Phone home

Ashish Tamhane
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The living room's window faces South which means that during the winter season the Sunlight falls almost horizontally across. The wife was talking with her parents which meant that I could shoot some candids without disturbance. There are quite a few stray objects in the background but they got eliminated because of the relatively faster shutter speed.

Comments and critique welcome. Thanks for looking.

Have you played with levels/contrast?

The hair beside the face on the models left could have some highlights as the top the head does and the arm is lit?

Also the eyes look black, I think there should be some light hitting them, the forehead and nose have strong highlights but no catch light in the eyes?
It may be the light angle mixed with eyelashes blocking the light to the eye, but thought I'd mention it :)

Nice image, just my views I could be wrong :)
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Have you played with levels/contrast?

Yeah the usual sliders in Lightroom (Raw photo).

The hair beside the face on the models left could have some highlights as the top the head does and the arm is lit?

I will go back and have a look if there is any light over there. Will probably need a bit of selective brushing.
Also the eyes look black, I think there should be some light hitting them, the forehead and nose have strong highlights but no catch light in the eyes?
It may be the light angle mixed with eyelashes blocking the light to the eye, but thought I'd mention it :)

Agreed! Time to go back again and spend some time with LR.

Nice image, just my views I could be wrong :)

Nah its always nice to have views on your photo. Thanks for all the feedback. I appreciate it.