Photo52 2011 - Wk 48 Cute added

That's really pretty Tina (y)
Beautiful soft colours and good focus on the buds. It's a bit of a shame that you couldn't have got rid of that one oof branch cutting across the front on the LHS, but still a gorgeous shot.

p.s. Although the bokeh is indeed lovely, I'm refraining from saying it because for some reason that word just really irritates me :LOL:
That's really pretty Tina (y)
Beautiful soft colours and good focus on the buds. It's a bit of a shame that you couldn't have got rid of that one oof branch cutting across the front on the LHS, but still a gorgeous shot.

p.s. Although the bokeh is indeed lovely, I'm refraining from saying it because for some reason that word just really irritates me :LOL:

Thanks Sarah, I like the blurry bit also ;)
A very well thought out shot, with great technical merit. My only critisism is that bright spot in the bottom left of shot distracts, as does the OOF top branch that annoyingly intrudes over the in focus branch (As per SarahLee's observation).
I do like the use of dead space, and the play between the light of the buds and the darkness of the BG (bar the bottom left corner).

Well done.

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Hi Tina, very nice shot for week 7. Perfect for theme of "delicate". It's a very atmospheric image which subtly gives the feeling of a cold winter's day. Nicely lit and exposed. Good focus and DOF. The crop works well.

To be picky I would have preferred a bit more contrast in tone between the subject and background and the OOF bit of branch top left is slightly distracting.

Overall an enchanting image which is simple but well done.

Cheers, Patrick
A very well thought out shot, with great technical merit. My only critisism is that bright spot in the bottom left of shot distracts, as does the OOF top branch that annoyingly intrudes over the in focus branch (As per SarahLee's observation).
I do like the use of dead space, and the play between the light of the buds and the darkness of the BG (bar the bottom left corner).

Well done.


Thank you Adie, you should (not) see the shots that I missed as I had an overactive Jack Russel tied to my waist ;) I was trying to LOOK at all in the view but there is always something we miss isn't there?

Hi Tina, very nice shot for week 7. Perfect for theme of "delicate". It's a very atmospheric image which subtly gives the feeling of a cold winter's day. Nicely lit and exposed. Good focus and DOF. The crop works well.

To be picky I would have preferred a bit more contrast in tone between the subject and background and the OOF bit of branch top left is slightly distracting.

Overall an enchanting image which is simple but well done.

Cheers, Patrick

Thanks Patrick, it was a lovely bright day but bitter to the ears ;)
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I really like your delicate picture, beautiful bokeh and nice natural light.

Sorr, but I'm another that would've cropped in a bit harder to get rid of the bright white bit too
I've really struggled this week. Lousy weather and lack of enthusiasm has tainted all I attempted to produce for this theme.

Rather than beat myself up, I'm going to play my Joker and unless something brilliant occurs and is executed in the few hours of this week remaining, I'll just move on.
Not a good week but trying to pull myself together. My OH and I went into the village to the local craft market and decided on a coffee and cake in the café was good ;)

Hi Tina,
I really like the lighting and the dof in this shot. Having some of the crumbs out of focus and some in focus adds to the effect.
A very well taken shot.


Edited I commented earlier that in my mind it didn't look right with two forks on one plate, on closer inspection it was cos the plates were stacked, as in finished with doh:wacky:
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Hiya Tina,

Well done, great photo for the 'finish' theme. Lovely DOF and agree with Martin abou the crumbs.


Dawn :)
I'm slowly getting over the photographing in public thing, I've discovered that whilst I'm looking through the viewfinder I can't see anyone's reaction ;)

That's something I've discovered recently and it's quite liberating.

I'm working towards being a totally liberated photographer and slowly getting there...
Hi Tina,
I really like the lighting and the dof in this shot. Having some of the crumbs out of focus and some in focus adds to the effect.
A very well taken shot.


Edited I commented earlier that in my mind it didn't look right with two forks on one plate, on closer inspection it was cos the plates were stacked, as in finished with doh:wacky:

Thanks Martin, I also like that aspect, sorry I didn't make it clear ;) the plates are stacked at the end of our morning coffee :D
Hi Tina, nice shot well exposed, but for me I don't think it works with 2 forks.
Hi Tina

Really like your Finished shot , think the 2 forks & stacked plates work well , the handles being oof draws my eye to the crumbs of what you've finished eating so works for me (y)

Andy....thanks for posting the link, one of the best ever comedy clips & makes me laugh (y)
We've seen that background before ;) It offsets the warm tones of the elephants nicely.

You've placed your subject nicely on the thirds, but given the top right is a little ungainly with the folds I wonder if this image would stand up to a more severe crop so that the elephants are on the vertical third but not worry about the horizontal third... I'm thinking of a 2x1 crop and losing the top 1/3.

As for lighting, you have controlled it well although inevitably there are highlights on such a reflective subject. I think your light painting in this and the Hard(?) vase shoot is effective, but perhaps you could treat yourself to a couple of cheap Yongnuo YN460 flashes as I think you would have a great time playing around with some alternative lighting setups and sources.

Well you did put a critique tag on your post :p
We've seen that background before ;) It offsets the warm tones of the elephants nicely.

You've placed your subject nicely on the thirds, but given the top right is a little ungainly with the folds I wonder if this image would stand up to a more severe crop so that the elephants are on the vertical third but not worry about the horizontal third... I'm thinking of a 2x1 crop and losing the top 1/3.

As for lighting, you have controlled it well although inevitably there are highlights on such a reflective subject. I think your light painting in this and the Hard(?) vase shoot is effective, but perhaps you could treat yourself to a couple of cheap Yongnuo YN460 flashes as I think you would have a great time playing around with some alternative lighting setups and sources.

Well you did put a critique tag on your post :p

I most certainly do want critique and I thnk you for your time in so doing (y)

Not quite the same background, and I agree the folds did get ... lumpy. I tried flat and it looked dreadful. So I was aiming for more...artistic...folds, failed :(

Thanks for your lighting suggestions (will hide this from OH for now as he's starting to wince at my spending :confused:)
Hi Tina
I like the elephant trio. You have made the most of the available lighting you had. Good image.
Keep up the good work
Nice shot Tina. As has been said the folds on the background could look a bit better, but that's a small niggle. I should really try lighting with a torch, what i tend to do is tripod shots and very long exposures or play around with my sigma flash.
Looking at the elephants I think a great shot could be made with an all white background, elephants lit from the side with some long shadows. (Easy for me to say)
Nice shot Tina. As has been said the folds on the background could look a bit better, but that's a small niggle. I should really try lighting with a torch, what i tend to do is tripod shots and very long exposures or play around with my sigma flash.
Looking at the elephants I think a great shot could be made with an all white background, elephants lit from the side with some long shadows. (Easy for me to say)

Thanks Colin, I hadn't thought of white...or very long exposures :thinking: Dunno why :shake:
Hi Tina

Love those wooden Elephants (y)
Think the idea of a white backround is a good one , maybe for a reshoot week ? Lighting is a bit of a nightmare for me as well with anything remotely reflective but think you've almost got is spot on here (certainly better than I could do !)
Hiya Tina,

Yep I like your elephants too, and the trio definitely fits the theme.

Have to agree with David about the crop.

Also the light reflecting on them is a tiny distracting.

There is also a spot on the material in the background that is a bit distracting (easily cloned though).

Do you know what wood they are carved from?


Dawn :)
Hiya Tina,

Yep I like your elephants too, and the trio definitely fits the theme.

Have to agree with David about the crop.

Also the light reflecting on them is a tiny distracting.

There is also a spot on the material in the background that is a bit distracting (easily cloned though).

Do you know what wood they are carved from?


Dawn :)

Thanks Dawn

I think this might be my re-shoot/knowledge shoot for this week.

My daughter bought the elephants for me as I have an African theme in my living room, I haven't the heart to tell her I think they are from the Indian subcontinent.
Hey Tina!

Very good photo and I like the texture and colour of the textile you have used. I like the idea of more creative background fold. The only downside for me is that with the current set-up of the BB you have focus on the right side of the image (on the BB). I find it a bit distracting!

Otherwise very good entry and good try with the natural lighting. Maybe the next time you can use a reflector to light and the other side of the right elephant so less detail is lost (unless you aimed at that presentation).

Thanks Dawn

I think this might be my re-shoot/knowledge shoot for this week.

My daughter bought the elephants for me as I have an African theme in my living room, I haven't the heart to tell her I think they are from the Indian subcontinent.

Hiya Tina,

Like the fact that you have an African theme in your living room. I used to (after all I lived there for a good 27 years of my life), but have now banished all African paraphernalia to the downstairs loo :LOL: call it minimising :D

Originally I had typed the question asking if they were of African or Indian origin (but then erased that). I think I agree with you that they are Indian mainly because they don't have tusks and also the markings seem more Asian.

Nonetheless, they are a lovely set.


Dawn :)