Nikon D3xxx owners thread

The only way I could image is if your tablet has an HDMI port, however I'm not sure if this would actually work with the mini-HDMI output direct from the camera?

Thanks for the reply. I'm giving this a miss for the time being - far too complicated for me ;)

padders said:
I'm just about to buy 3100 body, for £200 refurbished

anyone used this company before seems pretty cheap?
Also if I go this route what lens would you get first for general use? got my eye on the 55-200 mm nikon lens, but thought a i might need something smaller for portraits
But though this one might be good for dual use.
I'm most interested in taking wildlife photos.
Thanks in advance for your views.

You can buy a new body for £245 now - have a look at

Can't help you with the lens, sorry
anyone used this company before seems pretty cheap?
Also if I go this route what lens would you get first for general use? got my eye on the 55-200 mm nikon lens, but thought a i might need something smaller for portraits
But though this one might be good for dual use.
I'm most interested in taking wildlife photos.
Thanks in advance for your views.

The 55-200 is a nice lens, here's my fave shot I took with my 55-200/d3100 combo: (when I owned that lens)

DSC_4376.jpg by Zarch1972, on Flickr

Although if you go for it as your only lens, you'll obviously lose the whole 18-55 range. Is this important to you?

You could always pick up an 18-55 kit lens to compliment the 55-200?

I can't personally vouch for the Tamron 18-200, but it would cover a good length. Although when I researched 18-200 Nikon v Tamron v Sigma the Nikon won hands down, but its far more expensive. Remember, any long zoom like the 18-200 is riddled with compromises, primarily image quality.

Have a look (and use search) in the main equipment forum for lens views/comments. As long as the lens has a built in motor it will work on the D3100.

Hope this helps.
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For those who have wondered what a 70-200 lens looks like attached to a D3100. Here's my new Sigma 70-200mm ƒ2.8 EX DG Macro HSM II.

As you can see, it does look a whopper on my diminutive body. :)

IMG_1935.jpg by Zarch1972, on Flickr
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OK, these were the first pics i took with this camera...







(This was on a tripod using the remote shutter in my hand)
Some great photos i have the 3100 and i love it. Its my first camera mind but its great for a first camera
For those who have wondered what a 70-200 lens looks like attached to a D3100. Here's my new Sigma 70-200mm ƒ2.8 EX DG Macro HSM II.

As you can see, it does look a whopper on my diminutive body. :)

IMG_1935.jpg by Zarch1972, on Flickr

And I thought my D3100 with the Nikon 18-200mm lens looked big :eek:

With the weight of the 18-200mm lens, my camera now has to uses, to take pics with and beat muggers to death with
Got my D3100 almost a week ago and I'm loving it, never had a DSLR before and this is so easy to use! Keep coming up with reasons to take it out of my bag and play with it.
What focusing are you using, Dave ?

With the exception of a bit of paint loss from one of the buttons, mine has performed exceptionally
So the single point doesn't focus ? Or doesn't light up ? What happens if you use other focusing ?
Mines fine on all focus types and with my Nikon, sigma and tamron lenses ( perhaps not what you want to hear but... )

What about on your other lens ?
It's not inconceivable that a focus point is playing up, but run the proper tests to be sure. FWIW, my 3100 came back from Nikon needing focus adjustment.

Personally, I'm on an 'anti-forum' pathway in that the less expensive my gear, the more I enjoy it and the better I become. D700 and 300/4 to D3100 and 55-300VR.... I'll be starting a Box Brownie owners thread soon...

Seriously, the D3100 and a 35/1.8 is the SLR equivalent of a compact camera. When I see folks carting about a rucksack stuffed with lenses and pro-bodies, I feel somehow cleansed of excess. Cheap thrills!
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I can now join this thread - purchased a D3100 and kit lens on Monday - so far loving it. Had a Nikon D50 and then a Canon 20D but much happier back with Nikon.
I keep thinking about upgrading my d3100 - had it for 2 and a half years now. But every time I buy a new lens, I just think "wow"
Hi guys,

I've owned my D3100 for 4 weeks now, it was my first ever DSLR camera and still very much getting to grips with it.

What essentials would you recommend I consider having in my camera bag (yet to purchase!).

I'm on a 'cautious' budget as I'm only just starting out - so far I've got myself a remote shutter release and a travel tripod as I purchased the camera to get some good shots on my holiday which is in a few weeks time.
I bought another memory card and a spare battery initially. Then a lens, some filters, some more lenses, a cleaning cloth - now my third bag is full again
Thanks guys. I've got a 8gig and a 32gig class 10 memory card so that's all good. I'm a little stuck on filters as a really want a ND filter to practice with before going on holiday.

I'm going to hold out on a lens until I need something more than my kit lens.
I keep thinking about upgrading my d3100 - had it for 2 and a half years now. But every time I buy a new lens, I just think "wow"

Damian, don't wish to put thoughts in your head, but i feel the same since I went 3100 to 7000. LOL.
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You're just trying to tempt me into parting with my hard earned...unfortunately wifey has hit me with the " I want to move house " curved ball which scuppers things a little
Hi all

I have just purchased the D3100.

I hope once I get my head around Aperture, ISO and Shutter Speed:LOL:

I may be allowed on here with some questions that you can help me with.

Most of them will probably be stupid to you :LOL:

But don't be to sore with me.:LOL:
3100 still going fine here... Every time I think about so called upgrades, I remember that all I need is ISO, shutter, aperture, centre point focus and centre weighted meter. The D3100 is the lightest and most discreet means of getting there on the market. ISO 1600, even 3200 is perfectly printable at 18" as my house walls (and occasional humble photo sales) will attest!

Hands On by danbroad1000, on Flickr

Each time I pick up a D700 (my last camera) or even a D7000 I can't help but notice the extra weight and bulk. I'm a convert to the rear screen info display - it's all there, nice and easy to change - having previously sworn by an LCD top screen for camera settings.

At You by danbroad1000, on Flickr

Anything you want to know about the 3100, I'm sure we'd all try and help out. In short, I think the 3100 is the camera least burdened with electronic fluff out there. A streamlined photo taking machine!
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The 55-300VR, which is a hugely underrated lens. I hardly ever use the VR, though - in my experience, especially with wildlife, you need the shot the very moment you see it.. No time to wait for the VR to spin up.

I think a great many people would find that advice useful, by the way - lots of folks wondering why their lenses aren't sharp at the long end might find their shots improve no end with the VR off!
Excellent I was hoping you would say that as its likely to be my next lens. Nice tip with the VR too. Cheers.
Having owned a 300 prime, several 70-300VR's and the 55-300 VR I'd happily suggest that the underdog holds its own against the more expensive lenses. Focus is a little slower, but good technique is everything with any equipment. It's so light that when on the D3100 it altogether weighs less than the D700 did!

Yes, the VR takes a second to spin up and settle - and while it's in motion it actually adds motion blur rather than curing it.

My recipe for wildlife shots is simple enough: M, 1/500, F/8, [+], [.], ISO Auto, VR off.

Manual mode or aperture priority with exposure compensation depending upon my needs, F/8 for decent depth of field, 1/500 for motion freeze (ideally 1/1000 but british light can be a real dog), centre point focus only so as to be most accurate, centre weighted meter because your subject is centre frame and that's where you need the exposure to be spot on. Auto ISO takes care of the rest so that I'm always on point with my settings.

Even with a 300/2.8 you'd be stopping down for depth of field, and f/8 is always f/8 regardless of the glass you're using.
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Cheers for all that. Very useful. I really need to try auto ISO, its the one thing I still often forget to change and has ruined several potentially good shots.
Yes, I set minimum 1/500 (at 300mm this is the 1/focal length rule for DX) and maximum ISO as Hi.2: I'd rather have a sharp noisy shot than a blurred clean shot destined for the bin. It's amazing what you can salvage from even the noisiest of shots!
Bumpage for some gratuitous photos. Thread seems a little quiet of late! I want to see your stuff, shot with this little gem of a camera.

BTW, I pretty much exclusively PP on my ipad these days, the apps out there are amazing. I often export out of one and into another to combine filters. Snapseed's my main source of fun, anyone have any more ipad recommendations? Always on the lookout for something new.

In fact, I'm tempted to buy an Eye-fi mobi card so as to do away with the need for the camera connection kit.

Anyway.... some architecture, a landscape, and a wildlife shot, Danbroad-style!

Gotham by danbroad1000, on Flickr

Hillside paths by danbroad1000, on Flickr

Wry smile by danbroad1000, on Flickr
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I'm sorry mate but I think a lot of the original posters have upgraded (generally to the D7k, including myself) and any newcomers will prob go for the D3200.

I wish I could have kept my D3100 but it needed to go to fund my upgrades. Got some cracking shots (including Kenyan safari) with my D3100 on my Flickr.
Funny how the digital upgrade path seems to make the lifetime of cameras so short.... just 2-3 years and the D3100 is pushing up the pixellated daisies..... anyway, mine is still going strong and there's plenty of folks using my last camera, the D700.... not even sure I've cracked 20k shutters on mine!

Anyway, I feel there's life in the old dog yet...