Pen Y Fan - Spectacular sunrise!

Alex Nail
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5dmkII, 17-40L, ISO100, f11
5 vertical frames at 17mm bracketed with a 3 stop range. Stitched in PTGui and blended in Photoshop CS4

Pen Y Fan is the highest peak in the Brecon Beacons and in southern Britain. At 886m it is diminutive by continental standard but can still provide spectacular views and unforgiving conditions.

Photographically 2012 did not get off to a good start for me. Of the trips I have been on perhaps 25% have produced any images at all. It's hard to keep going when you keep hitting bad weather! Our hike up to Pen Y Fan was no better. Freezing rain made for quite unpleasant walking conditions and my waterproof shell literally became a shell of ice! Once the tent was up (on the summit of Pen Y Fan because I try not to do things in half measures) we were fine though. It was cold but down jackets and sleeping bags soon warm you up, as does hot chocolate with a spot of whisky! The night went well and I got up every 3 hours to check the weather (it was cloudy but still all night). By 5.30am a gap had appeared on the eastern horizon and with the high clouds overhead an wonderful sunrise became almost certain.

This image was the one I concentrated on. I captured it a few times as the sun rose. Once I felt the best moment had passed I moved on to other images including this one of our ice covered tent!

What a fantastic shot - made all the effort well worthwhile I reckon!
Have to agree with the title, truly spectacular. As good as it gets, very well done.:clap::clap:
Simply stunning!

Just so I understand what you've done (for when I try to replicate and fail!) you took 5 portrait images, each one bracketed -1, 0, +1 so 15 shots? Did you combine the bracketed shots and then stitch or all part of the same process? Thanks for sharing it!
Great shot, clearly lots of effort put in to get that one. I'll be looking out for more like that. You have set the bar very high!
absolutely stunning photo well done for putting up with the crazy weather, but from the pic it looks like it was well worth it (y)
Wonderful shot (y)
Love the shot of the tent too - can't beat a Quasar!

A group of us tried for a shot like that just before Christmas.
Despite a perfect weather forecast and clear skies on the drive in, conditions deteriorated as we climbed up in the dark. We ended descending in absolutely horrendous whiteout conditions.
I'm proud of the shots I took; but they aren't what I went for!
Not just aesthetically good, but you seem to have caught some quite unusual cloud formations there which would be technically called "Altocumulus castellanus with trailing Virga" (or something like that!)
Often called 'Jellyfish' clouds they are essentially a small snow shower at high altitude, the precipitation can be seen falling but often does not reach the ground in any significant amount, due to evaporation and dissipation on reaching lower levels.
That's good enough in my view to be entered into the LPOTY 2012, superb commitment and dedication Alex, stunning views and colour well done (y)
Simply stunning!
Just so I understand what you've done (for when I try to replicate and fail!) you took 5 portrait images, each one bracketed -1, 0, +1 so 15 shots? Did you combine the bracketed shots and then stitch or all part of the same process? Thanks for sharing it!

Thanks. I stitched the images with PTGui and then blended them in Photoshop. The process is a little time consuming but the results can be excellent.

That's good enough in my view to be entered into the LPOTY 2012, superb commitment and dedication Alex, stunning views and colour well done (y)

Thanks very much, although from my perspective given the obviously wide ranging quality of images in the LPOTY book I personally view it as a money making machine more than an endorsement of a photographer's work!

Wonderful shot (y)
Love the shot of the tent too - can't beat a Quasar!

A group of us tried for a shot like that just before Christmas.
Despite a perfect weather forecast and clear skies on the drive in, conditions deteriorated as we climbed up in the dark. We ended descending in absolutely horrendous whiteout conditions.
I'm proud of the shots I took; but they aren't what I went for!

Yes, I remember you commented in my last thread! Keep it up, the rewards always come in the end :D

Thanks everyone for your comments.
Lets just get this straight. You climbed up Pen Y Fan and camped on the top of it overnight in a tent, on the hoping there might be a decent sunrise...

That, Sir, is commitment. :wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky:

Stunning photo as well.... :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Massive effort and a spectacular outcome ! Amazing shot , well done (y)
This is an outstanding shot, love the tent one too for that matter. I bet it would make a stunning print, I feel the low-res version posted here isn't doing it the justice it deserves.
Fantastic shot mate!
Thanks everyone. I don't mind admitting that getting such a positive response from everyone puts a smile on my face!
Fantastic images, fantastic write up and a fan statically inspiring thread!