new pc help

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If you do not have the confidence in your supplier to answer your questions, should you be using them?
I can recommend

I have no connection with them other than as a satisfied customer. If you need advice, you call them and speak to a human being who knows what he/she is talking about. Prices are very good and, if my experience is anything to go by, the product just works.
I wouldn't put Windows 8 on a desktop.
Also have a you a good monitor already?
Have a look at and do a few tweaks, no good saving a few pounds then wanting to changing things later.
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What's its main use going to be?

Unbiased advice maybe?

it will be for general web use and viewing of my digital images
also for invoices for my own work and general family use
my old dell was about 5 years old but has packed up
I normally post an option from Your spec options you mention should be fine. If your budget allows an ssd will speed up boot and program opening but I wouldn't say its essential for that sort of basic use.

I think you can still spec windows 7 there too.
Novatech! These guys are the people for you
For just viewing your photos that system would be ideal, but for any editing you might want to beef it up a bit. I haven't used windows 8 so cant comment on it, windows 7 is tried and tested (fixed)
Thanks everyone been going through them all having a look