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I am new around here, but i am not sure if you lot feel the same. but always a bit nervous about joining new forums. People i am sure have been around here along time and love the posting on these forums.

But i am sure you are all lovely people and welcome such shy freeks as me. Any way hello i guess please be nice!

Any way does anyone else have a proplem with posting on new forums?
Hi, welcome along. You'll like it here :)
Tsk, Tsk, wrong forum, shifted :p

Edit: actually, leaving it here, it's about how people feel joining new forums, not just a "hello" post :)

Welcome aboard hits :)
Hiya :wave:

Welcome to the forums.
So... you a shy one eh ... bit like me then :cautious:

Seriously, jump right in, its pretty easy-going here.
I joined several forums myself ... this one quickly became my home! :D
Other forums? You mean there are other forums? :thinking: :LOL:

:welcome: to Talk Photography :wave:
of course there are other forums, there are plenty of bad and mean ones. Who like to shoot you down in flames for anything other then disagreeing with there opinion or there are ones that allow people to put big pictures as there signatures which takes up half page that is really annnoying. Also there are other types of forums that just ignore you if your not of of the in crowd!

But anyway thanks for the kind words of welcoming, I was asked to come here by a friend of mine.
So is it just me being a bit shy? about new forums?

No - it isnt just you :)

I usually lurk for quite a while before posting. During that time I read a lot and get to know who the regulars are and the ambience.

I like this site ... the Regs are great folk willing to answer any question, the Mods do their jobs in a mature way and it is a very friendly place. I have learnt a lot from it.
Welcome to the gang Ben, a friendly lot hang around here so no worries ;)
Hello :)

Just had a quick browse at your flickr stuff. I can see you have an eye for a shot and like some low light and abstract views. I think you'll like it here :)
Hey Hits, welcome to the forums - am loving your wacky self portrait in your avatar!

I know what you mean about feeling shy when posting on new forums. I usually lurk for a while before taking the plunge. I've found this forum to be very welcoming and friendly and am now one of the 'old timers' on here :LOL: You should have no problems here - we all love a bit of banter, and there's nothing like a heated debate ;)
Oh thanks you all seem very welcoming.

And thanks for the kind words about my avatar, it took a couple of goes. Not easy to get the right pose while jumping and getting the right time of the shutting going off.
they don't come much shyer than me :) and they still let me post on here
:wave: Hi and welcome :wave:

I'm new to the site too and it's great; friendly and packed full of useful stuff.

People here are honest with photo critque but not mean or superior, which is what most people are looking for when they share photos on forums like this, at least I think so.

There are some lovely shots on your Flickr, I look forward to seeing more soon.
I hope you all see some of my "work" soon. Will be going to the lake district so hopefull will be sharing with all when i get back, providing its not raining, I dont mind it being cold as long as it doesnt rain. Otherwise it will be pictures of a pub!
I like this site ... the Regs are great folk willing to answer any question, the Mods do their jobs in a mature way and it is a very friendly place. I have learnt a lot from it.

Agree completely,

To answer Ben's original question - I usually sit and watch / lurk for a while before leaping in to post; I wouldn't call that being shy I'd call that assessing the ground before proceeding and is a sign of intelligence.

Although I think here I actually jumped right in the first day I came across it - must have unconsiously realised how friendly everyone here is (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it).

Hope you hang around long enough to get to know all the nuts on here - one big happy family:D
welcome mate..

you said about being in the crowd.. this forum is the crowd..

some people will like your work and say so others will not and they will say so also..

which is good

ive taken a few on the chin myself....:bat:

but im still here much to the annoyance of many..

Like I always say, the forum is only ever a sum total of its members, and we try and promote a friendly and relaxed atmosphere here, and be as welcoming as possible!

Welcome to the forums :)