Pocket Sized Wedding Pose book

Please don't get irritable with me though as they have all been sent :)

If they have not arrived by Thursdays post then please email me. Like I say I have proof of posting as they were all sent via a mailing company. I can then get onto them to see what the situation is. I am sure they are still within there delivery time frame though as it is only Tuesday today.
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David, thats kind of you......

Could you advise me of a return address as there didn't seem to be any documentation with the book.

Many thanks


Don't worry about me...... I see the address..... senior moment !!

Thanks :D
I have no intention to photograph weddings (I don't have the nerve for it). However, I have ordered this book on the basis it should allow me to learn more about posing people in general at family gatherings, parties, etc. Is that right or did i just waste 12.50? :)

Yah - i know i should probably have asked before buying! :)

Alib there is of course an opportunity cost to gaining this knowledge, that is not gaining other knowledge. Remember, time is finite :)
I have no intention to photograph weddings (I don't have the nerve for it). However, I have ordered this book on the basis it should allow me to learn more about posing people in general at family gatherings, parties, etc. Is that right or did i just waste 12.50? :)

Yah - i know i should probably have asked before buying! :)


The content definitely has applications outside of wedding photography, it's still people that you're photographing!
mine arrived on monday :D

Looks great, just need to find an hour to sit down and read it.
Mine arrived this week, just working my way through the first few sections, looks ace so far. No intention of photographing any weddings, but I am at a christening this weekend, so hoping to put a couple of bits in to practise and see how they come out.

Got the email saying it had been sent last thursday and it arrived yesterday.

I must say that I am impressed with it after a quick flick through and reading the first few sections. There are a lot more "words" than I thought there were going to be which is good. I thought it was going to be a book of photos with not much explanation. So far, well impressed.

Like a few others, I have no intention of doing weddings but I still think this book was well worth the cost.

Going back to order the other book now I have received this.
Well I ordered mine too :)
Mine arrived this morning. Can only echo everyone else's thoughts in that it appears, at first quick glance, to be a great little book.
Got mine today only ordered Monday looks quite a nice little book.
Ordered one on Monday evening, arrived yesterday, had a flick throught it last night, seems to be a lot of valueable info in there for both portrait and wedding photographers.
And they're still being ordered! I'm sending for mine later today just in case it might come in handy!!!
Hooray! It arrived today.

Initial impressions - very nicely produced little book on glossy paper.

Tempted to buy the other book (no offers for pre-orders this time?) even though I'm not planning on any wedding photos. As mentioned I'm sure the tips will come in useful for any portraits.

Are there any plans to publish non-wedding books?
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Mine's just arrived too :)

1st impression - much more to it than I was expecting, so that's good

Cover though looks like it's been handled by someone very uncaring as the spine is bashed both ends, and the rear cover creased. I point this out simply as the producer is on here and my read this, so just something to watch out for in handling somewhere perhaps :shrug:

That said - it'll look worse soon anyway so no worries really

Mine must have been handled by someone more gentle as it came through perfect!
Hi everyone

I am pleased that the books are getting to you now!. It seems that the initial batch that I posted (in the thousands) through a mailing house took a long time to get delivered with some people receiving theirs after 2 days and others 7. I know this is frustrating.

As of this week, all orders are now being sent directly by us through the Royal Mail which should be quicker. We have a collection everyday at 15:00 so try to get all orders in before 14:00 in that shipment. There will of course be days when I this does not happen as no one is in the office, but it should be for 95% of the time.

I am looking forward to taking it out on the wedding I am shooting today!
Got my replacement yesterday (y)

Many thanks !

Received mine today, only managed to have a quick flick through but already I can see that it's been money well spent. Excellent!
Ordered the book on Tuesday around 3 got home yesterday to find it on the door step :) great little book 5 stars from me!!!

Wow, I ordered this book yesterday afternoon and it arrived this morning! I've had a flick through and it looks great. Some really inspiring images. Really good value for money!

Toph. :D
Yeah - I've just managed to go through mine. A few typos here and there, and one or two captions that don't match the photo, but all in all it's a great little book with plenty of inspiring ideas.

Have ordered the companion book (about photojournalism) now :)