My brand new website......what do you think?

Neil Williams
Edit My Images
I am very proud and excited to announce the launch of my brand new website -
It has taken me a while to get it up and running but I couldn't be any happier with the final look.
I would like to thank Ratna Colluru who, without him this website would not have been possible.
There's a unique story behind every one of my pictures, I hope at least one of them can find a place in your story. Thank you for viewing my website, I hope you enjoy looking through my pictures as much as I have enjoyed taking them.
Got to change the checkout from dollar to pounds, i assume you're in the uk/

Great images my friend : )
Got to change the checkout from dollar to pounds, i assume you're in the uk/

Great images my friend : )
Thanks for the feedback guys...........Mark I am now living in Malaysia so went with the dollar sign. My daughter said I should use the pound as you think its something I should change?
Nice job Neil :) You've come a long way in just a couple of years (y)
Nice job Neil :) You've come a long way in just a couple of years (y)
Thanks Richard..............I am just an old Roughneck that try's to live life to the full; And over the last 3 1/2 years Photography has certainly helped me do just that :)
Site is very nicely laid out and navigation is good.
Some stunning images too.
May I enquirer what you have created the site with please?
I used the WordPress theme sellagance and had a programmer from Delhi reconfigure it for me. My whole plan was for easy navigation and user friendly
Took a wee while to load but worth the wait.

Everything looks clean and uncluttered, not to mention some fantastic photos!
Very nice site Neil

As your website is a I'd be tempted to go with £ rather than $ or at least build in a quick option to change (if it isn't there already!?)

The other thing is that the gallery on your home page IMO take slightly too long to transition between photos. I was waiting for the next to load!
Loading of the images is not too quick for me. The integration of the various elements is nice. A few things irritate me though...

When buying an image, the quantity is in the - button boundary, it looked like I'm buying -1 image ;) that is consistently wrong when you go to your checkout page where you can see the same. And then on the checkout page things aren't aligned. I don't like that, it should be evened out as unlike the rest of your site it looks like a mess to me...See screen shot...

I guess it is WooCommerce that has been integrated with Wordpress is that correct? Really good job done, just a few tiny little bits to fix now :)
Hi JP thanks for the feed back.
I never noticed the minus sign before I will see how I can get that part fixed. The currency converter was something that I added last night, as I have had a few comments on whether I should use pounds or dollars so I added it until I can get my programmer to add a proper one for me. I have already asked my programmer to add a proper currency converter which will allow my customers to pick the currency they want to see the site in and he says he will look into it as he has already done that for one of his other customers. I will see if by removing the currency converter will make the page line up correctly.
Thanks again for the feed back.

Ignore my conversation as i now realise you have someone else creating the site for you. Mind you if it is a wordpress site still like to know which template you're using. Nice and clean : )

In the process of moving to a host to the UK............fingers crossed all goes as planned