Nikon D7xxx owners thread

Hi baz, as the 17-50 tamron was on my list to get, what are your reasonings for this change?


Only really a little extra focal length. When walking around with the family (kids) I can't always walk away from them to get closer to stuff. And the 17-70 brings me a bit closer to my only other lens, Nikon 85mm 1.8g.
I have just discovered something with my D7000.

I have not really made use of live view and today thought I would give this a go ( was hoping to make use of this to focus in low light) Anyhow, I had my Sigma 10-20 attached and found it wouldn't autofocus? Checked the camera settings etc but still no joy. Changed to Nikon lens and autofocus works ok? Have googled this problem and it would appear that some non Nikon lenses won't autofocus in live view. Some folk have sent their lenses back to be re-chipped in order for them to work with live view and wondered if anyone on here had the same problem?
Personally, never really got the hang of autofocus in liveview - it works independently to the settings used for the View Finder. I only use it for manual focus when I use it.
So I too would be interested to know what people do. I only have Nikon Lenses at the moment.
New member of the d7000 club here.

Looking forward to working out what the heck everything does..
New member of the d7000 club here.

Looking forward to working out what the heck everything does..

Same here. Mine turned up on Thursday last week and I went out on Sunday for a few hours. Love it already and definitely looking forward to working out how to use it properly!

I've been weighing up the should I - shouldn't I options of upgrading from a D90. But it's this sort of thing that makes me take a step back and think a bit more.

I traded in my D5100 for one, not a D90 I know, but it's so much better than my D5100. And I now I don't have to manually focus my 50mm 1.8 AF lens!
I have no idea what's going on with a d7000. It's got about a billion more buttons and so far I've attached a lens and got it to focus ( as it wasn't ) and sorted the viewfinder focus out. Then wifey stormed out as I forgot to say hello when I came home...

Don't make me read the manual :exit: ( for the camera that is...a don't think wifey's have a manual :coat: :D )
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I have no idea what's going on with a d7000. It's got about a billion more buttons and so far I've attached a lens and got it to focus ( as it wasn't ) and sorted the viewfinder focus out.

Hi Damian,

One thing I steer clear of is AF-A mode, it leaves the camera to decide whether AF-S (Single focus) or AF-C (Continuous Focus) is the best method to use and will change between it and so take longer to lock on. (In my experience). This setting can be changed by pressing and holding the button part of the Auto-Focus / Manual Focus selector on the front left of the camera and then using the selector thumb wheel at the back right top to change it. (I hope that makes sense).

The thing that always catches me out is that if I ever change it back to fully auto mode, it changes the auto-focus setting back to AF-A regardless of what I had set it to before.
But then, if I'm telling the camera to go in to fully auto mode, it comes with the territory I guess!

I try not to use fully auto-mode anymore, but sometimes it's just easier to let the camera do the work if I don't have time to think about which settings to use. I guess that will come with time and experience.

Hope this helps.

You have an awesome camera, I love my D7000.
Thanks Simon, I'll have a look in a mo. Am certainly hoping for an improvement from my d3100
I have no idea what's going on with a d7000. It's got about a billion more buttons and so far I've attached a lens and got it to focus ( as it wasn't ) and sorted the viewfinder focus out. Then wifey stormed out as I forgot to say hello when I came home...

Don't make me read the manual :exit: ( for the camera that is...a don't think wifey's have a manual :coat: :D )

:eek::eek: I think a wifey manual would be far too complicated for you men to understand...I don't think you are mentally developed enough.:p

I am very happy with the D7000, I also still have my D80 and D200. Yes, there is more to get your head around but with a bit of practice you will soon really enjoy it. I certainly don't have any regrets about buying it.

The live view thing is an annoyance really. I have never had live view before and despite having the camera for quite a while I'd not really used it. I think I tried it in the beginning just to see what it was all about but must have had one of my Nikon lenses on at the time. It was only today that I came across this focus issue whilst having my Sigma attached.
I'll have a look at mine tomorrow to see if it works with my 10-20

That would be useful thank you.

I did see some old posts on another forum where this issue was being discussed. It seems it is a bit hit and miss? Some people were sending their non Nikon lenses off to be updated in order to be able to work with Nikon live view.
Sigma lens firmware is reverse engineered from Nikon so not 100% accurate in its compatibility. As nikon release new cameras with newer firmware, third party manufacturers have to rewrite their firmware for their lenses to maintain compatibility.
Sigma are known for this issue and normally will re-chip a lens for free if it's still in warranty (so I read somewhere on the Sigma website). If it's out of warranty they will update it for a smallish fee as long as it's not a grey import.
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Sigma lens firmware is reverse engineered from Nikon so not 100% accurate in its compatibility. As nikon release new cameras with newer firmware, third party manufacturers have to rewrite their firmware for their lenses to maintain compatibility.
Sigma are known for this issue and normally will re-chip a lens for free if it's still in warranty (so I read somewhere on the Sigma website). If it's out of warranty they will update it got a smallish fee as long as it's not a grey import.

Thank you for that information. I have two Sigma lenses, 10-20 and 150-500 both now no longer in warranty. I've not tried the 150-500 yet, this is the newer of the two. Not sure if it's worth the hassle to send them off ie how much will I use live view?
My old Sigma 70-200 (older HSM II non OS version) would not autofocus in live view on my D7000 but since I upgraded to the newer OS version I can now autofocus in live view. To be honest I never use live view anyway - it bothered me for about two minutes once I discovered it didn't work, then I forgot about it and then upgraded anyway:)

Bought a new Siggy 120-400 a fortnight ago and not even tried that in live view at all
I think I'm the same, why bother I'm not likely to use Live view much anyway! ;)
how well will my nikkor 35mm prime work with a D7000?
well, mine has back focusing issues. Am very disappointed :(

The focal point was the warning triangle but it's not in focus at all. I've tried a few different lenses and get the exact same result

focus problem
by damianmkv, on Flickr
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how well will my nikkor 35mm prime work with a D7000?
Should be fine if it's a Nikon lens - it's only really third party lenses that have the live view problem.
My old 35 f1.8G worked no issue - regret selling it to be honest as it was soooo sharp and light:)
Nikon will often release a firmware update for cameras to maintain compatibility with new lenses - such as the last one for the D7000 was just to make it work with the new 800mm lens.
Not really a good way to test tbh, try something direct on with high contrast (lens cap standing in keys on keyboard?), see what happens then, I notice with mine the camera likes to be level if you want precise focus.
Shouldn't the bit in the box be in focus ? Regardless of the angle the photo was taken from ?
I did send mine off but it still produces some soft or missed focus shots that I just put down to user error now, it can defiantly focus OK, notice the first I focused on the K yet it's sharper on the I, second is just straight on


Mine just doesn't seem that sharp either - maybe I'm expecting too much ?
I notice a lot of mirror slap with D7000 which does cause me some blur in some shots, I tried it in quiet mode and it seemed to get better results, I think sometimes I just don't watch my holding technique as well ,all of this resulting in below par shots while using fast primes at f1.8 lol, I think I will be investing in a Meike grip and add 6 eneloops battery's to add some weight and hopefully it will give some more stability for the mirror slap as I think it's just too violent
Right have done a quick AF tune on my 35mm ( -10 ) and 17-50 ( -5 ) and it seems to have sorted out the back focus

Have also done a comparison between my d3100 and d7000, both at 1/50s. The d3100 needed ISO 1600 compared to iso1000 for the d7000 with the same lighting

Also, the difference in DoF on a 35mm f1.8 is amazing