Please meet Ollie, our gorgeous new ruby King Charles Cavalier...

Thanks for the comments... he's lurvely.

Here's a shot of one of the other 3 we have. This is Jim, the only one so far not to have 'really' accepted Ollie.

Are they all that adorable, John? :love:
Hehe... well, yes they are really fitp... they're all lovely, and to top it they are all wonderful family dogs. They are incredibly loyal, always pleased to see you even if you've only been out for 5 mins, clean, easy to train, and just plain gorgeous.

There's two more we have to show you, but I'm off out for the evening for my birthday celebrations just now, I'll get some more shots for you posted in this thread over the weekend - my weekend challenge, how's that.

There's Ollie who you know, then there's Jim who you see above, then we have Rosie and Poppy. Poppy in particular is a smashing looker... and hopefully will be the father of Ollies pups in time. Rosie on the other hand, well, let's just say she hit every branch on the way out I think!!
Quick update; as after seeing Jim on the pic I posted yesterday, FitP asked if all the KCC's we have are each that cute! Here's the other two who weren't in the 'I want to be photographed' mode I'm afraid!

Poppy - difficult to get the right exposure for her (bit like Coal Tits!!) because of the white blob around her nose. It's not quite fully blown here, but because of the flash almost in her face, it very nearly is...!


Rosie - fell from the ugly tree!! But she's beautiful really too!

Hehe Flash... they are quite probably amongst the most loved four dogs in the world... :) we'll keep her... for now!! ;)
Just as well I'm on the other side of the world, otherwise there might be a bit of "puppy napping" going on :whistle:. I LOVE:love: these pups and have done since I was a kid, oh, one day I'll have one
It was my birthday last Friday, and we all went out with Lloyd & his girlfriend, Heather and her friend, and some of our good friends - to a local restaurant for a pub-grub meal - and we had a lovely time. Jen and her friend Di, as well as Lloyds girlfriend Lauren, shared a few bottles of wine between them, and continued to share a few more for a few hours when we got back to our place.

Jen went off to bed around midnight(ish), and I stayed downstairs to do some photo sorting (as one does!!), and a few mins later I heard that sound one instantly recognises emanating from the bathroom... yes ladies and gentlemen, Jen had a visit to the pan and was sick. Bless her... awwww.... :)

She came down for a sympathy vote saying she had a headache, so I gave her some meds and off she went back to bed.

I was up at 6:00, and shortly after this Jen came down complaining she felt unwell (another 'awwww bless' please), but 15 mins later, after a cuppa and some more meds, she's back tucked up nice and warm in bed. I don't mind because she was sleeping it off... but... here's the real reason I didn't mind.

I have Ollie all to myself... heheheheh. He was fast asleep - on my desk :). He needed the cloth to lay on as he was slipping on the desk surface. As soon as I put the cloth there, he settled down and went to sleep.

Please excuse the mess in the background...


Can we get an update? This one is a wee cracker :D
He's lovely Gary I have to say. Sure thing re the update... coming up.

oh my lord.
thats all.

Thanks kmic... :)

Awww he really does make you want one!
We've got 4 of the blighters... Ollie is the youngest though, the others are 2yrs.

Here's some recent ones of Ollie - pretty 'samey' though sorry. Hope you like them. All taken manual focus, with a legacy OM50mm f1.8 lens.

1. Still very much a sleepy Ollie!

2. Awww... do you have to wake me!

3. Ollie's "I've just woken up face"

4. OK, you win... I'm awake... just!
Dude!!! :D I love how you can spot the stages of their development. He is looking adorable!!!! Baxter and Basil both say Woof Woof! (I think it's a friendly Hallo!) :D
Thanks Gary. I'll try another story soon enough, hopefully with some different shots.