203/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

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matthew..well done for going strong, and managing awesome shots

keep up the good work ... love the fuel pump... canal system is a bit behind, i fully expected a geezer in a rocking chair next to it with a sleeping maybe cropped this out.. (y)
Ive been watching this thread with interest Matt- I don't think I'd have enought to time to do what youre doing on a daily basis ( I have to work lol)
keep it up mate - some cracking images so far :clap:

Les (y)
SamuelSlade007 said:
matthew..well done for going strong, and managing awesome shots

keep up the good work ... love the fuel pump... canal system is a bit behind, i fully expected a geezer in a rocking chair next to it with a sleeping maybe cropped this out.. (y)

Thank you, it's this type of support that keeps me would have been great to have the old man and his dog I suspect he had gone in to escape the rain :LOL:

Lez325 said:
Ive been watching this thread with interest Matt- I don't think I'd have enought to time to do what youre doing on a daily basis ( I have to work lol)
keep it up mate - some cracking images so far :clap:

Les (y)

Cheers Les, It is a real challenge to maintain the standard, plus I like to ensure that the thread is updated on a daily basis I try and give myself at least half an hour each day for my 365...I'm pleased that you find interest in the thread..

duttytd said:
I am indeed matey ;-)

Great, it should be a great day (y)
