Pen Y Fan - Spectacular sunrise!

Great bit of Dedication there to capture that, went up there last year in mist. great to see what it looks like without it!

lovely shot, tent looks a little on the chilly side!
Fantastic shots- you deserve a medal for doing that.

Ha, this is getting a bit OTT now! It's not THAT bad! Sure its cold, but its an adventure at the end of the day. Really its not a trek to the south pole!

Thanks for all the comments though everyone, much appreciated!
Lol..You're too modest. I showed the photos to my wife (superb she says) but she's banned me from attempting the same - she's right of course. Lol.
Schweeez, that's good! Stunning light and the shot looks flawless to me. Get it in LOPTY 2012!!
Stunning images and brilliant blog. Really tremendous effort, you deserved that light. :)

If anyone's up for trying something similar in Snowdonia, I'm in! :help:
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