New 4th Gen iPhone found ......


Kim Jong Bod
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Apparently found in a bar. Made its way to Gizmodo who disassembled it and confirmed it as real......

I'm going for real....but deliberate ploy to 'leak' it .... Leave it in a leaks out etc etc....Very clever viral marketing by Apple IMO.

Phone does look rather nice though!
Should be good, especially if it can multitask.

But.. I believe it will be using 4G tech which no UK carrier is working on at the mo. So I doubt we will see a UK release this year.
Yea the OS 4.0 has multi tasking, and regarding the 4G tech(If it really has it), we'll still likely able to use the phone in 3G mode..
I highly doubt whether the next iphone will include 4G tech regardless of wherever it's released.

Can't wait for the next one though tbh.
I think this could quite likely be a deliberate "leak" to stem the number of people with 3g and 2g iPhones buying Desires and x10s

As I wrote on another forum (after someone had mentioned that he was going to hold off buying the Desire until the new iPhone came out because of this)

And that off hand comment by you makes me think even more that this is quite possibly a pretty much releasable version of the next iPhone.

First the Nexus 1 and now with the Desire and x10, three phones that are not just arguably better than the 3gs but also with big marketing budgets behind them*. Due to these Apple is starting to hemorrhage it's loyal customers, those coming from a 3g (or even 2g) and not seeing the 3Gs as a big enough upgrade and not waiting til a possible June upgrade.

What would you do in a situation like this? "Accidently" lose a prototype somewhere, giving people a peek into what the new one will be like (better than showing it off officially as it may not work properly yet, it's easier to just palm it off as a partially working prototype that was lost than a partially working phone at a conference) and causing all those iPhone (and other) users to stop rushing out and getting the Desire/x10 and wait until the release of the new iPhone.

Personally the phone looks a damn sight better than the old one, although they still have too much space at the top and bottom for my liking. I'll be more interested when we actually find out what it is running under the hood, if it has a higher resolution screen it better have a much faster processor/GFX processor to cope.

*There are other phones before those three that are arguably better, such as the HD, Hero and HD2 but they never got as much marketing as the three now mentioned.
As I wrote on another forum (after someone had mentioned that he was going to hold off buying the Desire until the new iPhone came out because of this)

I'm in this position. I'm two days out of contract and have had a good play with the Desire which is fantastic and am really tempted to grab one tomorrow.
Was just about to get the 3Gs ... think I might hold off for a bit now for the new one :)
Looks very nice compared to current models. I am just out of contratc on my 3g. Holding out for this. Have looked at the Desire reviews, and I have to say it looks amazing. But I am an Apple whore and I think the 4G will be my next mobile phone.

Is there any schedule for an official apple announcement of the phone?

When O2 phoned me about my contract, the woman said they had been told July, but then again I will take that with a pinch of salt. Swapped down to the anytime contract with them for the moment, as my 3G works perfectly well still.
July does seem about right, I think every iPhone since the 1st Gen was released around july.
Looks to be real, but no way it was an accident. They couldn't work out the screen resolution? And they dismantled it, yet no photos of the CPU? Sanctioned by Apple, for sure. Looks cool though!
Not sure about this myself but I will not be getting one with 2 year contracts I am going to miss every other iPhone from now on.
Looks to be real, but no way it was an accident. They couldn't work out the screen resolution? And they dismantled it, yet no photos of the CPU? Sanctioned by Apple, for sure. Looks cool though!

That's what I'm a bit confused about, no actual hard specs for the phone, just a bigger battery, front camera and higher res screen. It's a bit like saying this car has 4 wheels and air conditioning...

Maybe they are milking it? Spreading the info over few weeks for more exposure? I really want to see the hardware inside and see what it's running, see how it compares to the rest of the phones out/coming out, especially the screen, it would also tell us definitively if it is real... I really can't see it being 960x 600 or whatever it was, higher yes but not that high, also I'd guess it would be in the same proportions as the iPad.
I was holding off my upgrade until the new iPhone anyway, but seeing this has justified it.

I'm not too sure it will be called 4G though, as that is a new technology, that isn't really in mainstream usee yet, I think the 4G name will be saved for theres an iPhone using the 4G technology, in a few years time.

I also don't think it was a deliberate leak, all the hype is going to be distracting from the iPad, which has surely got to be Apples main product to market at the moment...
I was holding off my upgrade until the new iPhone anyway, but seeing this has justified it.

I'm not too sure it will be called 4G though, as that is a new technology, that isn't really in mainstream usee yet, I think the 4G name will be saved for theres an iPhone using the 4G technology, in a few years time.

I also don't think it was a deliberate leak, all the hype is going to be distracting from the iPad, which has surely got to be Apples main product to market at the moment...

so the person who found it just randomly happened to know about gizmodo, I don't think so. what are the chances of that. Nobody I know has ever heard of that site, unless you read about gadgets and what not you'd not know about a site like that.

The odds on someone finding it and sending it especially to them are slim, most people would sell it to a news channel or a paper

the hole is right in the story in the detailed account when it just says:

Weeks later, Gizmodo got it.

errr... how exactly?
I am part of the Apple Developer Program and as such have upgraded my 3g to os 4..... obviously it is only the 3gs that can run multi - tasking but the rest of it, especially the grouping of icons is amazing......

I will defo be waiting for the 4g....usually be about late June / July.......I am currently 3 months out of contract and cannot wait
I might be wrong but the release date is around 22nd June. Its official name will be iPhone HD
It is Apple's style though - letting the media do their advertising for them!

I wonder how much a national paper would've paid for the Iphone? How did Gizmodo end up with it rather than the NY Times?

All seems a bit sus!
Anything that knocks down the price of the 3Gs. My contract's running out in a couple of months, T-Mobile called me up and said I'm due for a free upgrade from my Omnia as of Thursday, so we'll see.

I've heard rumour that T-Mobile have been picking up iPhones from across Europe and unlocking them so they work with T-Mobile. If they can't offer me one, I'll be heading into the o2 shop I think.
It is Apple's style though - letting the media do their advertising for them!

I wonder how much a national paper would've paid for the Iphone? How did Gizmodo end up with it rather than the NY Times?

All seems a bit sus!

thats exactly what I was saying above. there is no way if an iphone was found it would go to gizmodo, someone would sell it to the media or on ebay etc
If it is real then I think it is most likely an accident. A leak on purpose is not really Apple's way.

well thats kind of the point isn't it ... theres no point doing something like that if you do it all the time otherwise none of the mugs would believe it, at least this way they'll get some mugs falling for it.
Gizmondo is probably the biggest technology/gadgets blog out there, so not suprised it ended up with them.
All the fuss about iphone! And I've got a better phone for a lot less. :D
The annual apple conference (WWDC) is scheduled for the end of June.

My money is on I being unveiled there and it fits in well with the timimng of previous iPhone releases.
Gizmondo is probably the biggest technology/gadgets blog out there, so not suprised it ended up with them.

only if you are into gadgets, and what percentage of the population would know it. Much less than would know the new york times or other massive media engine.

but im not surprised either considering Apple probably posted it straight to them :LOL::LOL:
Apple have asked for their phone back, Gizmodo have asked for proof that it is Apple's, should be fun and no doubt end in the courts :)

No way would Apple engineer a leak like this, they don't need to.
Apple have asked for their phone back, Gizmodo have asked for proof that it is Apple's, should be fun and no doubt end in the courts :)

No way would Apple engineer a leak like this, they don't need to.

if you believe that then you'll believe anything :LOL: