My 14 year old little sister took these!

plan B
don't give her the camera
make it a long term loan
This was precisely my argument! But my mum has a thing about me not buying her expensive stuff, and she isn't big on encouraging talent... long story and I would probably end up emotional if I even went there trying to explain properly:LOL: . I'll work on her though, don't worry ;) The other thing I need to work on is getting my mum to let her have Internet access at home too, at the moment she is only aloud to surf from one of our other sisters houses.

I hope you can persuade your mum to let sis have a decent camera. I hear a whole lot of stuff if your post, but you are doing a brilliant job encouraging your sister. Does her school have a photographic club, hobbies club or anything like that to give her access to the internet and/or photoshop or other editing software? Imo honesty is the best policy with your mum and bringing up kids is a scary job with no blueprint for getting it 'right' (whatever 'right' is). Good luck and let us know what happens. Jean :):):)
Fixed for you jeangenie...You got the first bit spot on, but needed to finish the quote with

They're great for first go on an SLR! Exposure and comp are great. If she's interested in it she definiatly needs encouragement. As has been said before you can always tell her you picked up a cheap 2nd hand one :)
Jeangenie beat me to it....I was going to suggest seeing if her school have a photography club or even do a nightclass in it? I know there is an A-level, but that's a bit far on yet as she is only 14.

Just keep on encouraging her....and working on your mum.......could you have her over in the school hols? If there's anything we can do to help........just shout.
:cautious: Slightly OT, but speaking of teenagers, anyone noticed we haven't seen Ewan since his D70 arrived a couple of days ago! :LOL:

Jo, definately like the idea suggested about seeing if school has a camera club, as well as perhaps seeing if she could stay with you for a few days during holidays, if thats possible.
It's a great idea about the photography lessons, but that was one of the first things I checked out, and there is nothing near her :( I can't have her here to stay either right now, as I'm working flat out and lets just say my work isn't something that should be witnessed by a 14 year old :LOL: I'll just have to make sure we go to see her a bit more over the summer.

I'll keep working on my mum, or wait till Christmas and buy her a camera like my old one (Kodak Z740) or something. I'm sure she will get good use out of it like I did.

Thank you all again for your advise! :)
I'm working flat out and lets just say my work isn't something that should be witnessed by a 14 year old :LOL:

JoJo ... dare I ask? :LOL:

Your sister certainly seems to have a natural talent behind the camera, Im sure given time youll be able to prove that to your mom too and if not... though it may seem like a lifetime to your little sis now, the end of her school days isnt that far away.
Youll just have to keep nurturing her till then ;)

EDIT: Didnt Ewan say he was off to Cornwall for a few days, I did I just dream that one!
I dunno where you got Cornwall from :D! I've been in Norfolk, watching birds. D70 came THREE DAYS AFTER they said it would, and I missed the delivery (being on holiday.) So now, (oh how I love parcel force), they've taken it to a depot about an hour's drive away :razz:

I think they're going to redeliver it...Or I'll have to pursuade my dad to go pick it up for me :D

Pictures coming as soon as poss!!

Your ickle sis definitely has a talent there - and as you rightly say- it should be nurtured!!

I think Lady Lens's idea is a good one! Perhaps get her a slightly high end'ish compact or something like that to help her develop the talent whilst being able to say to your mum it's only a compact camera and was cheap! ;)

Either that or as you say - "lend" her your camera and get yourself a new one! ;)

Just don't give up or be disheartened!! ;)


PS - I'm also curious as to this profession that's so "bad"....
:LOL: Me and my big mouth. But I'm keeping tight lipped :razz:

I'll keep at it don't worry, I am the complete opposite to my mum ... Maybe even a little too encouraging if anything.

Thanks again all :)