MWHCVT(Matt's) Challenge 365 - Completed

Day 150 - Still Learning, Well trying too...

I'm still working on mastering HDR but here is my attempt for my photo of the day, with this I was aiming for a more believable look as apposed to the over blown/extreme HDR look.

150/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Hiya Matt,

Just popping past for a quick catch up on your 365.

I tend to pop by daily to see what you have been producing, but apologies I don't always have the time to comment .... hence why I do a catch up now and again.

You have produced some great shots for this challenge, and well done to you for keeping up. I wish I had more time to maintain the 2x challenges I have on the go (not to mention the general photo taking) :LOL:

I think the flower shots you have taken are fantastic!

The destruction photo is great too, looks like a shot from a movie.

I have to say the tooth gave me the hibby-jibbies ... I'm squirmish when it comes to those sort of photos .... but I am sure you are glad it is out.

Also like the lemon shot .... with the gradients of colour.

Have to say I'm not too keen on the rose shot (146) ... the shadows play tricks and also the rose is wilting a bit on the petals.

I like (148) .... I did a similar sort of shot and most of the comments received were that it should be the other way, i.e., left to right .... even though I don't have a problem with either way being ambidextrous.

I can see you have been having a good go at HDR .... and especially like the tractor shots .... they are brilliant!

I wish I had more time to comment on your 365, but hope that my brief encounters are encouraging.

As I said, I always look forward to seeing your daily photos .... what do you plan on doing with the series at the end of the year? Any thoughts?

Keep up the good work.


Dawn :)
Hiya Matt,

Just popping past for a quick catch up on your 365.

I tend to pop by daily to see what you have been producing, but apologies I don't always have the time to comment .... hence why I do a catch up now and again.

You have produced some great shots for this challenge, and well done to you for keeping up. I wish I had more time to maintain the 2x challenges I have on the go (not to mention the general photo taking) :LOL:

I think the flower shots you have taken are fantastic!

The destruction photo is great too, looks like a shot from a movie.

I have to say the tooth gave me the hibby-jibbies ... I'm squirmish when it comes to those sort of photos .... but I am sure you are glad it is out.

Also like the lemon shot .... with the gradients of colour.

Have to say I'm not too keen on the rose shot (146) ... the shadows play tricks and also the rose is wilting a bit on the petals.

I like (148) .... I did a similar sort of shot and most of the comments received were that it should be the other way, i.e., left to right .... even though I don't have a problem with either way being ambidextrous.

I can see you have been having a good go at HDR .... and especially like the tractor shots .... they are brilliant!

I wish I had more time to comment on your 365, but hope that my brief encounters are encouraging.

As I said, I always look forward to seeing your daily photos .... what do you plan on doing with the series at the end of the year? Any thoughts?

Keep up the good work.


Dawn :)

Thanks Dawn, It's always encouraging to get your comments as its clear that you put a lot of thought into what you say.

As to my plans for the end of the year, so far I have a couple of plans, I am thinking of making a calender with an image from each month to hand in my room along with the TP Calender of course (y) I am going to make a video slide show up to post at the end of the challenge, but here comes the bit that is making me consider having myself sectioned :bonk: I'm thinking of starting another 365 on 1/1/2012 but of course it will have to be a 366 making the overall challenge into a Challenge - 731 but I think that will be something that I decide later in the year

Thanks Dawn, It's always encouraging to get your comments as its clear that you put a lot of thought into what you say.

As to my plans for the end of the year, so far I have a couple of plans, I am thinking of making a calender with an image from each month to hand in my room along with the TP Calender of course (y) I am going to make a video slide show up to post at the end of the challenge, but here comes the bit that is making me consider having myself sectioned :bonk: I'm thinking of starting another 365 on 1/1/2012 but of course it will have to be a 366 making the overall challenge into a Challenge - 731 but I think that will be something that I decide later in the year


Hiya Matt,

You are welcome, I try where I can to encourage people like yourself to keep up the good work you are doing. Believe me I know what a challenge it is at times .... so appreciate the effort you make to produce a photo each day. As you know I have been doing a 365 alongside my 52 (omg what did I let myself in for when I started the challenge) I have been keeping up with the taking a photo each day ... but I just don't seem to find the time to process and post same (as I get distracted by all sorts of other photos that I take in the day :LOL:)

Anyway, I like your ideas of a calendar for your 365 .... I would be interested in having one of those too for office/home.

Your video idea is good too (y)

As for your 731 ... that is some challenge, good luck.

I have decided to do a personal project next year ...... it will be a Photo52 ... and will be based on my knowledge and fascination with geology. Which has stemmed from this weeks theme of 'hidden'. So from January 2012 I will be doing a weekly project of various gem stones, focusing on one at a time .... either in polished state, and/or raw if I can have/can acquire same .... and making it into a learning experience for everyone .... from the geological aspect to the metaphysical and healing properties of same. Now that should be a challenge and one I will thoroughly enjoy ;)

In the meantime though, we have to get through this year ... and Matt you are a great support and :love: you for that, thank you :hug:

Keep the spirit going and hopefully one day soon we will all be able to meet up and reflect on our accomplishment.


Dawn :)
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drodd said:
Hiya Matt,

You are welcome, I try where I can to encourage people like yourself to keep up the good work you are doing. Believe me I know what a challenge it is at times .... so appreciate the effort you make to produce a photo each day. As you know I have been doing a 365 alongside my 52 (omg what did I let myself in for when I started the challenge) I have been keeping up with the taking a photo each day ... but I just don't seem to find the time to process and post same (as I get distracted by all sorts of other photos that I take in the day :LOL:)

Anyway, I like your ideas of a calendar for your 365 .... I would be interested in having one of those too for office/home.

Your video idea is good too (y)

As for your 731 ... that is some challenge, good luck.

I have decided to do a personal project next year ...... it will be a Photo52 ... and will be based on my knowledge and fascination with geology. Which has stemmed from this weeks theme of 'hidden'. So from January 2012 I will be doing a weekly project of various gem stones, focusing on one at a time .... either in polished state, and/or raw if I can have/can acquire same .... and making it into a learning experience for everyone .... from the geological aspect to the metaphysical and healing properties of same. Now that should be a challenge and one I will thoroughly enjoy ;)

In the meantime though, we have to get through this year ... and Matt you are a great support and :love: you for that, thank you :hug:

Keep the spirit going and hopefully one day soon we will all be able to meet up and reflect on our accomplishment.


Dawn :)

I look forward to meeting eventually I am sure it will happen at some point soon...

I know who I would nominate for TPer of the year, your work on the TP52 has been admirable (y)

I'm sure I could print a second copy ;)

Day 152 - Health Sweets!

Healthy Sweeties, I got a bit of a shock when I opened this packet ;) I guess they missed out a stage or two in the production process

152/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 154 - Lest we forget...

My first poppy of the year, I'll be honest and say that I am not overly happy with the end result, I like the composition but really wish I had my big boy flash with me as I would love to bounce the flash a little bit :(

154/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 157 - Holiday Memory

Whenever I see a Geranium I cannot help but think about holidays when I was a kid, we often used to go down the Dartmouth for the weekend as Dad like to go sea fishing out of Dartmouth, then we would go for dinner at a restaurant called "Scarlet Geranium" I know this one is pink and white but what can I say we don't have any scarlet ones in the garden this year...

157/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 159 - Yellow Fever

I know I have been taking it a little bit easy the last few days with regards to my daily photo, but this week so far the weather has been awful, so I have decided to document our hanging baskets which went up on Monday for the weeks images, it gives me a little break from the challenge as I don't need to go hunting for inspiration but I promise I am taking the photo's equally as seriously as I have any other photo within the challenge.

159/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Hiya Matt,

Just doing a quick catchup on your latest posts for the project.

Well done on the flower photos, they are beautiful :clap:

Love the butterfly shot.

The hot air balloon is cool, what a pity there weren't more balloons that day, I know how much you were looking forward to the day out.

Keep up the great work.


Dawn :)
Hiya Matt,

Just doing a quick catchup on your latest posts for the project.

Well done on the flower photos, they are beautiful :clap:

Love the butterfly shot.

The hot air balloon is cool, what a pity there weren't more balloons that day, I know how much you were looking forward to the day out.

Keep up the great work.


Dawn :)

Thanks Dawn, truth be told I was more than a little miffed at the lack of balloons but such is like, I'm a night owl I go to bed a lot more times at 4.30am than I get up at that time :bang:

The butterfly was taken at a TP meet I helped arrange at Stratford Butterfly farm it was great fun you can see my entire set here
We have just started organising the next meet now, I would like to get to the stage that we have a meet a month for Warwickshire and West Midlands members (y)

I'm very pleased with the flower shots and there will be a few more as I have decided to make the new hanging baskets a bit of a theme for the week as it will allow me to still ensure I keep the quality up but also have a little bit of a rest if that makes sense

Day 161 - Galaxy Daisy

Okay I suppose that I should explain that title, its quite simple really when looking at the photo once I had finished the PP it struck me that the other flowers from the plant looked like mini galaxies in the background :D

161/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 162 - Old but Beautiful

I can never pass up an opportunity to take photo's of may favourite motor vehicles, This is an RAF Airfield Ambulance, it is based on a Long Wheel Base chassis or a 109 chassis and is based upon a Series 2A Land Rover.

This was taken at the Classic Commercial Vehicle Show at the Heritage Motor Museum in Gaydon, Warwickshire

162/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 163 - Somethings Fishy

My idea with this was to have a bit of fun with my favourite pub snack.

The processing on this shot, the original was processed with a cartoon effect filter being applied to the image, then cropped to a square crop, then to give the images a twist in colour I switched the colour channels for each image, finally I arranged them in a grid black borders

163/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 164 - White Hearted

I'm a day late posting this because I was in the middle of a massive remote backup last night so could not upload it to flickr, so here it is now for the world to see.

164/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 165 - The Orange Sea...

Just one from the greenhouse's this time, this a tray of Marigold's waiting patiently to be planted in the garden..

165/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr


Day 166 - First Try!!

Yeah it's another flower for my 365, I when right outside as soon as the rain had stopped to have my first attempt as water droplet shots...not as easy as I thought but I'm relatively happy with this

166/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 166 - First Try!!

Yeah it's another flower for my 365, I when right outside as soon as the rain had stopped to have my first attempt as water droplet shots...not as easy as I thought but I'm relatively happy with this

166/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr


Hiya Matt

I love this photo ... the composition, background and lighting all compliment each other. Well done :clap:

Your flower photos are beautiful and I enjoy looking at them.


Dawn :)
drodd said:
Hiya Matt

I love this photo ... the composition, background and lighting all compliment each other. Well done :clap:

Your flower photos are beautiful and I enjoy looking at them.


Dawn :)

Thanks Dawn, I love my flower photos as you get such vivid ranges of colour

Day 167 - April Showers, in urm June!!!

Okay so I have been dodging the rain all day and this afternoon I spotted a bunch of little flowers that I thought would make a great picture of the day, so with five minutes spare this evening and in between rain I when out into the garden to take my picture and low and behold the flowers had already closed up for the evening :razz: :bang: :thinking:

Then I spotted this plant that had loads of water droplets on the leaves and I thought it made a nice image, I am also very pleased with the boken effect on some of the outer droplets :D

167/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Hiya Matt, just popping by for a catch up, really liking your flower images. They are lovely and colourful. I really like day 166. Also your processing of the scampi frys is great. (y)

Thanks, I always appreciate you comments, I really like the flowers myself as the colours are wonderful, the scampi fries were a real flash of inspiration, while in the pub, if I'm honest but I wasn't drinking honest.

Day 168 - Keeping with the theme, well sort of ;)

I thought that tonight I would try a couple of things that I have never done before, water droplets and OCF (Off Camera Flash) this was shot with my 430EXII to the upper right of the camera with the flash set to -1 1/3 Exposure Value.

168/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

169 - Pure Poppies

Well I've found some poppies so I am really happy at the moment, would have been great if the weather had been a bit nicer but such is life.

169/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 170 - SSS I Think

So here we have an photo that is 9000 x 8150 pixels and at full resolution is a little of 50mb in size, this is made up of 29 separate photo's stitched together and has caused a little bit of stress and desire to throw the computer at the brick wall, when on the first attempt it crashed just prior to saving the completed image that's after an hour spent processing the image, so all works re-done and then saved, but because it was just over 50mb I now needed to scale the image back a little to bring it under the 20mb flickr image size limit, for some reason my computer was not happy with this and it took a number of attempts but here it is.

To the image this was taken on Sunday afternoon and is part of the ruins at Badby Woods SSSI

I have left it uncropped, this if for two reasons, firstly this is the first time I have tried this type of stitch and it shows that I need to develop my skills in relation to ensure the correct images are taken to get a full image from a location, and secondly I could not make a decision on the crop that suited the image.

170/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr


***Apologies I am a little late posting this, been a little stressed and busy thanks to computer and car issues this weekend***
Day 171 - Deja Vu

Very similar to a recent photo in the challenge, but this is a different composition and I think that the water droplets are nicer on this version...

171/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Hi Matt, nice bit of processing on your multi image, it would be interesting to see it when you have decided on a crop. Your picture of the pink geranium is very nice. Tomato, nice I'm still waiting for mine to come into flower.
Oh and your yellow flower you don't know the name of, it is a Garden loosetrife Lysimachia Punctata (pretty sure thats it!) (y)
Day 173 - Stage 1

This is part 1 of a 3 part series, it will take a few weeks to materialise as I now need to wait for these to be nice and ripe ;)

173/365 by mwhcvt, on Flickr


oh i like the idea.....will keep an eye on this thread ;-)

michael23 said:
Hi Matt, nice bit of processing on your multi image, it would be interesting to see it when you have decided on a crop. Your picture of the pink geranium is very nice. Tomato, nice I'm still waiting for mine to come into flower.
Oh and your yellow flower you don't know the name of, it is a Garden loosetrife Lysimachia Punctata (pretty sure thats it!) (y)

Thanks, the multi image stitch was really hard work for my poor old computer, it crashed the first time :LOL: part of the reason I am currently speccing up a new editing computer.

Thanks for the ID I'll get that updated later

GJUK said:
oh i like the idea.....will keep an eye on this thread ;-)


Thanks, I appreciate anyone that takes their time to look at my work, it's nice to have a plan for my future images so I'm looking forward to the next one in this little trio, hopefully the wait will not be too long (y)

Hiya Matt,

Love the pics you are taking of the flowers at the moment and I would be in my element having a garden full of such gorgeous flowers to photograph .... you are very lucky.


Dawn :)
Hiya Matt,

Love the pics you are taking of the flowers at the moment and I would be in my element having a garden full of such gorgeous flowers to photograph .... you are very lucky.


Dawn :)

Thanks Dawn, I am very lucky it comes from living in the same house for my entire life, I also am lucky in that I get to live out in the sticks so I also have wonderful countryside and stunning old churches

Matt :D
Thanks Dawn, I am very lucky it comes from living in the same house for my entire life, I also am lucky in that I get to live out in the sticks so I also have wonderful countryside and stunning old churches

Matt :D

Good for you!!!!

Not many of us have such privilege

D x