this thread is supposed to be for film addicts

Whoops, should check before I post :nono:

I'm using it with a tamron 17-50mm 1.8 most of the time, and it is lovely compared to the 10D it replaced :D
it's easy - take a 40d, brake it into pieces, take the sensor out, replace it with film loading facilities etc. hmm.. what else. job done I think . the service will cost you 29.95 , but I can't guarantee that it will work. as a matter of fact - it would be a miracle if it did :D
I was just kidding obviously.

trying film can be very dangerous actually. you might never come back from it :D

I know ;)

I'm thinking film could be a cheaper option to have a play with full frame and see if I prefer it over crop, which could turn out to be a very expensive decision :help:
I know ;)

I'm thinking film could be a cheaper option to have a play with full frame and see if I prefer it over crop, which could turn out to be a very expensive decision :help:

Yes it is, one pentax spotmatic later and I'm pricing up Canon 5Ds do replace my 20D!!!

Like I said ^^^ up there - EOS30 or 33V - works with any of the non digital-crippled lenses you may have. :)
yup ! it's a dangerous road.

I've ended up with a digi compact and film cameras. although I wish I could grab myself a sony nex5 to replace my current digi compacts.
yup ! it's a dangerous road.

I've ended up with a digi compact and film cameras. although I wish I could grab myself a sony nex5 to replace my current digi compacts.
Recieved about two weeks ago, but, got myself a 40D :D Whoop

Is that 35mm or 120 :D

Sadly though, now you are in here (F+C) you may never leave completely... and the bug will get to you....
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The film side of the forum does seem a little more active and friendly from my short experience in here so far :)
The film back for my 40D is a EOS 650 with 35-70 stuck on the front. Its good but not as good as an Oly OM2-sp with lots of lovely little primes! I quite want a new MF toy though. I think my dad may have a lubitel knocking round somewhere that may need a try to see if a more 'serious' purchase is needed! Not that the wife lets me...
Jim, if your wife has more than 2 pairs of shoes, you can point to that :LOL:

Tried and failed. Those things just breed and even imposing 1 in 1 out rules doesn't seem to work. Its very depressing as I only have 4 cameras in total and one of those is a compact that I never touch! Oh well!
Um. I've been a naughty boy with that auction site again and bought an Oly XA1 with an A9M flash and a Canon FD 70-210 f/4 with a nice leather case.

£10 each. I couldn't resist. :whistle:
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My wife (bless her) lets me have a little pocket money each month and along with money from b'days/Xmas I can get whatever I want whenever I have the cash. Works well as I have to save and be patient and she doean't have to beat me with a yardbrush for spending the housekeeping..... :LOL::puke:

Nice f/4 Biotar on that site for £20 bin today... still there last I checked!

(Pity it's in two halves though :( )
anyway ! - congrats on the Konishiroku ! :LOL:

Tenkew - thanks as I said to Ujjwal for finding it for me, and at a very nice price too. The filter threads a little iffy but I got a UV to fit so all's well there. A very nice example with a bright and outrageously-large viewfinder at 1:1 - means you can use it with both eyes open :D

Delmonta TLR - shows some pics in flickr. the colour rendering is not good at all. major PP required, but I like the swirly bokeh :) .

bad in sunlight, but could get something out of it if cloudy etc. the sharpness seems ok. but then again - it's medium format .

My thoughts too... looks like it goes under the knife
Yes it is, one pentax spotmatic later and I'm pricing up Canon 5Ds do replace my 20D!!!


No no no no...ya see, you're doing it wrong, the conversion is to film, not to full frame digi have a flippin word with yourself...:rules:
The film side of the forum does seem a little more active and friendly from my short experience in here so far :)

You can also justify further purchases towards film buy using old MF lenses on your new 40D. I wanted a better prime for my 20D so bought a couple of pentax M42 Super Takumar primes, a 50mm f1.4 to replace my canon nifty fifty, then wanted something a bit wider so got a 28mm f2.8 Olympus OM and OM-EOS adapter (currentley in classifieds, shameless plug). Then wanted something longer and bought a super multi coated Takumar 135mm f3.5 (cracking lens for £30), then a super takumar 35mm f3.5 and the list goes on. eventually I decided to get a spotmatic as its what they should have been on originally and its great.

No no no no...ya see, you're doing it wrong, the conversion is to film, not to full frame digi have a flippin word with yourself...:rules:

Well I have the ESII and enjoy shooting on film. just MAYBE when my darkroom gear turns up and I can dev my own film I might stick with film and not bother with the 5D. £6 to dev and scan at jessops eats into the new toy fund a little heavily.

how much does it cost to develop a film DIY??
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how much does it cost to develop a film DIY??

Develop only? BW about 50p, usually less - assuming you have the tank and so on. Colour C41 about £1.20 I think, long time since I bought the Tetenal.
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Since declaring I was thinning out the collection yesterday, I have managed to become the new owner of a mere four cameras. I think I might be seeing the end of the tunnel :D
Since declaring I was thinning out the collection yesterday, I have managed to become the new owner of a mere four cameras. I think I might be seeing the end of the tunnel :D

No, it's just a post office van making another delivery.
Since declaring I was thinning out the collection yesterday, I have managed to become the new owner of a mere four cameras. I think I might be seeing the end of the tunnel :D

just dump the cheap ones and keep stuff like hexar, 7d, 5d, 7,9, and those konishiroko's .


Ah, err... right - just sold the Hexar :D

No, it's just a post office van making another delivery.

I have lorries now...

you haven't mentioned the newly acquired jewel in the crown :D:D

How very very true - Not said a word about the CL have I?
My second, professionally ab/used, f90x turned up yesterday. Not in that bad a condition really and fully functional. The rubber is worn on the back, a common problem. The eyepiece was missing with some damage to its mount, but I'd ordered a new one and stuck that on, so now you'd never know. Gave it a decent clean and it looks presentable.

Loaded it with Portra 400 NC, XP2 in the other body and I'm good to go!
wow ! it looks somewhat believable.

You have to be quick for the bargains on Gumtree,....for me:- Epson V750
with original boxes, down to a rocket blower...also scanning programs that I have now registered in my name...all for £90.


FTB with 28mm, 50mm and 135mm lens plus 3 close up lens attachments..£10 the FTB was very stiff to use and needed servicing and I eventually strained the winding mechanism and threw it away.


Epson scanner 2480 for £8, scanned over a thousand negs with it and use it mainly for copying on my 2nd computer.


Well I didn't bother with the AF Minolta 700 ;)
epson v750 for 90 ? whooot ??? they cost 600 new. WOW !!!!

af minolta 700 , you mean 7000 ? I just paid too much for one, almost half of your v750 money ! :LOL: