New website - looking for inspiration...

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Hi all,

I have decided to cancel my subscription with and do my own website as I got much better with HTML and web dev software.

Here is my question:
what was THE BEST photographer's website you have ever seen and why?

I would love to hear your suggestions - maybe I will use some of your tips for my website?

Thanks for your help!

Great great work... but as a site it's plain and does the job. was very slow loading and I have quite fast BB and Google chrome. google chrome has glitches on some sites.

It all depends on what you want? but that is a clean and very plain site.

Thanks for your input.

I was thinking about something similar but in HTML. I don't really like Flash sites :/
Will keep looking whilst working on my website.
Pretty chuffed with my site long time evolving! (self-made, self-taught)
I don't like flash websites in general. Why? well off the above 2 websites recommended above one doesn't work, this is not unusual. Overall I find that they are slow and often overcomplicated.
I have to say the same as others, flash is a big press the back button for me unless something instantly catches my eye without have to wait.

Flash in "clunky" and not user friendly.

With HTML5/jQuery there is little need for flash anymore. I'm liking the horizontal style for some photography websites at the moment such as but I'm sure this is very personal preference.
I have to say the same as others, flash is a big press the back button for me unless something instantly catches my eye without have to wait.

Flash in "clunky" and not user friendly.

With HTML5/jQuery there is little need for flash anymore. I'm liking the horizontal style for some photography websites at the moment such as but I'm sure this is very personal preference.

Great photography and good looking website. Although I still prefer traditional layout