Nikon D7xxx owners thread

Ooh, that's a very poor update imho. :rolleyes:

I can't see any major features to make anyone with a D7100 in a rush to upgrade. And anyone who held off buying the D7100, I can't see much to nudge people to now make the move.

With the D7***, and the lack of a D300S replacement, it seems more obvious than ever that Nikon wants anyone who wants high fps, (and the large buffer to go with it) better user interface, more rugged build to go FF. :mad:

Me, with a D300S, I'm considering going for the 7DII and a change of brand. The D7200 is not even close to changing my mind about that option. :(
Ooh, that's a very poor update imho. :rolleyes:

I can't see any major features to make anyone with a D7100 in a rush to upgrade. And anyone who held off buying the D7100, I can't see much to nudge people to now make the move.

With the D7***, and the lack of a D300S replacement, it seems more obvious than ever that Nikon wants anyone who wants high fps, (and the large buffer to go with it) better user interface, more rugged build to go FF. :mad:

Me, with a D300S, I'm considering going for the 7DII and a change of brand. The D7200 is not even close to changing my mind about that option. :(

I wouldn't blame you for switching brand, dropping the D300/D300S was the worst decision Nikon have made over the last few years, but i'm still holding out that one day they will release a flagship DX body with Pro level build quality, better button layout (with dedicated BBF) and above all a decent rate of FPS (along with a big enough buffer to suit)

FF is not for everyone, i know, i've been there, got the t-shirt and moved back to DX/Crop.................... when will Nikon recognise this blatant missing step in their lineup
Wondering whether it's worth upgrading from a d7000?

Having had the 7000 and now the 7100 i would say yes but there is no rush see what the test results are in the real world.
A few from today, all with the 150-500

by David Raynham, on Flickr

Well and truly up the duff
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Look Harold, It's Superman
by David Raynham, on Flickr

One from the 7yr old... She did well to say the camera and lens weighs 3kg...

Man and Wife
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Shooting into the sun offered up some nice flare/haze...

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

And a first for me, a Gadwell...

by David Raynham, on Flickr

Thankyou please.
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Nice David and congratulations on your expected arrival.
I'm sending mine off to a dealer to sell along with my 300mm prime. The prime is to restrictive for me and I need VR for my shoulder/arm disabilities. Will buy a D750 again when the cash hits my account and use my Sigma 28-70 f2.8-4 for the time being and wait and see whats happening with the new Sigma 150-600mm contemporary which is due for release shortly. Otherwise will probably buy the Tamron 150-600mm for home use (birding) and possibly the Tamron 70-300mm VC for handholding in a few months.
The Tammy 70-300 is excellent mate, you will get some crackers with it!

Been considering a change to Fuji myself, i think i just wnjoy swapping and changing. :LOL:

I have owned two in the past along with the Nikon 70-300VR and I prefered the Tammy's over the Nikon. Fuji is lovely and if they hadn't delayed the super tele I wouldn't have sold my XT1 for the D750. For me the lightness is a bonus and I will look to possibly go back when the tele comes out.

With the Fuji, just put it in JPEG on off to go, I cant be ar*ed sometimes with the PP of shooting RAW. Myself, I prefered the JPEG's from the XT1 over the D750.
Tbh that is probably what I'd do. I'd shoot classic chrome alot i think.

Alan, you won't be shot of me that wasily. I see you have bit the bullet with the 17-55... It's fricken awesome. Propare for fast focusing amazement. :D

Gor for it, you have the itch so scratch it. I loved the colours and the pop from Fuji along with there excellent lenses. I had a Tokina 100-300mm F4 lens on the XT1 for the birding and If I could have MF better (I have lost some of the feeling in left arm and hand) I would have stayed until the tele came out. I just need AF lenses for me.

The EVF is something else and I prefer it to an OVF along with the focus peaking, after using them. The AF wasn't a problem for me and I found it fast enough.

You'll have me looking at them again now:D The "Whats the Fuji about thread" also doesn't help.
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Hi all, I am brand new to these forums but was given the link to this thread from someone over at AVForums. I have just purchased a Nikon D7100. I'd like to say i have it in my possession but it was delivered to me yesterday and passed on to my neighbour as I was out - they appear to have gone away for an Easter break...I can't describe the frustration of my new shiny camera being 10 foot away from me but through a locked door!

Anyway...these things always resolve themselves and I suspect I will have my new camera soon!

I have also bought a Nikkor 1.8G 35mm lens.

I've had a Canon 400D for years but fancied an upgrade and after days/weeks of searching, I went for the D7100. I'm not new to dSLR but I think this is clearly a big step up so if anyone got any out of the box tips I'd be over the moon!

I'm mainly interested in photographing the kids, hence the lens choice, but plan on getting a wider range lens at some point in the future for more scenery/landcape/nature type shots. Am I right in assuming Lightroom is a good option as a photo editor/catalogue? I've got away with Google Picasa for now but think I might need something different.

I have a couple of questions and I apologise in advance if these are stupid...

On the 400D I never used the scenery modes (portrait, night landscape etc) as they were in JPEG and I'd always assumed shooting in RAW is best - is this correct?
I mainly stuck to the AV and P settings on the 400D - should I be looking at anything else for taking photos of the kids? (stills, action etc)
Are there any settings on the camera I should definitely turn on/off?

That's it for now, if I think of anything else I might be back!
Hi Tim & welcome.:cool:

Blimey that's a bit of a bummer. Hope they DO have the camera & it's not been delivered somewhere else! (not that uncommon either)

Quite a few questions there! :LOL:

I also still use Picassa a fair bit, but have PS Elements which I find good for cloning etc. Lightroom does seem popular, but something I don't have. (I mainly shoot JPEG tbh, I'm not at all techie :confused: )

I had the D7000 a couple of years ago, so can't comment directly about the D7100, but found increasing the Sharpness setting slightly helped & also turning the Noise Reduction setting to Off (or low) in the menu's.

Also, the in-camera `crop` function isn't much use imho, you're better off just shooting full then re composing & cropping on your PC later.
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Thanks mate - it is definitely next door - I have rang him today in a blind panic thinking they had gone away for a week or 2 but I'll be getting it this evening thankfully!

You mentioned you shoot in JPEG - I have no basis for this whatsoever but was always told to shoot in RAW as it is better for after shoot processing in Picasa and the like - is that still the case? Also when you take a photo using a "manual" setting such as AV, P, M etc does that not automatically shoot in RAW? Again, these might be daft questions but thought I should clear it up before I get going with the camera.
Hi Tim,
I don't know about the 400d, but don't forget you have two card slots on the 7100 so you can shoot Raw in one and Jpeg on the other if that helps. It's a bit confusing to set up (well I found it so) but got it sorted by asking for help on here. Good luck.
You mentioned you shoot in JPEG - I have no basis for this whatsoever but was always told to shoot in RAW as it is better for after shoot processing in Picasa and the like - is that still the case? Also when you take a photo using a "manual" setting such as AV, P, M etc does that not automatically shoot in RAW? Again, these might be daft questions but thought I should clear it up before I get going with the camera.

I shoot jpeg, CBA with all the faffing about to process stuff, get it right in camera and you'll be fine.
It doesn't default to Raw at all, you can use all the programs to shoot whatever you chose, but please
don't ask me about the preset stuff, no idea what there is hidden in there o_O;)
Thanks all. I have the camera! The key difference that I've noticed so far it's what is mentioned above. I can set to raw in all modes including the preset scene modes which is great for me. I fully intend on going manual but for now that's a massive positive as it allows me to learn the settings without settling for a compressed jpeg file. Had a little play with it so far and I'm over the moon, it's great.
Tim, if you have 2 memory cards in the camera, you can set 1 to save as Raw & the other to save as JPEG. (or both to save the same/copy....or use card 2 as an overflow)

Glad it was safe & your neighbour hadn't taken it on holiday. :D
So if upgrading from a D5100 do you splash the extra cash on a D7200 or spend £200.00 less on the D7100. I'm getting moans from her indoors about the cost of the D7100, but feel I could push the case for the 7200 if I had to.
Glad you're a bit happier Mick, I always change mine to focus release. Not sure why I'd want an out of focus shot anyway as I'd just bin it at the PP stage. And it'd be firing all the time so you'd end up with a memory card filled of oof crap rather than in focus crap.
Am I right in saying that in focus release mode this camera will not take the image unless focused. Sorry it may seem a stupid question.
Am I right in saying that in focus release mode this camera will not take the image unless focused. Sorry it may seem a stupid question.

I think it's the other way round. With release you determine the focus and not the camera. You have two options, focus or release in the set up menu a1 & a2 on my D750 here, I sold my D7100 a couple of weeks ago.
I think it's the other way round. With release you determine the focus and not the camera. You have two options, focus or release in the set up menu a1 & a2 on my D750 here, I sold my D7100 a couple of weeks ago.

Thanks for that, I have been comparing and looking at D750 as well, I have the nikon 105 macro lens which is compatable with FX, but my 35mm f1.8, Sigma 17-70mm f2.8 and nikon 55-300 aren't. I know they will work in crop mode, but it's the cost of replacing the others which is daunting, and will probably sway me to the D7100
So if upgrading from a D5100 do you splash the extra cash on a D7200 or spend £200.00 less on the D7100. I'm getting moans from her indoors about the cost of the D7100, but feel I could push the case for the 7200 if I had to.

With my interest being wildlife using the Tamron 150-600 the minor improvements in the D7200 would be nice,bigger buffer,possibly better AF and probably a stop more in ISO/noise,if these things are not needed by you then the D7100 is worth getting,i am still waiting to see if the last two are improved.
With my interest being wildlife using the Tamron 150-600 the minor improvements in the D7200 would be nice,bigger buffer,possibly better AF and probably a stop more in ISO/noise,if these things are not needed by you then the D7100 is worth getting,i am still waiting to see if the last two are improved.
I do a lot of macro photography, like to do a bit of bird stuff, but walk my dogs a lot and getting close enough to wildlife is difficult, but the other main interest is travel, when we are away in our caravan.
You tell her indoors what you spend on camera gear? What's the matter with you?

I remember a cartoon in a photography magazine, long time ago....

It involved two photographers in a hospital, one of them in bed, dying. The other was consoling him. The poor incapacitated guy uttering his last words, which were...

"Please don't let my wife sell the camera gear for what she thinks I paid for it!"