Nikon D750 & D780

Have you tried the shutter release I get this error sometimes after night photography turning the camera off when the shutter is still open. Next ERR pressing the shutter release resets the shutter and the error goes away. Just some info if you haven't already tried this.

Press and hold the two green dot marked buttons ... its the same on all Nikons (well not the D3x00 cause that doesn't have the dots) though the actual buttons change they are marked with green dots.

Cheers guys, will give it a go over the weekend. Thanks for the tips.
How much did the work cost with Nikon. Can't find one under £1000. One on eBay for £940 but that has the same issue with the plastic lifting.

Was all done under warranty so no idea. The litfting/denting is really common issue, which is a shame considering the price the lens cost. You have to be so careful putting the lens cap on its unreal! Its not an issue I have seen with any other Nikon lenses.
Well that's me joining this group.

Twice I have dabbled with it but the awesome Sigma 18-35 1.8 art and 50-100 1.8 art I have for my D7200's have stopped me making the jump.

Bonus from work so lumped it straight towards a D750 & 24-70 from Panamoz.

Got the 50mm 1.4 and 85mm 1.8 which will work with it too.

Will probably sacrifice the 18-35 but keep the 50-100.

Means a nice D750 24-70 and D7200 50-100 (effectively 75-150) over two zoom lenses so nice range is covered, with my primes for something lighter.
I'd be interested to hear whether in reality you still use your d7200 Dan. I made a similar jump in the same circumstances, but from d7000. it's sat at the back of a drawer untouched for months.....I really should sell it and the couple of DX lenses I have tbh.

I am running two Tamron FX lenses with my D750 at the mo. A 28-70 f2.8 and a 70-300. On odd occasions, usually for wildlife, I'm wishing for a longer lens and for walkabout if that f2.8 went to 120 I think that would be a bit more versatile. For now though I need to get out an shoot more before deciding to invest in anymore glass.
I'd be interested to hear whether in reality you still use your d7200 Dan. I made a similar jump in the same circumstances, but from d7000. it's sat at the back of a drawer untouched for months.....I really should sell it and the couple of DX lenses I have tbh.

I am running two Tamron FX lenses with my D750 at the mo. A 28-70 f2.8 and a 70-300. On odd occasions, usually for wildlife, I'm wishing for a longer lens and for walkabout if that f2.8 went to 120 I think that would be a bit more versatile. For now though I need to get out an shoot more before deciding to invest in anymore glass.

Yep I'll still use them, have two.

I'm a wedding photographer and get by just fine with them, they're a fantastic camera, just thought I'd treat myself.

One will be my second body and one will be demoted to a family camera, something always on hand for days out. Also a backup backup for my paid work.
Flog the 50-100 and one d7200 and buy the 70-200.

You're welcome.

I don't need a 70-200, my shooting style means I hardly ever use the long end of my 50-100.

One rare instance was this taken at 1.8 @ 100mm a couple of nights ago, awesome results.

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Nice. As a replacement for the D700 or a second body?

Second body for now, though I may sell the D700 as I dont really need 2 DSLR setups. Ive been looking at hybrids for video and stills, nearly got the A7rii but I still dont think AF is where I need it to be, Id also like to keep my Sigma 35 and then it becomes cumbersome with an adapter or get the FE35, cost shoots through the roof and AF speed is compromised. VFM vs performance the D750 imo is still the best camera on the market.

I wouldnt have bought the D750 if I didnt want to shoot the odd video clip as the D700 is still a superb camera and has stopped me from buying a new camera for 1 1/2 years... gotta be good.
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Second body for now, though I may sell the D700 as I dont really need 2 DSLR setups. Ive been looking at hybrids for video and stills, nearly got the A7rii but I still dont think AF is where I need it to be, Id also like to keep my Sigma 35 and then it becomes cumbersome with an adapter or get the FE35, cost shoots through the roof and AF speed is compromised. VFM vs performance the D750 imo is still the best camera on the market.

I wouldnt have bought the D750 if I didnt want to shoot the odd video clip as the D700 is still a superb camera and has stopped me from buying a new camera for 1 1/2 years... gotta be good.

The 700 proves how little advancement has really been made since. Very interested to see what incremental changes the next generation will have. I can't see anything large enough to tempt me, if anything, I'd like to pick up an 810 when that gets replaced to sit alongside the 750.
The 700 proves how little advancement has really been made since. Very interested to see what incremental changes the next generation will have. I can't see anything large enough to tempt me, if anything, I'd like to pick up an 810 when that gets replaced to sit alongside the 750.

Same here, I think I will be interested in the next D8xx, however, I would want 4K and on sensor phase detect if I am to cough up, the other manufacturers are pulling ahead of Nikon in terms of features.
Same here, I think I will be interested in the next D8xx, however, I would want 4K and on sensor phase detect if I am to cough up, the other manufacturers are pulling ahead of Nikon in terms of features.

The only problem with the next instalment of the D8xx series is that it will more than likely have even more resolution, which doesn't interest me. 36 is about enough for the studio stuff I do.

Got another 30x20 print done this week and the resolution of the 750 is more than adequate, looks great.
The 700 proves how little advancement has really been made since. Very interested to see what incremental changes the next generation will have. I can't see anything large enough to tempt me, if anything, I'd like to pick up an 810 when that gets replaced to sit alongside the 750.
Yep, very incremental upgrades.
Same here, I think I will be interested in the next D8xx, however, I would want 4K and on sensor phase detect if I am to cough up, the other manufacturers are pulling ahead of Nikon in terms of features.

The only problem with the next instalment of the D8xx series is that it will more than likely have even more resolution, which doesn't interest me. 36 is about enough for the studio stuff I do.

Got another 30x20 print done this week and the resolution of the 750 is more than adequate, looks great.
I'm eagerly waiting for the D810 replacement, as long as it has tilt screen and you can use it in a lower MP mode in full 14 bit RAW, oh and min 6.5fps. 4K doesn't interest me but yes Nikon need to start pushing the tech a bit more, especially LV AF, as I've said before there's no excuse for slow AF these days. It's no surprise that Sony have leap frogged Nikon, they are good innovators.
Anyone used/using a Nikon 28-70 f2.8?

Older lens now but I've read it's a good lens, wondering whether to buy one of those or a 24-85. I like the idea of f2.8 for lower light, even though the 24-85 has VR.
Anyone used/using a Nikon 28-70 f2.8?

Older lens now but I've read it's a good lens, wondering whether to buy one of those or a 24-85. I like the idea of f2.8 for lower light, even though the 24-85 has VR.
I'd choose the 28-70mm if you don't mind the weight and don't mind it not being so wide. It renders lovely.
I'd choose the 28-70mm if you don't mind the weight and don't mind it not being so wide. It renders lovely.
Cheers. I never shoot much more than 28mm anyway, so that wouldn't be a real issue for me.

Will have a closer look at them and check the weight.... everything Nikon is f*****g heavy after using Fuji for 5 years :LOL:
Cheers. I never shoot much more than 28mm anyway, so that wouldn't be a real issue for me.

Will have a closer look at them and check the weight.... everything Nikon is f*****g heavy after using Fuji for 5 years :LOL:

I've owned the 28-70, lovely lens, It's heavy coz it's a tank, drop it and it will destroy your floor.
It's a bit like shooting fish in a barrel photographing 'characters' at an auction mart. Which is why I tend not to do it. But 100mm is a great length for it. I can understand the interest in the 105mm/f1.4. But why no VR at that price? Madness! Give me a 105/1.8 with VR and I'd take one if it has snappy focusing. (The 105 macro with VR is a dog in that department.)

These were shot using the Tokina 100mm macro I bought off here. (y)The first one is at ISO 8000.



It's a bit like shooting fish in a barrel photographing 'characters' at an auction mart. Which is why I tend not to do it. But 100mm is a great length for it. I can understand the interest in the 105mm/f1.4. But why no VR at that price? Madness! Give me a 105/1.8 with VR and I'd take one if it has snappy focusing. (The 105 macro with VR is a dog in that department.)

These were shot using the Tokina 100mm macro I bought off here. (y)The first one is at ISO 8000.




It's already a kilo in weight and silly money. I don't think VR is that important at 105mm personally.
I think VR is more important than f1.4. f2 is fast enough for anyone. Especially at focal lengths longer than 50mm. :D
f2 isn't fast enough for some situations if you want cleaner images. I'm on the fence about VR. I guess this lens is mainly for portraits and as such you will be keeping the shutter relatively high (at least 1/100) in which case do you need VR?