No point in buying a newspaper then ...

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OK so Kate is pregenant. Good luck to her and all concerned. The first twenty pages of tomorrows newspapers will be reserved already.

But ... does it not wind you up when the papers, television, internet is awash with the banal?

She has morning sickness. Wow ... what a revelation! The media had better cover this world shattering story in the most intimate detail.

I don't remember the press being so interested when the first Mrs. Y was so afflicted.

We can look forward to at least two reports each day for the next nine months. Has no other woman ever been pregnant?

OK rant over.
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Good luck to them and their families....but agree, headline was Ed Milliband saying the 'nation will celebrate' (?!) - i dont know them from Adam....the powers that be...politicians, media etc latest attempt at brainwashing what a countries population should think....we'd go on about it in certain parts of the world, but its all in our own backyard...all part of the 'production' as I like to call it, people must be buying into it all, I suppose....that'll be 'savile and others' story all done and dusted so move onto the next one for a little while. No one notice how savile stories just drop off for example like one day they just seem to vanish? Media ruled.
I quite agree - yes let us know she is pregnant for those that care, and yes we can wish them well, but headline news :thinking:
Well, whether you like it or not, this child will be third in line for the throne, and even that's indirect if Charlie doesn't outlive his mother. Also, for those who have never experienced acute hyper emesis (for whatever reason) have no idea how awful it can be.
Well, whether you like it or not, this child will be third in line for the throne, and even that's indirect if Charlie doesn't outlive his mother. Also, for those who have never experienced acute hyper emesis (for whatever reason) have no idea how awful it can be.
I'm sure that it is very uncomfortable. But does being Royal make it more so? Or more newsworthy?

As a firm republican, the lineage to the throne means nowt to me. It can only be meaningful to traditionalists. Why do so many people accept the Royal family as a given?
You answered your own question. As a republican (good luck with that), then no this news is of no interest to you, and I can't even imagine why you would have clicked on the news story in the first place.
Sadly this development will drown out today's far more important news from the Middle East.
You answered your own question. As a republican (good luck with that), then no this news is of no interest to you, and I can't even imagine why you would have clicked on the news story in the first place.
I didn't click on it. It assaulted me immediately I switched on the electric fishtank (in a prolonged attempt to view real news). It also was rammed down my throat when I resorted to the radio.

I am happy for the couple. I have no personal grievance, but I do object to the media's obsession with what is of minor importance.
viv1969 said:
Well, whether you like it or not, this child will be third in line for the throne, and even that's indirect if Charlie doesn't outlive his mother. Also, for those who have never experienced acute hyper emesis (for whatever reason) have no idea how awful it can be.

Fair enough but i dont care how many chopped carrots she's sprayed the toilet with....not the first and not the missus got worse than that during her first labour. GIve me something educational, inspiring on the telly, and yes, i have an 'off' button, but every channel?....are they inspiring? Probably are for some folk lol
Fair enough but i dont care how many chopped carrots she's sprayed the toilet with....not the first and not the missus got worse than that during her first labour. GIve me something educational, inspiring on the telly, and yes, i have an 'off' button, but every channel?....are they inspiring? Probably are for some folk lol

Every channel...get a grip :wacky:
Wishing all the best to them, oh wait, no need for me to wish them that, they'll get it anyway. Hopefully by the time their offspring is old enough to inherit the throne we'll be a republic :)

That ^ probably breaks a dozen forum rules :(
Well, whether you like it or not, this child will be third in line for the throne, and even that's indirect if Charlie doesn't outlive his mother. Also, for those who have never experienced acute hyper emesis (for whatever reason) have no idea how awful it can be.

Agreed. Unless you've known someone who had it then people tend not to know it exists unfortunately. My friend had it and was close to aborting but she struggled through and was delivered 2 weeks early. It's a horrific condition. The news reporters were so busy trying to be first to report on the pregnancy that they've dumbed down her condition but now appear to be enhancing on it.
Agreed. Unless you've known someone who had it then people tend not to know it exists unfortunately. My friend had it and was close to aborting but she struggled through and was delivered 2 weeks early. It's a horrific condition. The news reporters were so busy trying to be first to report on the pregnancy that they've dumbed down her condition but now appear to be enhancing on it.

The press dumbing down a "Royal condition"?

shes suffering from a bit more than morning sickness! whats shes suffering only affects 2% of pregnancies, Hyperemesis Gravida causes relentless vomiting and nausea and can lead to weight loss. Which im sure you'll understand would be bad enough without pregnancy, whilst pregnant it'll be worse.

Regardless of the fact that she is a royal, shes still a young pregnant woman who would probably rather not have unlimited amounts of cameras thrust in her face when shes suffering, not to mention the idiots who are likely to make snide remarks about how "rough" shes looking etc.

Yes the media coverage is likely to be over the top and become annoying quite quickly but thats not the fault of kate and wills, blame the media for not bothering to look for stories elsewhere as well
Great news. It's going to make a lot of photographers very happy!
Fair enough but i dont care how many chopped carrots she's sprayed the toilet with....not the first and not the missus got worse than that during her first labour. GIve me something educational, inspiring on the telly, and yes, i have an 'off' button, but every channel?....are they inspiring? Probably are for some folk lol

Exactly just turned off the telly fed up with it already
Don't know where all these royal supporters are did a quick unofficial poll today (asked a few of the lads at work :D) they all are not interested
so on a day where there are fears that syria may use chemical weapons on its own people, that isreal is refusing to coperate over settlements in the west bank, when its all kicking off in belfast, starbucks are going sto start paying corporation tax, and a dental xray machine has been found be giving ten times the recomended dose

the lead story is that kate has morning sickness :shake:

yes that makes total sense :wacky:
so on a day where there are fears that syria may use chemical weapons on its own people, that isreal is refusing to coperate over settlements in the west bank, when its all kicking off in belfast, starbucks are going sto start paying corporation tax, and a dental xray machine has been found be giving ten times the recomended dose

the lead story is that kate has morning sickness :shake:

yes that makes total sense :wacky:

so on a day where there are fears that syria may use chemical weapons on its own people, that isreal is refusing to coperate over settlements in the west bank, when its all kicking off in belfast, starbucks are going sto start paying corporation tax, and a dental xray machine has been found be giving ten times the recomended dose

the lead story is that kate has morning sickness :shake:

yes that makes total sense :wacky:

Ah but according to the wise sage "only if you click on it".
I just had a quick look and 99% of the people moaning here are men!!!! says it all to me really. i spent a lot of time in hospital with women who in one case had to loose her baby due to "morning sickness" others had long stays in hospital.
I just had a quick look and 99% of the people moaning here are men!!!! says it all to me really. i spent a lot of time in hospital with women who in one case had to loose her baby due to "morning sickness" others had long stays in hospital.

I don't think the gender of the poster is relevant. It's just that there are far more important things happening in the world that will be relegated to the latter part of the papers, news broadcasts etc.
I agree with the fact that this is getting allot of coverage in the press and will do but seems that is mainly the males here that are making light of the situation.
Now last week with lots of stuff going on the main topic was a bunch of has beens in a jungle. allot of thing are not covered in the press.
But on another note isn't it nice to have a feel good story for once? she may not be feeling too good i have to say.
I just had a quick look and 99% of the people moaning here are men!!!! says it all to me really. i spent a lot of time in hospital with women who in one case had to loose her baby due to "morning sickness" others had long stays in hospital.

so as a woman, do you really think that kate's morning sickness is more important than the situation in Syria

bearing in mind that the absolute worst case scenario for the morning sickness is that she loses the baby - which would of course be a tragedy for her and william, but which wouldn't affect the day to day lives of the average british public at all

wheras the worst case for the syrian situtation is that they use chemical weapons over the turkish border, leading to a war between syria and turkey, destablisation of the whole area, Nato forces being dragged into the conflict to support their turkish ally, a worsening relationship between Nato and Russia (who support the Assad regime), massive disruption of the oil flow and a global economic depression as a result, and potentially the syrian regime using agents of proxy to stike back at Nato and chemical weapons winding up in the hands of terrorists
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now i dont particularly like the french ,,,but they did get something right ( 1789 ) :D
I am not saying the baby news is more important at all what i am saying is for all the doom and gloom that has been and will be going on it for a change is nice to have a good news story.
And to be honest ii really don't read too much about what is going on in other places around the world when it comes to troubles for my own reasons.
No matter what we say and or do the press will go with the story and go over the top as per normal. But they do that over all sorts of things.
I agree with the fact that this is getting allot of coverage in the press and will do but seems that is mainly the males here that are making light of the situation.
Now last week with lots of stuff going on the main topic was a bunch of has beens in a jungle. allot of thing are not covered in the press.
But on another note isn't it nice to have a feel good story for once? she may not be feeling too good i have to say.

I am not saying it should not be covered. But it is far less important that the situation in Syria or Israel's ongoing spitting in the face of International Law, and therefore should not be given prominence in the news media.
But Syria and Israel have been doing that for years. i don't even pretend to understand what they are doing. and i am not saying that it isn't important. but must we have doom and gloom all the blooming time.

Each to their own really.
But Syria and Israel have been doing that for years. i don't even pretend to understand what they are doing. and i am not saying that it isn't important. but must we have doom and gloom all the blooming time.

Each to their own really.

But one reason why a lot of people don't understand the situation is the media giving prominence to 'fluff' news - the royal baby, i'm a nonentity get me a career, whether one footballer called another a bad name etc

and serious situations like syria affect everyone like it or not - for example the ongoing unrest in the middle east is one reason why petrol is £1.33 a litre rather than sub £1 , and that affects everyone, even if you don't drive it affects you through the price of food and everything else
Poor Cate, can't be much fun. . I know Wiki may not be the best source but it's the easiest! One treatment is weed, surely better than a drug used in the late '50s/early '60s that had disasterous consequences for the children of the mothers who didn't want to put up with simple morning sickness.

While there's little doubt that she's carrying a potential future heir to the throne, the fact that she's woofing her cookies because of it is hardly important news! Ignoring any republican views, like it or not, she's seen as a VIP and will no doubt be hounded because of her choice of husband when (I'm sure) all she really wants is to be left alone, surely everybody's basic human right?

Get well soon, Cate and all the very best of luck for the next few months (and beyond).
Pete i understand what you are saying and totally get that the press should cover it more but they know that they won't sell the papers or get people watching.

boils my blood about how much these so called Celebs get into the papers and the soldier that dies hardly gets a mention and the ones hurt never ever get mentioned.

As for the price of petrol that is a very good point but maybe the government could cut the amount of tax we pay for it.

from a selfish point of view if they send in our forces this time i am not worrying about that the way i would have done in the past.
Pete i understand what you are saying and totally get that the press should cover it more but they know that they won't sell the papers or get people watching.

I don't think people are so shallow. The press dictates what is given preference in page order, but I do think people want to be informed of the important things that happen globally.
That is why CNNInternational is so successful.
oh come on what is the biggest selling paper in England? just had a very quick look at the online site and not a mention there of anything other than so called Celebs or really non news. i am not saying people are shallow but not everyone reads the high brow stuff.
For example where i used to work if i started talking about Syria they would look at me as if i stepped of the latest UFO. but talk about Xfactor (which i can't do as i don't watch).
deleted my post about my experiences of hyperemesis as some people on here obviously are happy in their views that it is just normal, going by some subsequent posts. I'm not going to report them as I appreciate they are being sarcastic, but I was trying to show that hyperemesis is bad and added the comment about my birth to help show how bad it is.
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oh come on what is the biggest selling paper in England? just had a very quick look at the online site and not a mention there of anything other than so called Celebs or really non news. i am not saying people are shallow but not everyone reads the high brow stuff.
For example where i used to work if i started talking about Syria they would look at me as if i stepped of the latest UFO. but talk about Xfactor (which i can't do as i don't watch).

And who is to blame for that? You, and they, choose not to be informed about what is happening in the world. If people stopped consuming less of the rubbish that the red-tops print, then the media owners would be forced to give more space to real news.
If the press has dumbed itself down over the last 40 years or so, then we (as consumers) are to blame. As Pete stated earlier, what happens globally affects us all eventually down the line. Over the past 24 hours the Obama administration has threatened action if Assad uses chemical weapons. Who invariably hangs onto the USA's coat-tails in these situations? The UK.